Republican Senate Judicial Committee Chair Grassley is gonna have to be more flexible….
This is high stakes game of chicken the old lawmaker is being ran thru….
The ball is in Ford’s hands right now..
My feeling is her going AFTER Kavanaugh will be ultimate aim….
The GOPer’s can actually do the vote in the Senate up to Dec 31….
Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school, has accepted the Senate Judiciary Committee’s offer to testify this week, Ford’s lawyer said in an emailed statement Saturday, but added that there are still details that need to be worked out.
Ford’s agreement to appear before the committee marks the most significant outcome of the high-stakes negotiations between the panel’s Republicans and Ford’s lawyers. But the two parties are still far apart on what day the hearing will take place and other details, and Republicans questioned whether Ford and her attorneys were merely orchestrating further hindrances to Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
“Our view of this latest response from Ford through her attorney is still ambiguous. She says she’s willing to testify but she says she still wants negotiations,” a senior White House official said. “Until there’s actually an agreement, there isn’t. It could be a another delay tactic.”
Democrats praised Ford’s acceptance as a huge step toward telling her story publicly. They decried “bullying” tactics used by Grassley on Friday, when he said his committee would vote on Monday if it hadn’t heard back from Ford’s attorneys. Grassley later extended the deadline for Ford’s response to Saturday afternoon….
Rumor control has Fords Q & A occurring on Thursday like he lawyer asked for previously