This is a good thing not matter where you come at the issue….
Several state’s politicians are trying to set up laws that could end up in the Supreme Court.
Their hope is with the two recent Trump appointee’s to the court they might get an overruling of the court’s position affirming a women’s right to make that choice for their own body….
The number of abortions in the United States dropped sharply from 2006 to 2015, according to new figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The government data show that the number of abortions dropped 24 percent to 638,169 over that nine-year period.
The rate of abortions also declined, from 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 to 11.8 abortions for the same amount of women in that age group in 2015.
“Unintended pregnancy is the major contributor to induced abortion,” the report states. “Increasing access to and use of effective contraception can reduce unintended pregnancies and further reduce the number of abortions performed in the United States.”
The declining numbers come as the divisive issue is back in the spotlight. Democrats have warned that President Trump’s latest appointee to the Supreme Court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, could provide the fifth vote needed to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to ban or heavily restrict abortions…..
The tricky question is how much of the decline is due to fewer unwanted pregnancies — something that all sides welcome — and how much from laws that make it difficult-to-expensive-to-impossible to obtain an abortion when wanted or needed.
The official position of the Roman Catholic Church (ignored by many U.S. members) and several other religious denominations still forbids artificial contraception, a position which I personally (as an unbeliever) find nearly-impossible to defend morally. Who positively wants more unwanted babies or even more abortions ?
I believe in the Supreme Court decision on a woman’s right and her body….
I DO NOT think that abortion should BE a means of birth control…
Against ALL of this?
It is ridiculous to exclude birth control and sex education from women as a way to fight abortion…
The making of abortion difficult HAS to lead to some children that are unwanted and forcing them on people isn’t correct either even the people SHOULD be held accountable for their actions…
The whole thing is complex…
But for people who say they want to flow the laws?
It is kinda Trumpish two faced….