That’s interesting since several Republican led states are in court trying to get rid of ObamaCare in its entirety ….
President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Republicans would “totally” protect people with pre-existing conditions, trying to fend off Democratic attacks on GOP ObamaCare repeal votes.
“Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican,” Trump tweeted.
Republicans in tough races have been scrambling to say that they will protect people with pre-existing conditions as Democrats use the issue and GOP votes to repeal ObamaCare as a key line of attack.
Trump last year supported GOP ObamaCare repeal bills that would have weakened protections for pre-existing conditions. The House GOP bill, for example, allowed states to get waivers to allow insurers to spike premiums for people with pre-existing conditions.
The Trump administration is also supporting a lawsuit currently in federal court seeking to overturn ObamaCare’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions….
Democrats have been criticized for a lot of things about the Affordable Care Act, which they passed over GOP objections. But this may be the first time they’ve been accused of not protecting people with pre-existing conditions, since the ACA does that and Republicans have been on the defensive ever since they tried to repeal it….
What news sources are you drawing on, James — of course, Democrats won’t protect patients with pre-existing conditions, just as they colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election and engineered the Central American Caravan with the devious Machiavellian purpose of hurting their own candidates. Haven’t you been watching, hearing and reading the REAL News ? [ compulsory emoticon to avoid citation out of context: ;=) ]
I guess I don’t repeat the Fox / Trump
Version of reality?