Both Houses’s of the US Congress will voting AGAINST the announced Trump admin declaration of a ‘national emergency ‘ at the US/Mexican border….
It IS apparent that Donald Trump is trying to go around the powers of Congress to appropriate money for a section of wall Donald Trump, the Real Estate guy, can put his name on, using taxpayer money slated for other more important programs and agencies….
The politics of this is NOT good for lawmakers on several levels….
Trump ,as President, would be going around the Congress’s role in the budget process…
Second ?
Trump, the head of the Grand ole’ Party, will be forcing his party members to vote AGAINST him to preserve the Congress ITSELF….
Trump’s actions are generating an ever increasing number of legal challenges that even Republican lawmakers have to quietly be rooting for to succeed against their guy….
Trump’s actions on this have a wide disapproval among the American public also….
With all of the above?
Most feel that Trump will be able to count on enough Republicans to veto the rebuke form Congress and not have a override of his veto….
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) isn’t going to use political capital to fight a Democratic-sponsored resolution disapproving of President Trump’s emergency declaration for the U.S.-Mexico border.
Instead, the GOP leader will bide his time and pick his battles carefully, avoiding a confrontation with fellow Republican senators who think Trump’s use of the emergency declaration to build border barriers is a policy mistake that sets a bad precedent.
At the same time, McConnell isn’t sitting on the sidelines for what’s shaping up as one of the biggest fights of the 116th Congress. He has briefed Trump on what to expect when the Senate takes up the disapproval resolution and has warned the president that he is likely to lose the simple-majority vote in the upper chamber, according to a source familiar with McConnell’s advice.
This would lead to Trump’s first veto and would generate negative headlines for the White House. It could also hurt the administration’s case in the courts on lawsuits challenging the president’s emergency declaration.
The House is scheduled to vote on the resolution of disapproval on Tuesday. The Senate then must take up the measure within 18 days after House action. The legislation cannot be filibustered.
McConnell is looking ahead to a possible veto override vote, when his chances for success will be much greater as he would need to win only 34 votes to sustain a veto.
But before McConnell starts whipping votes to sustain Trump’s veto, he will wait to see whether Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) can pass the resolution through the House with a veto-proof majority — which is unlikely…..
The House has just voted AGAINST Trump’s border wall national emergency….
296 to 182 against…..