Joe Biden is crusin on the top of 2020 Democratic Presidential polls…..
One the reasons is the above ….
The left wing of the Democratic party is split between Senator’s Sanders and Warren….
If they BOTH stay in the race next year?
Come 2020?
Joe Biden is the odds on Favorite to be the nominee….
Biden will own the moderate and establishment Deomcrats…… with the Black vote probably his?
Neither of the other ‘s have a chance….
The Hill adds a sense of rivalry to the picture….
Oh, and there IS the part about Sanders NOT actually being a Democrat….
Strategists say Sanders and Warren will be hard-pressed to share the same lane, leading to speculation that if both run for the White House, one will have to run to the center, however slightly.
“Someone, most likely Senator Warren, would have to move a little to the center to be successful in a primary and general,” said Smikle, who worked for Clinton and served as the executive director to the New York Democratic Party. “Otherwise you leave yourself vulnerable to the right in both elections.”
Publicly, Warren and Sanders aren’t doing anything that would make people see them as rivals — albeit friendly ones.
Both Warren and Sanders’s office declined to comment for this story.
Democrats say Warren has gained favor within the ranks of the Democratic Party.
On July 12, she was the only senator to attend a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee breakfast at the committee’s Capitol Hill headquarters.
At the breakfast, before a room of one hundred people, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sang Warren’s praises.
She said it was rare for a senator to join the fundraising effort for the House, but that she had been doing everything in her power to get Democrats elected in the midterms, according to sources in the room.
“This is not typical,” Pelosi said, according to a source in the room. “But that’s because she’s done more than anyone else. She’s dedicated to winning.”
Sanders, who put off some Democrats who thought he stayed in the 2016 primary too long against Clinton, also has spent considerable time since that election crisscrossing the country to campaign — and win loyalty — from fellow Democrats….
2020 is still a long way away, so this may sort itself in some way we can’t predict now. For example, by next January or April or June, what will be the field and what the issues (largely dictated, through no one else’s wishes, by a dense, ignorant, vain blunderer who leads the governing party) ?
But another 6 years of that person would be a crying shame
I wouldn’t assume that Biden has the black vote – especially since odds are that there will be at least one black candidate.
His ties to Obama are right out there in the open….
Harris would be the strongest right now….
Holder and Patrick….
None of them have the exposure of Biden….
We’ll see….
Harris for VP would be good for Biden…
Obama won’t endorse Biden in the primary, so his ties to Obama won’t help that much. Biden underperforms on the campaign trail. For example, he was unable to embarrass Sarah Palin during their debate. The Democrats can do a lot better.
Hanging out together probably wouldn’t hurt Biden….
No, but Obama will hang out will all of the major Democratic candidates, just as he did with Sanders.
Obama hanging out with the guy who worked as his VP is HUGELY different than hanging out with ANYONE else….
The truth is that if you went up to 10 Americans on the street today at random, at least seven of them would not remember or know who was Vice President under Barack Obama.
I don’t believe that
give it a try
Neither do I
Obama’s numbers are North of 60%
And a majority of Americans would read-elect him if they coukd
Warren gets props for an effort to reach out to black voters….
Speaking Friday at a historically black university, potential Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren delivered what she called “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … I mean front to back.”
The Massachusetts senator identified some of the system’s failures: disproportionate arrests of African-Americans for petty drug possession; an overloaded public defender system; and state laws that keep convicted felons from voting even after their sentences are complete.
Warren was participating in a Q&A session hosted by Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond at the historically black Dillard University in New Orleans.
She was among several possible Democratic White House contenders who spoke Friday at Netroots Nation, an annual conference for progressives. She was the only leading Democrat to appear at Dillard.
The stop is the latest sign of Warren’s effort to forge ties beyond her largely white political base in Massachusetts and avoid the fate of fellow progressive icon Bernie Sanders, who struggled to win over African-Americans during his failed bid for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination….