Knew THIS was coming…..
More evidence for Robert Mueller’s FBI agents to go over…
More chances of catching Trump and his staff and supporters in lies….
Nothing like a woman scorned, eh?
Lots of nervous people out there that where in the same room as a woman hired to do a job that a old hand should have had….
Donald Trump continues to be his OWN WORST enemy….
Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman says that she’s “certainly” willing to share recordings from her time in the Trump administration with special counsel Robert Mueller, and that his office has already reached out to her.
Manigault Newman appeared Monday on MNSBC’s “Hardball” as part of her ongoing press tour for her new White House memoir. Asked by host Chris Matthews if she has tapes from her time working in the Trump administration beyond the two she has shared publicly in recent days, Manigault Newman said, “I have plenty.”
“Anything Mueller would like to see?” Matthews asked.
“If his office calls again … anything they want I’ll share,” Manigault Newman responded. “Anything that they want, I’ll certainly cooperate.”
The ex-communications director for the White House’s Office of Public Liaison did not elaborate on what her previous interactions with the special counsel may have involved.
Asked if she believes Trump will be impeached, Manigault Newman said “at this point, yes.”…
While the Trump surrogates are attacking Omarosa, and Trump has joined in?
She’s gonna sell books and she’s gonna be giving up tapes that will speak for themselves….
She did NOT sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement that other White House aides have been signing….
Bloomberg Politics
Trump campaign files arbitration action against Omarosa Manigault Newman alleging breach of secrecy agreement – @AP source
(This might not work with Omarosa…)
I can’t wait to hear Republicans say they are “concerned” when the tapes of Trump saying “n***er” are released….and then continue supporting him.
If so, where should they direct their thoughts and prayers?
They oughta pray for their own damn souls!
When the tape comes out with Trump’s N word on it the GOPer’s will say he wrong to use it and march on….
Trump will look directly into the camera and say ‘I don’t recall’ being the person on the tape…
This hardily a surprise and it will earn him some MORE votes from those who use the word and will peel off some more of those who don’t…
As I have said?
Donald J. Trump will be a contributing factor in his political demise….
So it sad to hope for tapes to be released proving that Trump used the N word.
Really? Silly argument.
Does anyone think he’s never used the word? I am sure that all those people of color that will be “hurt” if they hear Trump utter this offensive word already think, beyond any doubt, that Trump is a racist. He just called a woman of color a dog this morning. Do we need any further proof.
The idea that people could be anymore insulted by this Orange Cracker than they already are, is laughable.
But, if I were a betting man, I would bet those audition tapes that are under lock and key show Trump saying all sorts of horrible things — about minorities, women, and the disabled. Because we have already heard him saying those things.
Omarosa won the day. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.
We already had conclusive evidence that Trump was a racist BEFORE he ran for president. You can be a racist and never have used the n word in your life.
Of course, most of Trump’s supporters could care less – but it is not clear they have any moral compass about anything. Most Republicans are evil.
CG just knows that the release of any tapes and the Republican apologists for it ( because what else will they do? Repudiate Trump?) will ruin the GOP in the midterms. You know? The party he is “agnostic” about.
No, I think it would have minimal effect and people would separate others from the person who said it, just like people did with Obama who willingly sat in Rev. Wright’s hateful church for years.
The bottom-line though is that there does not seem to be any real evidence that these “tapes” exist. Sorry, but Omorosa is not credible. Neither is Tom Arnold. Democrats should believe they can beat Trump on his record and his public statements. By praying for tapes, they seem to be sending off the vibe that they do not believe they can.
Jack and Zreebs said earlier–and I agree–that of these tapes exist and were released they coukd lead to a firestorm from the African American community.
And stop turning this around as to what us Democrats are “praying for”. We are working hard to win in the midterms and are in good shape at this point. Tapes or no tapes. This idea that this shows Democrats are “desperate” is a deflection and quite simply–ridiculous. But par for the course for your bizzare situation of being an “agnostic” Republican who can’t stand Trump but can’t bring himself to be anything but critical of Democrats.
And now we have moved from the Michelle deflection to the Reverend White deflection.
Republicans are so one sided in there use of racial animosity.
Bottom line: if the Republicans had a tape of Michelle saying “whitey” they would have used it, if they had a picture of Barack sitting in White’s church while he was saying hurtful things they would have used it.
Do we need confirmation that our Republican President is a racist? Not really, but it will help with turn out.
I agree with CG.
Just because you deeply believe something unfavorable about the President doesn’t mean that you should be too ready to believe what looks like the missing piece of confirming evidence; in fact you should be a little more sceptical.
The prime example of that is the apparently-inauthentic document —swallowed by CBS News during the 2004 Bush-Kerry campaign — that seemed to support The Boston Globe’s reporting on George W. Bush’s wartime service (or shortage of service) in the Texas Air National Guard.
