Democratic McCaskill will vote against Kavanaugh…
It appears that Republican Senator’s Collins, Murkowski and Flake seem to be looking for a way to cast their lot with their fellow Republicans….
Grassley has offered to send people anywhere to question Christine Blasey Ford…
Absent questioning?
He will try to move to have a vote in his Judiciary Committee on Monday…
Meanwhile it’s reported that Kavanaugh is doing Senate question rehearsal session none stop….
“If Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski don’t publicly oppose Kavanaugh, their legacy will be putting someone into the Supreme Court as the deciding vote who is hostile to women on all levels,” said Stephanie Taylor, PCCC co-founder.
Republican leadership is keeping a close eye on how potential swing votes within their caucus are reacting to their strategy for handling Ford’s accusation.
Grassley told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt that no Republican senator has privately told them they will oppose Kavanaugh. But opposition from any combination of the three swing votes could pose a threat, and potentially sink, Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) said they are working with Collins, Murkowski and Flake to make sure the three senators believe they are treating Ford fairly.
“We’re working with them and others to try to make sure that they agree that the process and the opportunity we’re giving to Dr. Ford is fair,” he said, adding that leadership is “listening to their concerns [and] trying to accommodate.”..
What is PCCC ?
Progressive Change Campaign Committtee….
Thursday AM Update….
10:10 a.m.
Demonstrators have congregated in a Senate office building to protest Republicans’ handling of the sexual-assault accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
A group of roughly 100 people marched to the office of Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Thursday for a sit-in, some with fists raised.
The Iowa Republican senator plans a hearing on Monday for testimony from Kavanaugh and accuser Christine Blasey Ford, if she appears. Ford and Democrats want the FBI to investigate her allegations Kavanaugh assaulted her three decades ago, but Republicans are refusing.
The demonstrators chanted, “We believe Anita Hill! We believe Christine Ford!” Some told Grassley aides they themselves have been victims of harassment….
Ford’s lawyer now says her client is open to answering questions from the IS Senate Judicary committee….
There are ongoing negotiations ….
A Monday hearing is now doubtful
This is fluid….
A post will be forthcoming ,…