Donald Trump has been making up things about a ‘caravan’ of refugee’s walking thru Mexico from several Central American country tries seeking refuge in America….
The US military has informed the White House that the group which started at an estimated 5,000 and has dwindled down every day is of no threat to America and country of over 300 million….
But Trump has gone straight political in the only way he knows how….
Using the American media to carry his words of fear…
The group has ‘Middle Eastern terrorists’ in it…..
The group is gonna ‘invade’ America….
He’s ordered 800…then 5, 200 and maybe another group of ‘troop’s ‘ to the border …
He’s recommending that if the families and kids throw rocks at the border cops ( the troops aren’t actually AT the border ) they should open fire at them, thus putting themselves in legal jeopardy?
All this is straight up political pandering to the Trump base…
He is gonna bar ANY asylum claims….
He wants to rewrite the constitution’s birth-right clause….
Some have come to think all this is actually not helping Republicans….
But actually helping Democrats turn out a record midterm vote….
Several Republican operatives and officials described a growing sense of fear within the party over Trump’s hard-line rhetoric on border security, which he has repeated nearly every day for the past three weeks.
“You’re playing at the margins with Republicans on the issue of immigration, but there are very many more Democrats that might be mobilized by his rhetoric,” said conservative radio host and The Resurgent editor Erick Erickson, who called Trump’s immigration-heavy closing pitch “not smart politically” in a tweet earlier Thursday.
Operating under the assumption that talking tough on immigration can energize enough Republicans to stymie a “blue wave” of Democratic midterm voters, Trump has spent the past week unveiling restrictive immigration policies at a dizzying pace and making erroneous declarations about a caravan of Central American migrants.
Because such language worked for Trump in his bid for the presidency two years ago, he firmly believes it carries the same weight with conservatives and right-leaning independents this election season, according to two sources close to the White House.
“This isn’t an innocent group of people,” Trump said of the thousands-strong caravan in a rambling speech from the Roosevelt Room on Thursday, warning that it contained men who had injured Mexican security officers in clashes in that country.
Trump’s remarks loosely described an impending executive order, which he said would bar asylum claims from immigrants who cross into the U.S. illegally, and urged them to “turn back now because they’re wasting their time.”
Restating his vow to deploy thousands more troops to the southwest border, Trump fumed over border-crossers and said he had instructed U.S. military personnel to “consider it a rifle” if incoming migrants hurl stones at them: “Anybody throwing stones, rocks … we will consider that a firearm because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock.”….
Trump’s combustible strategy is coinciding with an energetic final campaign swing featuring 11 rallies that opened in Florida on Wednesday night.
His increasingly inflammatory tactics are allowing him to refocus next Tuesday’s election on his chosen issues, after a week of serial bombings and shootings that drowned out his closing argument.
Still, Democrats are increasingly confident five days out that they will take back the House, which they lost in the 2010 midterms.
“Up until today, I would have said, ‘if the election were held today, we would win,” former and possibly future speaker Nancy Pelosi said on “The Late Show” on CBS Tuesday.
“What now I’m saying is, we will win.”…