The passing of John McCain has and will give Republican lawmakers a chance to pushback at Donald Trump…
Almost ALL have given praise to a man who they worked with….
Trump has shown his intolerance to criticism….
No praise for a war hero …..
No praise for a man who could reach across the political isle…
No praise for a man who refused to follow Trump’s gutter politics….
All this?
Is making an American President look insensitive and small….
Something Trump tries to project….Any strength…is absent here….
In this we see the real person….
In this lawmakers, and even his people working for him, have pushed him aside to lay praise on someone Trump can’t rise to deal with even in passing…
His stubbornness make’s Trump look small ….
It maybe his party mostly…
But Donald Trump does NOT have their hearts and souls….
“but Donald Trump does not have their hearts and souls.”
Maudlin horse manure.
You have no idea what is in the “hearts and souls” of Trump supporters.
One things for sure he has their votes.
Sure DO Jack…..
Been saying ALL ALONG GOPer lawmakers , at least some?…..ARE a captive audience….
You don’t seem to care about the posting of the Republican non-believers
But I will continue to report them here
Oh I’ve said for years this place is consumed with irrelevant minutiae.
I would expect nothing less
U never know when a surprise could come your way?
former Senator Job Kyl fill John McCain’s Senate seat…