Subsequent independent and internal checking of physical documents, facts, sources and reporting led to the firing of Dan Rather as Walter Cronkite’s successor as anchor of the CBS Evening News), and to the firing or demotion of several other executives, producers and reporters.
I doubt those kinds of tapes ever get released.
I also hope they do not exist. We already know that Trump is a lousy person and very suspect on race. Let’s not outwardly hope for pain to minorities and further division to occur.
But yes, the responses would be:
1. He wasn’t President then
2. Jay-Z says it all the time. Why is that ok?
If they do exist they should be released.
Let his Republican supporters rebuke or defend him–and do it as they are appealing to voters of this ever browning nation.
If they exist they should have been released before the 2016 election and I am pretty certain would have been, if they existed.
Who really knows, but this sort of speculation and hoping on here reminds me of the group of Republicans who used to be so certain that there was a tape of Michelle Obama saying “whitey” that was going to suddenly ruin her husband’s career.
The difference is Trump is known to be a crude bigot and misogynist.
Michelle Obama is a decent person.
If there were tapes of both though I have no doubt that Republicans would consider Michelle saying “whitey” as far more egregious than Trump saying “n***er”
The Jay-Z comparison is bogus….
That’s what I told my father.
Abdolutely – And Michelle Obama was never the nominee.
My point is that at some point it looks kind of sad to hope for “tapes” that may or may not exist to come out. Your party, just like the other side in 2008, ought to be of the mindset that he can be defeated by a contrast of all the various things he says publicly and in the open. Otherwise, it looks like you feel you need something else to save you.
Ah, Folks?
I’m betting there ARE tapes…
Sarah Sanders ducked the question today…
I posted a second person verifying their existence earlier today and there are others who are quietly confirming to the WashPost the usage of the word….
…Aides have adjusted their denials, and CBS has released a tape of them apparently discussing it in which one says “he said it.”….
Yeah – I find it interesting that Corey doesn’t want the tapes to be released because of the “pain and divisions” it may cause, yet frequently plays games with us accusing one of our posters of wrongdoing in the 70s, saying he would have shared that information had that person not been retired. Looks pretty inconsistent to me, but Corey always attempt to justify his inconsistencies as being something other than partisanship.
I believe what I said is that I do not want them to “exist” not that I do not want them to be released. I do not want him to have said those things. Please do not distort. As DSD pointed out, it would also be a bad thing if something “fake” was released.
Nobody here is going to like or trust Trump anymore if they do not exist or be any less critical of him. Why should we hope for more ugliness and pain in the world? Who is that going to benefit? It could only serve to hurt all of us, as Americans. When it comes to opposing Trump, isn’t there more than enough to deal with as it is?
Now, for the near future, I am going to be pretty busy during the weekdays and not really able to post. I will try to keep up with the “Race of the Day” feature.
Speaking of tapes it is interesting that former GOP rising star and presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty couldn’t even beat a county commissioner in his bid to retake the Minnesota governor’s seat because he had the audacity to speak out against Trump after the Access Hollywood tapes were released.
So tapes do mean something. They end careers. Not Trump’s yet–but Pawlwenyt is done now. Simply because he had a problem with Trump bragging on tape of pussy grabbing.
What a party huh?
It will up to Omarosa to produce HER tapes….
The other tapes , if out there?
SHOULD be released….
Trump NEVER produced the tapes he alluded to have about Comey….
So HIS truthfulness is suspect….
Omarosa now says she has video of Trump,,
This is just gonna get worse if she is able to produce this stuff,,..
Trump was incredibly stupid to give her such access to his actions…
The Keith example is different. In saying I would have had a desire to “expose” him, I was speaking of his conduct as a government employee on the taxpayer dime at the Politics1 blog especially, not his racist past or the legal situations that occurred in the 1980s before he worked for the federal government. And it’s not like the world knows who he is.
By all means, Donald Trump should be held accountable for everything he does and says as President. My feeling is that he was already elected with everyone knowing about his “past” and having come to their own terms with it. People were talking about those “tapes” before the last election. I think if they exist, Hillary’s people would have found them.
But Hillary’s team didn’t have thousands of Russian hackers working for them Corey and the backing of the Russian government.
Those tapes, whatever is on them, are under lock & key. It will take Mueller to find them or Putin.
Lots of irony in the fact that someone would retroactively threaten to have me fired for blogging during work hours as they blogged from work.
NO ONE ‘Knew’ the extent that Donald Trump bends reality before….
Hillary and other Democrats NEVER sought to get as dirty as Trump has….
She doesn’t have a Special Prosecutor investigating how dirty Trump was…