While stories of the Trump’s piecemeal efforts at immigration enforce are played here and across the media?
Some point to a problem for Democrats….
SOME sort of immigration enforcement has always been in place and must be in place….
The elimination of border cops is NOT supported by most Americans….
No matter what the headlines show?
Americans DO want something done against a narrative that Trump and Republicans have owned saying the borders are being overran….
The issue for Democrats , who will probably lead in the House come next year will be how to craft and answer to Trump’s amateur efforts at anti-immigration policy….
The should be NO closing of the borders , no storm trooper raids around the country….
But a coming together on a rational and human enforcement policy from Congress that gives a way for people who have been in this country try for decades to become legal and a way to handle this coming here for the same goal….
Democrats CAN take this issue from Trump and his buddy Stephen Miller….
But they need to have some sort idea on how to tackle the issue….
President Obama tried to strike a deal with Republican lawmakers but he got suckered….
“Donald Trump was elected in great part because of the crisis on the border in 2014 and 2015,” The Atlantic’s David Frum recently asserted, in a column that advised Democrats to enforce the border humanely. “When Trump promised a wall on the border, this was the problem that the wall was supposed to resolve.”
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry offered The Atlantic’s readers a similar take, arguing that, while most Americans oppose Trump’s family separation policy, many “might regard Democrats as just as extreme as Trump” on questions of immigration; after all, six in ten Americans tell pollsters they want increased border security. Therefore, to regain the public’s faith — without abandoning their party’s commitment to mass legal immigration and the humane treatment of the undocumented — Gobry advises Democrats to follow the lead of French president Emmanuel Macron, and show the electorate that they “can actually be tough on illegal and irregular immigration.”
These analyses are superficially plausible, but fundamentally misguided. In truth, the nativist turn in American politics has not been driven by the public’s concerns about border security, per se, but rather by widespread anxieties about rapid demographic change. And that change cannot be reversed — or even meaningfully slowed — by reducing illegal immigration….
Zreebs says
What the Democrats should NOT do is to advocate any increase in immigration. What they SHOULD do it is criticize Trump for separating the youth from their parents and then jailing them. Such a practice was not only costly, but it was immoral. And use language such as “If the government breaks up some families, what makes you think it will care about your family”
jamesb says
Democrats should advocate HUMAIN immigration enforcement….
Democrats should campaign for a WAY to citizenship….
Democrats should stand for those who have been in this country for over 5 years and can show they have paid their taxes SHOULD NOT he deported, but given a chance to stay and become Legal….
Screw those who fight the above as amnesty …
These people HAVE paid their way…
jamesb says
Hundreds of CBP employees were arrested for crimes, including domestic abuse, in past two years
While Donald Trump keeps falsely portraying immigrants as criminals and dangerous, more than 500 Customs and Border Protection (CBP) employees were arrested for incidents ranging from bribery to domestic abuse in 2016 and 2017, CBP’s own investigation finds. “The most common arrests were related to misconduct involving drugs or alcohol; the reports concluded that 109 employees faced those kinds of charges in 2016, and 119 in 2017. Domestic or family misconduct was the second most common reason for the arrest of the border agency employees—51 in 2017, up from 44 the previous year, the data show.”…