While the media has moved here ahead of Bernie Sanders as the Democratic front runner for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination from the left?
Her state’s voters want her to stay home and serve a full six year term representing them in the US Senate…
She has the national profile. She has the money. What US Senator Elizabeth Warren may not have, should she decide to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, is the endorsement of Massachusetts voters.
A new poll shows a healthy majority of her constituents don’t think the Cambridge Democrat should jump into the 2020 race, which essentially begins as soon as the November midterm elections conclude less than 50 days from now. Fifty-eight percent of likely Massachusetts voters said they don’t think Warren should run for president, according to a Suffolk University Political Research Center/Boston Globe poll.
I wonder how much of this is opposition to Warren in particular running or is it just general opposition to a candidate up for reelection this fall already considering the next rung up the ladder.
The current GOP Governor is also very popular in the state.
Would Massachusetts voters be opposed to him considerung a Presidential run while he is running for reelection?
If you like your Congress person or governor?
Why would u want them to leave ya hanging a year or two later?
The only way this poll would have any relevance is if there was a companion poll showing Warren trailing in Massachusetts among possible Democratic presidential candidates.Absent that?I don’t place much significance in it.
Further, I would imagine that if Warren runs she will win the Massachusetts primary.
She knows that people want her to stay home….
No it won’t stop her from running if she wants it bad enough…
Her problem is Sanders…
As you would say?
The primary is FAR away?….