The media gets this wrong….
Deputy AG Ron Rosenstein still has his job….
Instead of getting fired or quoting this morning?
he had a meeting with Chief of Staff Kelly and they spoke to Trump in NYC…
Then Rosenstein went on to a meeting in the White House…
The media reports of Rosenstein fate were incorrect…
Probably several reasons…
Rosenstein seems to be buried so deep in the Mueller case that replacing him would trigger several things that would make things worst for Trump…NOT better….
- Replacing him would trigger an extensive read in for anyone taking over his job…That briefing and bring up to speed could involve weeks…
- The likely replacement Solicitor General Noel Francisco cannot just stop lines of inquiry from Mueller without noticing Congress of specific changes…
- Republicans are keenly aware that any fireworks on this might adversely affect the midterm elections
- Freeing Rosenstein from his job would remove any constraints he would have in about the case….
- This story with firing would overshadow, as it has today so far, the Kavanaugh and UN stories in the media…Something Trump & Co. do NOT want….
- Trump actually doesn’t like to fire people and Rosenstein HAS been sporting good news back to Trump…
- There is NO guarantee that Francisco will be any different than Rosenstein after Mueller briefs HIM…
- Fox’s Sean Hannity told Trump NOT to fire the guy…
A LOT of the media talking heads missed this and are uniformed on about this….
More on point?
Nate Silver
Nate Silver Retweeted Josh Dorner
It seems plausible that Rosenstein would love to be fired but won’t resign and the White House would love for him to resign but won’t fire him?
Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein are both correct in saying that their Department of Justice has been working hard to effect the rest of the Trump and Republican agenda, generally with more success than liberals and Democrats would like, although with rather mixed results when arguing the United States Government’s case before the Federal and state courts.
Take, for example, deregulation, anti-trust, immigration, judicial process (military & civilian), labor relations, elections and voting,
Yes indeed DSD….
All that is against Trump threatening and beating them up