Joe Biden is the leader in the early 2020 Democratic President race among Democratic polling….
He’s been there several times before…
This time will be his last best hope….
So with this?
There is gonna be look backs just there would be for anyone….
And in the rear mirror along with the Brett Kavanaugh fight in the Senate is Biden and his part in the Anita Hill-Clarance Thomas situation….
The look back is not pleasant these days for Biden….
At a Democratic rally in a downtown ballroom Sunday evening, Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island spoke vividly about the Senate hearings on the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, saying her “stomach turned” as she watched. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse was indignant, vowing “no more Kavanaughs” if the Democrats win control of the Senate in November.
When it was Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s turn to speak, he was stern but circumspect — even philosophical. Republicans, he said, had displayed “blind rage and brute partisanship,” imperiling the Supreme Court’s moral authority. He accused them of flouting norms he enforced as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s.
“Dr. Blasey Ford gave courageous, credible testimony,” Mr. Biden said, referring to Christine Blasey Ford, who says Judge Kavanaugh attacked her when they were teenagers. “She was denied an F.B.I. investigation, which was automatic when I was chairman.”
It was a pointed but careful condemnation from Mr. Biden, and a sign of how his former role on the Judiciary Committee is complicating his present-day status as a leader in the Democratic Party.
As he actively explores a 2020 presidential run, the 75-year-old former vice president is coming under increased scrutiny from his fellow Democrats because of his role in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings in 1991, as explosive debates over gender, sex and the Supreme Court overshadow the themes of economic fairness that Mr. Biden trumpeted across the Northeast in recent days.
His name has been invoked frequently in recent days, mainly by Republicans, for leading the 1991 hearings when an all-male, all-white Judiciary Committee aggressively questioned Anita Hill about claims that Judge Thomas sexually harassed her. The hearings have long been a source of discomfort with Mr. Biden among Democrats who remember the process.
Former Vice President Joe Biden called Anita Hill earlier this month to express his regret over “what she endured” testifying against Justice Clarence Thomas at the 1991 Supreme Court hearings that put a spotlight on sexual harassment of women, the New York Times reports.
“But Ms. Hill, in an interview Wednesday, said she left the conversation feeling deeply unsatisfied and declined to characterize his words to her as an apology……