The office of the Special Counsel send with the written report it’s conclusions on it’s actions up to now….
Some of its investigations are still on going….
Those maybe carried on by lawyers in a striped down office….
Maybe set to other US Attorney’s across the country ….
It is unknown what the final conclusions are….
But House Democrats and some Republican have argued that the full results be made public….
The Justice Dept. regulations and past policies do NOT require or even advise the DOJ to do so….
Mueller will in all likelihood be asked to appear before House Democrats to answer questions not addressed in the report or to clarify certain points and conclusions…
Mueller and his group are reported to have more indictments and will have several other trials to oversee….
The group has charged over 30 people and several have gone to serve time , while several are still working with the Mueller people right now…
The report will be legalize….
The results will move to the political stage in the media as the Trump admin and lawyers seek to blunt the effects of the probes….
But this is just a start….
House Democrats and US Senate Republicans are both looking in almost ALL things Trump….
They have the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York , Virginia and Washington D.C…..
In addition?
Attorney General’s in New York, New Jersey and North Carolina are looking Trump business dealings…
We now wait to see what comes out to the public….
And what the fallout will be….
Trump never came in to answer questions before a Grand Jury and Justice Department rules are that a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime while in office, even though there is NOT actual law against it…..
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has submitted a confidential report to Attorney General William P. Barr, marking the end of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible obstruction of justice by President Trump, a Justice Department spokeswoman said.
The Justice Department notified Congress late Friday that it had received Mueller’s report but did not describe its contents. Barr is expected to summarize the findings for lawmakers in coming days.
In a letter to the leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary committees, Barr wrote that Mueller “has concluded his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and related matters.”
The submission of Mueller’s report marks the culmination of his closely held inquiry, a case that has engulfed the Trump administration since its inception and led to multiple guilty pleas from former advisers to the president. With the closing of his investigation, Congress and the newly empowered Democratic House majority will soon assess his findings — and determine what steps to take next.
Barr wrote that Mueller submitted a report to him explaining his prosecution decisions. The attorney general told lawmakers he was “reviewing the report and anticipate that I may be in a position to advise you of the Special Counsel’s principal conclusions as soon as this weekend.”
The attorney general wrote he would consult with Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and Mueller “to determine what other information from the report can be released to Congress and the public consistent with the law, including the Special Counsel regulations, and the Department’s long-standing practices and policies.”
Barr said there were no instances in the course of the investigation in which any of Mueller’s decisions were vetoed by his superiors at the Justice Department.
“I remain committed to as much transparency as possible, and I will keep you informed as to the status of my review,” Barr wrote.
After a week of growing expectation that Mueller’s long-awaited report would soon arrive, a security officer from Mueller’s office delivered it Friday afternoon to Rosenstein’s office at Justice Department headquarters, according to spokeswoman Kerri Kupec. Within minutes of that delivery, the report was transmitted upstairs to Barr….
image…..Boston Globe
CNN Updates on this story…..
Here’s the link….
While there are reports that there are NO more indictments coming from Mueller?
Where did the continual reports that more than 10 sealed ones are outstanding come from?
AG Barr won’t give Congresa a summary of the Mueller report today….
A legal guy on MSNBC has just said there ARE sealed indictments on file in Wash DC from Mueller people….
In addition, there has been an acknowledgement that Mueller is NOT finished with his work just because the report was turned over to Barr…