It just gets scary from people having to deal with a President that simply does NOT belong in the White House…Rosenstein REALLY wanted Trump GONE….
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Donald Trump and using the 25th Amendment to forcibly remove him from office, the New York Times reported Friday.
Per the Times, these suggestions came in the chaotic aftermath of Trump’s May 2017 move to abruptly fire James Comey as FBI director. Rosenstein spoke to other Justice Department and FBI officials about his concerns, some of which were memorialized in contemporaneous memos, sources told the newspaper.
Efforts to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare the president unfit to hold office would have required recruiting members of Trump’s own cabinet to the cause. Rosenstein told Andrew McCabe, then acing FBI director, that he believed he could persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and John Kelly to join this effort, the Times reported….
EXCLUSIVE: Rosenstein discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to oust Trump in the days after Comey was fired in May 2017. Rosenstein also discussed wearing a wire to secretly record his conversations with Trump. … w/@adamgoldmanNYT
It appears that Rosenstein maybe ok…..
POTUS has told several people on Fri. and Sat. that he’s not going to fire the deputy AG and is suspicious of anything that even tangentially involves McCabe, according to three advisers familiar with the ongoing discussions…
Rosensteins days at Justice are numbered.
As he has done before ….
Rosenstein is working to salvage his job
He COULD survive this….
The problem for him is the wire comment
That is playing against the Mueller speaking with Cohen speaking to Mueller
And Omarosa taping stuff
This is quite a story.
Whomever leaked this seems to be trying to make the case that he was the anonymous Op-ed writer and wants to use that as a justification for firing him.
Is there anyway Trump does not fire him now? Will he believe the Failing New York Times?
Then, what happens? Does he think someone else will fire Mueller?
All of this is far more substantial and with the potential for a constitutional crisis than this ridiculous fake kangaroo court that Brett Kavanaugh has to find himself subjected to, without a shred of evidence to suggest he did anything improper when he was a teenager or at any time since.
Trump has been wanting to get rid of Rosenstein for awhile ,so I imagine he will use this as an excuse to finally do so.
I’ve noticed that critics of the Times(or any media for that matter) don’t mind using their reporting as a reason to do something they already were inclined to do.
CG just go ahead and call Ford a liar.
Trump has already beat you to it.
I don’t know for sure she is lying and you sure don’t know for sure that she is telling the truth.
With that in mind, and absent any real evidence, I think the standard of “innocent until proven” guilty that has been the hallmark of the American justice system (with some egregious exceptions) since its founding should stand.
If there is to be any sort of “proceedings” on this, as Republicans have clearly been open to, it should follow the obvious rule of the person accused gets to at least hear what they are accused of before they can present a defense.
The fact that her lawyers are demanding that she speaks last says a lot about their motivation and interest in truth and fairness.
Ah, the smell of misogyny in the afternoon.
Let’s beat up on the victim for good old Bush time sake.
Of course she wants to go second. Why would she want the Preppy mauler ridicule her.
The old fat white Republicans on the Committee are already doing their sexist best to attack the Professor’s reputation.
Anybody who does not believe an accused person has to the right to go second doesn’t care about justice or the truth.
I am sure all the times that Keith has faced legal proceedings against him, he was afforded the right to answer the charges against him, as it should have been.
Well a Senate confirmation is not a criminal court.
The partisanship you like to clsim you are now free of is showing here.
If Republucans are so interrsted in proceedings why have they threatened to shut it down if it didn’t happen on their timetable. The same GOP Senators who were fine with a Supreme Court vacancy for 300 plus days now fret over an additional half a week??
And yes you are right neither of us know exactly what went on in the 1980s between Ford and Kavanaugh. But you have to ask yourself these questions.
If Ford is lying what does she get out of this?
Do you really think there is any glory to being a sexual assault victim?
If. Kavenaugh is lying what does he get out of it?
A lifetine appointment to the Supreme Court.
I said give her a few more days. I don’t think she really wants to testify though and is looking for any “poison pill” to avoid doing so.
Yes, sometimes people lie. I do not know she did not seemingly want her name to be made public, but yet, somehow it did, and clear common sense tells us that it was not anyone who wanted Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed that released her name.
Thank you though for declaring that you totally believe Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey. In the 14 years I have conversed with you, that is not something you would have said until today.
What would they have gotten out of lying?
meant to say I do know that she did not seem to want to be made public.
Some Democrat leaked her name and forced her hand. What motivation did they have?
I am fine with waiting another week. And since she is saying she is afraid to fly, they can let her testify from California.
But the vote should be held before the November election. That much is obvious. I was telling people on the right online to be patient and trust the process. (They won’t admit it but they are scared Trump is going to do something to mess this all up. He seems to be starting to try.)
Frankly, the closer to the election it gets put off, the more of a bad political situation it is for the Red State Democrats seeking reelection.
And if course we have the “thos us bad news for Democrats” story line again. Some things never change!
The truth is this nominee is higgly unpopular.
Leaving aside the assault charges he has already lied in the hearings.
Women in the suburbs are going to be the kry to this midterm. And guess what? They don’t much care for the idea of a lying anti choice justice who may have committed sexual assault.
He’s not unpopular in the states where there are vulnerable Democrats running for reelection.
I think people see this for what it is.
Kavanaugh belongs on the Court. It’s a shame for him that he has to be tainted by Trump and all that he entails, but unless there is something major we do not know, this entire confirmation process has been nothing but a shameless display of weakness and bad behavior by Spartacu.. I mean the Democrats.
CG you supported McConnell denying Merrick Garland even a hearing right?
