My dedication to this man who was a Republican is the scene during the 2016 Presidential campaign when the women said disparaging remarks about John McCain’s opponent Barack Obama and McCain did NOT follow….
He lectured the woman that Obama might not have the same political views as him…
But he was …’“He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues”…..
Bless you John McCain ….
And Thank You for your service and sacrifice for this Great Country…..
Arizona Sen. John McCain, who survived 5½ years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam to become one of the highest-profile, most confounding and pugnacious personalities in American politics — a one-time Republican presidential standard-bearer who alternately trampled and embraced GOP orthodoxy — has died. He was 81.
McCain, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in July 2017, died at 4:28 p.m. Saturday, his office confirmed in a statement. McCain’s passing came a day after his family announced he was ceasing medical treatment.
Although he spent more than three decades in Congress representing his adopted home state, McCain was hardly a stamped-from-the-mold politician. At a time when the country grew increasingly tribal and partisan, he drew admiration and antagonism from both parties.
“Warts and all, he was an iconic figure,” said Charlie Cook, a nonpartisan campaign analyst who followed McCain’s political career from the lawmaker’s arrival in Washington in the early 1980s. “As irascible and curmudgeonly as he could be, he was real. There was an authenticity.”
Within moments, tributes began to pour in from across the political divide….
A statement was said to come from Donald Trump…
I doubt he wrote it….
He HAD told others that he would have NOTHING to say about McCain’s passing because he STILL had a grade against him for saying things about him….Trump NEVER gave McCain respect for the ordeal he went thru during his time as a POW during WWII….
McCain had his warts….
But he was a gentle man who said what he thought ….
image….AP News.Com
Post is Here on his passing….
Bless you John McCain….
The Republican spine died tonight. As much as I disagreed with him I never doubted John McCain’s loyalty to our Country.
Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the rest of his Party.
A few days ago,while McCain was on his deathbed,two Right Wing boobs, Kelli Ward , an Arizona Senate candidate ,and Tomi Lahren , a Fox News blabbermouth, labeled McCain,who a scant ten years ago was the party’s presidential candidate, a RINO.
While they meant it as an insult,in today’s Republican Party, it’s probably true.
Indeed, John McCain himself might not disagree!
Another sign of the Trump era…
A Fox News Poll ..
Do you Approve or Disapprove of John McCain(before his passing)?
Democrats Republicans
Approve…60%. Approve…41%
Disapprove…27%. Disapprove…48%
The numbers mirror the general voter approval numbers for Trump, eh?
But the majority of Americans seem too have their heads screwed on right…..
When 40%+ of Americans say they support this damn fool?
That causes me great concern.
When over 80% of those ,who identify themselves as adherents of one of the two major parties(regardless of the uh “ theories” often heard here as to their uh “ level” of support) ?
Yeah that bothers me too.
The number of Republicans IS less than the number of Democrats and so called Independents …
Trump support is actually much LESS the the numbers appear to show…
I KEEP point this out here….
Trump’s support ONLY matters to GOP lawmakers…
Just like the election?
Most American don’t care for the guy as President…
Donald Trump and his supporters are NOT gonna try to be nice even with John McCain’s passing….
“President Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised the heroism and life of Sen. John McCain, telling senior aides he preferred to issue a tweet before posting one Saturday night that did not include any kind words for the late Arizona Republican,” the Washington Post reports…..
Washington Post: “It’s possible to imagine a world in which Sen. John McCain’s illness and death in office would send all three Republican candidates for Arizona’s other U.S. Senate seat racing to praise him and stake some claim to his immense legacy.”
“The reality is not even close.”
“The Arizona Republican Party that nurtured McCain and his retiring Senate colleague Jeff Flake, whose seat those candidates are seeking, has been overrun by the party of Donald Trump. For Republican candidates now, the imperative is to embrace the president lest they lose his voters …
I KNEW Trump did NOT write the comment attributed to him about McCain…..
No they don’t.
Trumps approval rating among Republicans is over 80%.
At the last Trump rally the crowd was chanting “die John die!”
Ah, Republicans.
What will the chant when Mueller comes out with their leader being named a unindicted co-conspiracy accomplice?
Likely “ReElect Trump.”
Didn’t you see the NBC Poll this morning.
Despite the Manafort case and Cohens plea,support for Trump remains stable.
When are you finally going to understand that the vast majority of Republicans don’t give a damn about all this stuff that you keep ballyhooing here day after day?
Indeed I think it probably strengthens him.In their view it’s just a bunch of “libruls” out to get their Leader.
Me commenting on the same poll….
I pointed out that Trump’s numbers remain almost the same…
It is WHERE THOSE votes are….
And I don’t think Trump will be a factor after Jan. 2021….
I see on twitter that people are posting up McCain stores that are heartwarming…
I will try to do a post on this later…
It IS wonderful to hear about a Tepublican with a heart and soul that is the opposite of what leads the party today,…
It’s too bad he isn’t gonna be an inspiration for other GOPer’s
A Giant has passed….
R I P John McCain
Well, can’t you guess ?
“ Lock Him Up !!”, with “him” of course being Robert Mueller (who else could they possibly mean, silly ?)
Why didn’t figure THAT????
Good get DSD….