While taking my walk this morning something popped into my head that made me smile….
Within hours of the ending of the Midterm results Donald Trump has his chief-of-staff Kelly demand AG Sessions leave his job…..
Kelly did the dirty work for his boss who has never hid his anger over Session NOT covering Trump’s ass by shit canning Robert Mueller & Co efforts to investigate him, his family, his businesses and his supporters liaisons with the Russians to get him elected….
Even with his get out of jail card coming with being the President?
Donald Trump has been under relentless pressure …
Looking at yesterdays Trump presser would give you an idea of how much angst the guy is suffering as he finds out that being President does NOT mean you are the King and above being poked and prodded …..
By replacing Sessions I suppose that Trump thinks he can finally put a leash on the Mueller operation before his kid Don Jr. gets indicted along with others and a final judgement gets thrown down against Trump himself….
While Republicans have continually warned Trump against ‘going there’ and out right firing Mueller?
Trump probably thinks they’ll back down from actually doing anything against him….
He’s my early morning off the wall thought….
NY Rep. Jerrold Nadler , a Democrat is gonna head the House Judiciary Committee come January 3rd….
In an ironic twist?
If Mueller gets fired?
Why wouldn’t Nadler bring Mueller & Co. on the House committee to resume his inquires?
upper image…medium.com
lower image…The Hill
Lets digress a bit here….
Matthew Whitaker does NOT have to actually actively oversee the Mueller operation…
He can continue to have Rosenstein handle it….
Whitaker also has to be careful of ethics and legal constraints in dealing with Mueller….
He must not put himself int a place where House Democrats could crucify him when they take over the House leadership…
Whitaker will not recuse himself from the case, which is why Trump handed him the job…
He, like Sessions, and Rosenstein, WILL BE under pressure from his boss, Trump, to do things that might not be legal, ethical of just right….
More on Whitaker…..
“President Trump, acting under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, has appointed Matthew Whitaker, formerly the chief of staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, to serve as acting attorney general. There has been widespread coverage of the potential ramifications of this appointment for the special counsel’s investigation,” Lawfare reports.
“But there are three lingering questions about this appointment that have not yet been answered in public: First, is the appointment constitutional? Second, does the president have authority to make an appointment under the FVRA when there is a confirmed deputy attorney general who can act under a specific statute governing Department of Justice succession (28 U.S.C. § 508)? And third, does the acting attorney general have any recusal obligations in relation to the special counsel’s investigation in light of his past statements and relationships?”
Some people over at the NY Times think the Whitaker appointment is ILLEGAL….
Neal Katyal and George Conway, writing in the New York Times:
President Trump’s installation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general of the United States after forcing the resignation of Jeff Sessions is unconstitutional. It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid.
Much of the commentary about Mr. Whitaker’s appointment has focused on all sorts of technical points about the Vacancies Reform Act and Justice Department succession statutes. But the flaw in the appointment of Mr. Whitaker, who was Mr. Sessions’s chief of staff at the Justice Department, runs much deeper. It defies one of the explicit checks and balances set out in the Constitution, a provision designed to protect us all against the centralization of government power….
You know whom George Conway is married to, right?
They keep separate lives like Zarbille and Marlin….
Trump might NOT be happy though….
Maybe she’ll join those leaving to make some REAL money?
He’s definitely not a Democrat or liberal of any sort though.
But like others….
He’s looking for the process to be complete in checking on how Trump got elected , who he runs with and what he actually is up to…..
Props to the guy for having ‘BALLS’….
Talking Points Memo
Kellyanne Conway’s husband strikes again: George Conway slams Whitaker’s appointment as “illegal” http://bit.ly/2SXT5Io