The Dow Jones Industrials Average closed up 547 points higher for its best day since March 26th, per FactSet, following a slew of strong earnings reports.
The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq jumped 2.1% and 2.8%, respectively, bouncing back from last week’s sell-off.…
Wednesday morning’s presidential twitterstorm:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
59 minutes ago
“Network News gave Zero coverage to the Big Day the Stock Market had yesterday.” @foxandfriends
3,818 replies 4,510 retweets 16,643 likes
August job openings hit a record 7.14 million. Congratulations USA!
2,365 replies 5,450 retweets 22,833 likes
AP headline was very different from my quote and meaning in the story. They just can’t help themselves. FAKE NEWS!
3,409 replies 5,413 retweets 20,958 likes
Ted Cruz has done so much for Texas, including massive cuts in taxes and regulations – which has brought Texas to the best jobs numbers in the history of the state. He watches carefully over your 2nd Amendment. O’Rourke would blow it all! Ted has long had my Strong Endorsement!
5,074 replies 7,145 retweets 27,847 likes
Watched the debate last night & Beto O’Rourke, who wants higher taxes and far more regulations, is not in the same league with Ted Cruz & what the great people of Texas stand for & want. Ted is strong on Crime, Border & 2nd A, loves our Military, Vets, Low Taxes. Beto is a Flake!
4,861 replies 8,113 retweets 30,484 likes
“Trump could be the most honest president in modern history. When you look at the real barometer of presidential truthfulness, which is promise keeping, he is probably the most honest president in American history. He’s done exactly what he said he would do.” Marc Thiessen, WPost
9,374 replies 10,113 retweets 37,790 likes