Monday, October 8 |
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
Texas Senate – Cruz vs. O’Rourke | Emerson* | Cruz 47, O’Rourke 42 | Cruz +5 |
Texas Governor – Abbott vs. Valdez | Emerson* | Abbott 53, Valdez 33 | Abbott +20 |
Michigan 11th District – Epstein vs. Stevens | NY Times/Siena | Stevens 45, Epstein 38 | Stevens +7 |
North Carolina 9th District – Harris vs. McCready | Civitas (R)/SurveyUSA* | McCready 45, Harris 41 | McCready +4 |
President Trump Job Approval | Rasmussen Reports | Approve 51, Disapprove 47 | Approve +4 |
A new Washington Post-Schar School survey of likely voters in 69 battleground House districts across the country narrowly prefer Democratic candidates, 50% to 46%.
By way of comparison, in 2016 these same districts favored Republican candidates over Democratic ones by 15 percentage points, 56% to 41%….
David Wright @ CNN
New CNN poll: Majority oppose Kavanaugh, but his popularity grows with GOP
Support Kavanaugh confirmation: 41%
Oppose Kavanaugh confirmation: 51%
Trump approval/disapproval: 41% / 52%…
Washington U.S. Senate