An Op-Ed piece in the The Hill from Juan Williams he uses former Homeland Sec Kirstjen Nielsen as an example of the concept of possibly selling your soul to the devil to keep a job…..
As we approach Easter allow me to ask Republicans in Congress and the cabinet a question that comes from the gospel lessons.
“What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
Let’s check in on Kirstjen Nielsen as our most recent example of a suffering soul in the aftermath of working with President Trump.
Nielsen, a career bureaucrat, rose to prominence when she accepted Trump’s offer to become Secretary of Homeland Security.
Last week Trump fired her even though she tortured the nation’s conscience as she tried to implement his cruel, zero-tolerance immigration policies.
That included separating immigrant children from their parents. Many of those children have yet to be reunited with their parents.
But it wasn’t enough. Trump wanted her to break the law and begin turning away people with legal asylum claims, according to several reports.
When she refused to break the law, Trump made her the scapegoat for his failed policies….