We have had an ongoing media narrative about how Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi was gonna have a difficult time getting elected Speaker of the House come January….
That was just ‘fake news’…
She will easily get her old job back….
Now we have another media effort to create interest…
There is a impatient faction of Democrats who want to term limit their parties senior leadership…
This effort is sure to fail….
Look back to yesterday’s brush in the oval office between Trump, Schumer and Pelosi….
The incoming Speaker of the House, the only woman in the group , was forceful, on point and completely at home in the situation of power politics in front of the camera’s….
In addition?
Making here a lame duck would simply hurt her and the party…..
I’ve said this before and firmly believe it even more now….
The Speaker’s job IS Nancy Pelosi’s for as long as she wants it….
Pelosi has been having private conversations with Colorado Rep. Ed Perlmutter about term limits, but those negotiations have yet to produce a specific proposal ready to be presented to the larger Democratic Caucus.
Politico reported Tuesday evening that Pelosi and some of her opponents were on the brink of a tentative agreement on a retroactive three-term limit for top party leaders with the ability to add a fourth term if two-thirds of the Democratic Caucus approves. Sources familiar with the negotiations confirmed this was an accurate description of the current state of play, adding that talks could be wrapped up by the end of the week.
“There are various conversations going on about a path forward,” a Pelosi aide said. “Progress has been made and the conversations are constructive because all involved care about the institution of the House of Representatives.”
Perlmutter is among a group of at least 20 members who’ve said publicly they oppose Pelosi’s bid for speaker — a number that is more than she can afford to lose. While he’s the primary member of that group actively engaging with Pelosi over term limits, he has been updating others in the anti-Pelosi contingent on the talks.
The negotiations faced a setback when the Democratic Caucus decided Tuesday after a brief discussion to hold off on a larger term-limit debate until next year when the freshmen will be present in Washington to participate. There was agreement that the Democrats’ House rules package will not include any mention of term limits and that any changes would be debated in the context of caucus rules.
Exactly when, or even if, another term-limit discussion will take place remains unclear. While the caucus could technically convene a meeting on Jan. 2, it is uncertain if a resolution would be reached before the speaker election and House rules vote the following day, when the 116th Congress convenes….
This seems unwise to me.
The House Republican Conference (caucus) has had term limits — even for committee chairs or ranking-members — since, I think, Newt Gingrich’s Contract-with-America revolution in 1994-95, and I don’t think the results have been particularly good.
Every Republican Speaker or Leader that I can recall has either retired without regard to any such term limit or been unseated by a caucus vote: Paul Ryan (ret.), John Boehner (ret.), Dennis Hastert (scandal), Newt Gingich (scandal), Bob Michel (unseated by Gingrich), John Rhodes (ret.), Gerald Ford (appointed to Vice-Presidency), Charles Halleck (unseated by Ford). Joe Martin (unseated by Halleck).
On term limits?
They are something I personally do NOT believe in….
If you do not want someone in office?
Vote them out….
In Pelosi’s case?
I said here it would be hard to NOT give her her old job back
With Trump as the prime example?
Ya can’t put rookies in critical spots
Pelosi CANNOT be rewarded with helping her party get a majority in the House with a kick out the door….
People gotta be patient…
That IS the way it is in most places
Congress is far from different….
The breaking news is that Pelosi has agreed to possible term limits of 2 to 4 years….
We’ll look for more on this….
And we’ll have to ask the question can any agreement actually be voted in, and could it be cast aside in the future?
As to my above post comment?
It appears that Pelosi at 78 years of age can deal with retirement at the age of 82…..
Four years means she will not be a lame duck for years….
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) struck a deal Wednesday with a group of Democratic dissidents to limit the term of her future House speakership to two or possibly four years in exchange for their support for her to return to the post in January.
The deal all but ensures the San Francisco Democrat will secure the votes she needs to regain the gavel….
Leaders would be allowed to serve up to three two-year terms and a fourth only if they received support from a supermajority of their caucus.
As I thought….
Pelosi COULD get past this in the future by getting votes against it….