Yeah and O could conversely say to you that your whole “holier than thou” act rhat you are above us all because you opposed both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump–partisanship be damned– has now come crashing down.
I have opposed them both. I’m not sure what you are contending.
But you support Kavenaugh–and vociferously defend him stronger than I ever have Bill Clinton. Who I admit had moral failings.
Unlike Clinton and Trump, I have no reason to believe that Kavanuagh is anything other than a good person.
Based on what?
Based on everything we know about Kavanaugh as a person. He has had many background checks before.
I am not saying that you or I are going to like or agree with all or even some of his opinions, but he does not deserve this, if he is truly innocent.
And there is no evidence to suggest he is anything but.
So now we have misogyny mixed with a good dash of whataboutism.
It doesn’t matter who Trump, Clinton, or Larry Craig did or didn’t fuck (although I would like to know the name of the guy who’s fucking Lindsay Graham), it only matters who Brett Kavanaugh tried to fuck.
He should, of course, withdraw, because for evermore he will be known as the Preppy Mauler, a drunk who attempted to force a woman to have sex without her consent.
This isn’t simply a legal matter, although I would like the Montgomery County DA to open an investigation, but it’s a moral issue. Men simply don’t treat women that way, real men that is.
In all my years of marriage to my wife I would have never once thought to put my hands on her. Real men don’t act that way, gay or straight. And real men don’t make excuses for men who do.
So it’s a moral issue, those who rush to defend the indefensible through the use of deflection and obfuscation are in themselves morally corrupt.
The fact that this behavior can be defended, even through deflection, is illustrative of how soulless the Republican Party has become.
There can be no question that Brett tried to force himself on Dr. Ford, her reluctance to come forward is proof of that. Why would she try to relive this trauma.
Anyone with a healthy respect for women would have to acknowledge this truth.
I have little doubt that the other 3 or 4 Democrats that still stick around here roll their eyes silently when they have to read Keith posts like that.
Why would I roll my eyes? He ‘s right.
Maybe if the Republicans simply stuck to a defense that Kavenaugh didn’t do it I would be more inclined to believe them. CG to his credit has stuck to that story. Others have shifted between that and the defense that we can’t hold him accountable for what he did 35 yrs ago to what message will this send to boys if one attempted rape at 17 can ruin your future (no mention of the girls future).
As it stands I expect there to be a one day hearing next week followed by a party line vote. Maybe I’ll be surprised and Collins or Murkowski votes no and Pence has to cast a tie.
There’s no evidence he did it.
Keith could care less.
If you were falsely accused of something without any evidence, I would hope the system worked for you Scott. Luckily for you, you are white, relatively affluent, and you don’t have a bunch of politicians trying to scalp you.
Enjoy the weekend.
Sleaking of red state Democrats I’d rather be in Heidi Heitkamp’s shoes now than her opponent Kevin Cramer’s
He stated that they were just both drunk teenagers and even by Ford’s own accusation nothing happened.
So again Republicans saying not that Kavenaugh didn’t do it but if he did it was no big deal. Amazing.
GOPer”s are used of making up shit since Trump showed up……
I do NOT know what happened, if anything, back in the day…..
My feeling is that if someone makes the charge against a guy up for the Supremes
The FBI should check it out….
If the report is unfounded?
Then the Senate moves ahead with their vote…
It is THAT simple
All this is wasted time
The FBI CAN do the check in good time
The Republicans actually have until Dec.30
But if he lied or all the sudden remembers?
I would expect someone who supports a party that exhibits a total lack of respect for women to roll their eyes over my statement. They certainly can’t dispute it.
I believe Dr. Ford until it’s proven she isn’t telling the truth. But, that is what we have investigations for, although the Republicans are doing their best to stop it. So let’s investigate and see who’s telling the truth.
In my opinion there is no question that Preppy Brett tried to rape Dr. Ford, just like Donald Trump raw boned Stormy Daniels. How do I know this, he paid her. And, if there is a full investigation, we’ll see Brett’s true nature.
Republicans like Corey have to believe in reasonable doubt, because if they can’t create doubt the Kavanaugh confirmation falls apart.
So, a woman’s reputation is such a little price to pay for a lifetime appointment. They did it with Anita Hill, they have years of experience denigrating women. That might be why so many women are Democrats.
Kevin Cramer and Dean Heller have already gone after Dr. Ford and there will be others because these old white boys never learn.
I need to go, big fundraiser tonight at Tom Steyer’s house for the Wisconsin state ticket. Last night it was Harley Rouda at a law firm in SF. Northern California sure is an ATM for the Democratic Party.
Next week in DC and an event for Betty Sutton the next Lt. Governor of Ohio. A bunch of old friends are getting together for this great lady.,
I will report back on DC gossip.
Thanks Keith…..
And Kavanaugh should withdraw, if he were a good American he would.
Esquire’s Charles Pierce wonders if the administration planted this story in order to set the stage for firing Rod Rosenstein & co. (probably after the elections):
The New York Times’ Rosenstein Story Is Just a Game of Telephone
On the whole, The New York Times is an essential publication. On occasion, however, it gets played like a $5 fiddle. Friday, when it published a report that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein suggested he “secretly record President Trump,” was one of those days. If you were a mendacious, criminal president* with a lot to cover up and the walls closing in from all sides, isn’t this exactly the story you’d want out there as an excuse to fire Rod Rosenstein and then appoint someone who would fire Robert Mueller?…
More at:
Esquire isn’t the only ones
Some also expect more ‘leaked’ stuff to drop…
The GOPer’s are so scared they are gonna do WHATEVER to try to scare their bae to come out and vote….
Hold on!….