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Ron DeSantis tells Floridians to not “monkey this up” by voting for his Democratic opponent, Andrew Gillum.
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By jamesb
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Ron DeSantis tells Floridians to not “monkey this up” by voting for his Democratic opponent, Andrew Gillum.
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DeSantis Warns Florida Voters Not to ‘Monkey This Up’
August 29, 2018 at 11:41 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 395 Comments
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said that voters would “monkey this up” if they elect his opponent for Florida governor, Andrew Gillum (D), who would be the state’s first African American governor, the Washington Post reports.
Said DeSantis: “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”
He also called Gillum “articulate.”
This whole episode today in terms of the remark in the interview speaks to the sadness of today’s political scene.
Without any evidence to the contrary, I think DeSantis has to be given the benefit of the doubt, but I am not 100 percent sure. That is the risk you take when you embrace the red MAGA hat so tightly, because there is no question that Trump has deliberately used race as a wedge at every turn.
So, it is possible that DeSantis said this, not to remind people that Gillum is black, but because they realized the left would go beserk without proof of the intention and it would backfire on them.
If it’s something he just said, off the cuff, as I will give him the benefit of the doubt, then it’s the kind of gaffe that candidates in top-tier races need to avoid.
(as we all know, Joe Biden referred to Obama as an African-American candidate who was “clean” and “articulate” and that basically shut down any hope Biden had on Day 1)
People on the left go too far when they claim they have no doubt that DeSantis was being racist and people on the right are kidding themselves that it is beyond the realm of possibility that a Donald Trump fanboy might have been intentionally after something.
It is also true sadly, that if the roles were reversed, such as the Senate race in Michigan, that the left would do nothing but shrug and people on the right would be crying racism.
I would expect you to give DeSantis the benefit of the doubt….
Lets see how long after the next racist comment comes along….
McCain was a gentleman on talking about Obama…
In the age of Trump we’ll see how things go down in Florida…
So in 2018 we are supposed to give Ron DeSantis the benefit of the doubt over his dog whistle racism.
All of the whataboutism in the world cannot excuse what he said.
The Republican Party today is the product of over 50 years of racist dog whistles developed to win elections. DeSantis is merely following an established playbook and he thinks it will turn out the old fat white men to win him yet another election.
So, all the false equivalencies notwithstanding this is simply what it is, a racist attack on a black candidate, sort of like John Sununu wondering why Barack Obama “can’t learn how to be an American.”
And, anyone who tries to excuse this pathetic performance, must be racist too.
CG gives DeSantis benefit of the doubt for one reason–he’s a Republican.
Yeah, it’s all tribalism on both sides.
Here I will be a monster because I believe it is possible that he was not being racial and over at another site, I am a monster because I am not 100 percent sure he wasn’t.
I tend to agree with Corey here. Who knows?
Just your view CG….
Some of us won’t give the guy the benefit of the doubt though….
Too much bad history involved….
We’ll see how this race develops over the next two months….
You are opposed to Desantis,right?
It appears that DeSantis has been contributing to a teabagger website with racist content, but by all means, “who knows” if he’s racist.