Every since 2010 Democrats have been standing on the sidelines while Republican’s held House ‘hearings’ on EVERYTHING under the sun….
Images of Rep. Issa and Devin Nunes danced in their heads and across the media…
People got dragged in and grilled …..
Democrats tried to help those in the hot seat’s…
But it wasn’t their show….
It will NOT be the Republicans show come January if the predictions of a ‘Blue Wave’ come true…..
And they good reason to be worried…
Oh, and they are most likely to have to see Nancy Pelosi banging the gavel again…
Congressional Republicans are getting ready for hell. Axios has obtained a spreadsheet that’s circulated through Republican circles on and off Capitol Hill — including at least one leadership office — that meticulously previews the investigations Democrats will likely launch if they flip the House.
Why this matters: Publicly, House Republicans are putting on a brave face about the midterms. But privately, they are scrambling to prepare for the worst. This document, which catalogs requests Democrats have already made, is part of that effort.
Axios on Sunday detailed the long list of potential investigations and subpoena requests that congressional Republicans reportedly worry Democrats will pursue if they retake the House of Representatives in 2018. TPM asked the Democratic minority on the House Oversight Committee if the GOP’s concerns were legitimate. In short: Yes….
There’s a long list of other issues which might not involve criminal wrong-doing (at least directly) or anything impeachable, but concern almost all the various committees and major subcommittees that Democrats will chair next January should they win a majority in November.
For one, the student-loan oversight that isn’t (as mentioned in another of James’ posts). Or all the environmental and wildlife regulations that the Administration is trying to repeal. Or worker safety. Or enforcing the fiduciary obligation (to the investor not to the salesman or company) of every investment adviser under Dodd-Frank (which of course the financial giants are trying to dismantle). Or the peculiar interpretation that the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are applying to all the immigration and asylum laws. Et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam et ad infinitum.
Bring the oversight hearings on!…..