Democratic opponent Schools Superintendent Tony Evers seems to be the guy who will send the Republican Governor packing after 2 terms in office….
The wave against Democratic governors during the Obama years seems to be turning around….
There’s every reason to believe this is the beginning of the end for Scott Walker.
His presidential bid crashed and burned. He’s running for a third term as governor in what figures to be a hostile midterm for the Republican Party. Polling shows that the independent voters who were so critical to Walker’s wins in the 2012 recall and 2014 reelection are breaking away from him.
After years of futility, Democrats here are convinced they finally have him cornered.
“He’s stuck with a bad environment. He’s stuck with a long incumbency, and he’s stuck with a short general election,” said Tom Russell, a Wisconsin-based consultant with the Democratic Governors Association.
The signs that Walker is ripe to be taken down are everywhere. His opponent, Schools Superintendent Tony Evers, has a slight lead in recent polls and there’s evidence that critical suburban voters are shifting leftward.
Three former Walker aides have even turned on the governor, with two cutting ads for Evers. And Walker has quickly gone negative on Evers, including in a new, highly-charged ad.
Just as important, Democrats are running a populist candidate they believe is made for the moment — Evers, who built momentum from decisively winning a crowded primary and went on to raise $1 million in his first week as the nominee.
A career educator, Evers presents a crisp contrast with Walker, who’s held elected office for more than two decades. Democrats have seized on a “Walker fatigue” message that blames him for a teacher shortage, deteriorating roads (“Scottholes” as one group calls them) and rising health care costs….
Should we be admitting immigrants from these Scotthole counties ??
Don’t you care for the safety of your loved ones ??
‘Shithole’ was the term the President used…..
How did everyone HERE get here thru their families back in the day????
Miller and Trump have no feeling for their families past….
James, do you really have to ruin everyone else’s attempts at humour (however feeble) by stating the obvious and ponderously reverting to the serious ???
In case you didn’t notice from the story you posted, “Scotthole” was a playful local reference to the potholes for which many Wisconsinites blame Gov. Scott Walker.
I didn’t know that…..
But I DID know what Trump used to refer to Africa countries…
Sorry if that bothered you…
Wisconsin has been w weird state as of late but hopefully they’ll do the right thing and give Walker his walking papers.
Democrats need the gains in state leadership….
It’s been my inexpert impression that Wisconsin has long been rather split, for example between the La Follette tradition and that of Joe McCarthy (who defeated Sen. Bob La Follette, Jr, or “Young Bob”, in the 1946 Republican primary).
See a book by my old poli sci teacher at Berkeley, Michael Paul Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy: the radical specter (MIT Press, ca. 1967) which, among other things, shows that (contrary to the Received Social Science of the 1950’s) the populism of the La Follette Progressives was quite a different thing from the so-called “populism” of Joe McCarthy’s supporters — just as (whatever one might think of their merits) the populism of Bernie Sanders’ movement is quite different from the “populist” appeals of George Wallace or Donald Trump.
Excellent point.
That word,”populist” is thrown around with abandon.
Walker was sort of a Republican superstar -in -waiting who just never caught fire.
Beloved early by many conservatives for taking on the unions,as time went on ,he just seemed to lose his luster.
His presidential campaign was that of an un exciting ,even boring, candidate and ,when his money ran out, he quickly folded his tent.
Taking on unions isn’t proving to be as successful for Republicans anymore. Case in point here in Missouri where Right to Work was defeated by over a 2-1 margin.