Politico and Axios are out with piece’s pointing to bigger possible voter turnout for Democrats who already are saying they will go to the polls to cast a ballot vote against Donald Trump and Republicans….
This appears to be aimed at House races though as the latest polling is showing several US Senate races having Republicans who where behind their Democratic challengers gaining small lead.’s…
In the end?
Could House Democratic voting leak to US Seante races?…The Governor races?…To other State and Local races?
Politico: “Republicans are touting the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as rocket fuel for the GOP grass roots in next month’s midterm elections, but it’s Democrats who appear more energized by the nomination fight, according to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll.”
”Kavanaugh’s confirmation is not popular: In the poll, which was conducted entirely after last week’s Senate vote, 46 percent of voters said the Senate ‘made the wrong decision’ in approving the controversial judge, while 40 percent said it was right to elevate him to the high court.”
”And following the GOP-led effort to push through his nomination, enthusiasm among Democratic voters has surged. More than 3 in 4 Democrats (77 percent) say they are ‘very motivated’ to turn out and vote in the midterms — more than the 68 percent of Republicans who say they’re ‘very motivated.‘“
Axios: “Democratic voter turnout in this year’s House primaries increased in each of the 19 competitive, comparable House districts compared to 2014, and doubled in more than two thirds of them. That’s far better than Republican voter turnout, which increased in 14 of those districts but didn’t double in any of them.”
“Poor turnout has been the scourge of Democrats’ efforts to win congressional elections in the last decade. But this data suggests that a surge of anti-Trump enthusiasm could boost their turnout in November — and not just in already-blue areas, but in parts of the country that could deliver control of the House to the Democrats.”
A new CNN poll finds Democrats leading Republicans on the generic congressional ballot by 54% to 41% among likely voters.
Nate Silver
I’m not sure at what point to call this a trend but the generic ballot polls conducted *post* Kavanaugh confirmation seem a lot less good for Republicans than the ones conducted *during* the apex of his confirmation process…..