Omarosa Manigault Newman is just the latest in a string of women that Donald Trump has come across….
He’s not good to or with women….
Married three times?
An affair with a porn star that cost him in the six figure to hush that is spread across the media….
The affair while his wife was carrying his latest child has his wife reportedly sleeping in a different room that him in the White House and on the road….
Several other women where given hush money for Trump’s straying….
Then there are the ‘hands’ situations which are numerous but seem to have been forgotten by most of us….
All this is peanuts next to what is going on now….
A Black woman that Donald Trump let into the intersections of his life was kicked out of the club in public by his Chief of Staff….
Things haven’t been the same since….
Turns out that Omarosa was smarter then ALL the others….
As with Bill Clinton?
She saved stuff….
At least that’s what she says….
In selling a book ?
She promises to reveal what she has…..
That biting the hand that feed her…
But was withdrawn….
This ain’t new….
Men DO tend to lose things like their jobs and even freedom when it comes to women….
So far Donald Trump has been able to pay and lawyer his way out of these things….
We’ll see about how he does THIS TIME…
8/17/18 Open Thread is here….
Good Morning People….
Right Now?
Omarosa is probably chewing up more of Trump & Co. then Mueller…
He has rules…
She doesn’t….
And she has the media eating from her hand ….
Stepping in front of Trump in the media on this….
Trump wouldn’t be the first leader to lose his seat because of a woman…
Ya gotta KNOW that a LOT of those women that Trump shitted over HAVE to be rooting for her…..
Omarosa is simply a female Trump.
A lot of us are snickering of course because she is giving Trump and his cult a taste of his own medicine.
I have no use for either nemyself.
A perfect example of two scumbags wallowing in the gutter together.
But she’s a scumbag with tapes.
Still amazed no Republican has been critical of Trump’s abuse of John Brennnan.
I’m amazed but,unfortunately, not surprised.
Which brings to mind a question,
How many Republicans have been nominated as the party’s Senatorial or Congressional candidate that are openly critical of Trump?
Perhaps three or four. Profiles in courage.
We often read here how the opposition to Trump is growing and that his disapprovals are rising.
One of the first places such would show,if it were true, would be among the party’s candidates ,one would think.
However the exact opposite is occurring.Whereas ,there were some neverTrumpers among the Republicans in Congress,almost all of them are leaving and there appears to be nobody taking their placeLindsay Graham ,a former semi neverTrumper is now all in .Yesterday he opined that the FBI should have stopped the Trump campaign from”colluding” with Russia,if such occurred of course,Apparently,he was serious.
Rand Paul is another former Trump antagonist who once showed some intellectual independence but now can’t wait to become even more servile by the day.
It used to be that Rand Paul was the more independent GOP Senator from Kentucky; now it seems — in his own very limited way — to be Mitch McConnell.
He, he, he
Anybody remember how Rand Paul LEADING the 2016 Republican nomination field for decent while?
In fact that behavior is typical for the senior South Carolina GOP Senator who has in his history several efforts to work with Democrats in off years and a run back to embrace the party in election years….
Graham was calling Trump names a mere year and a half ago.
Was still being quite critical of him until the Republicans back in SC began criticizing him.The final breaking point came with Mark Sanford’s loss in the primary where his failure to totally support Trump was the only issue really.(although he voted with Trump about 90% of the time)
Graham apparently wants to run again and after a lackluster primary win in2014,where he received 56% of the vote against a ragtag group of nobodies, he has rightly concluded that people who challenge Trump dont win primaries in SC.
There ya go!
The more recent Graham dancing!
The whole Omaraisa drama changes nothing for those of us who already thought Trump was unfit for office. And it doesn’t make a difference for the 32-35% hardcore Trump loyalists. But for those who voted for him thinking he’d change or grow in office I can’t see where this helps him.
You would think that anyone who supported Trump under the impression that he would grow in office would have long ago concluded that such was but a mirage.
Then again, hope often dies hard.
Anyone (besides her son Jonah) heard any word recently from Lucianne Goldberg ?
The old girl is in her early 80s or so now,right?
Haven’t heard anything about her in years.
Iowa Governor
Kansas Governor
Morning All….
This is the 577th day of Donald Trump’s presidency. That’s 1 year and 7 months to the day….
Chris Cillizza….
That’s 19 fun-filled months down and only 29 [or 77?] thrilling months to come !!
650 days, or 92 weeks & 6 days since Election Day, 2016
577 days, or 82 weeks & 3 days since Inauguration Day, 2017
78 days, or 11 weeks & 1 day until Election Day, 2018
136 days, or 19 weeks & 3 days until the 116th Congress sits
806 days, or 115 weeks & 1 day until Election Day, 2020
884 days, or 126 weeks & 2 days until Inauguration Day, 2021
I hope NOT!
I wishing for somehow the guy has to vacate the office….
….and YES…
Manafort Jury could have a verdict tonight…..
Kelly Cohen
NEWS – the jury has informed the judge they want to deliberate until 615pm tonight. they’ve been ending at 5/530pm past 3 days. this could be it folks.
Disregard the last…..
The Manhort jury has gone home for the night
Will resume deliberation in the morning….
This is may not Be good for the Mueller team…
Somebody on that jury may not be in synch with the others….
Oh, right after this trial?
Manafort has ANOTHER Federal trial in Virginia
Paul Manafort is already in jail with very limited outside communications, because the judge thought there were credible-enough allegations that Manafort had tried to influence jurors. So it seems at least possible that the jury can’t decide because at least one juror had been successfully influenced to hold out against conviction.
Good Morning….
That’s my thought…
The back and forth with the judge and lawyers every day seems to me like some issues…
But veteran court watchers also point out that he was hit with 18 serious charges…
The jury is made up of pretty educated people , so they think they might just be taking their time to seriously go thru the charges…
We’ll see if they finish today…
I’d like to see Jack’s view of this….
It appears that the Manafort jury has reached a decision on 17 of the 18 charges….
They appear to be stuck on the last charge…
The judge has huddled with the lawyers and has agreed to talk middle ground decision if necessary…
Stay tuned for more…
No separate post on todays primaries in Wyoming and Alaska…
But 270toWin is covering the voting….
Manafort found guilty on 8 Charges…
Was charged with 18….
There is a mistrial on the 10 with no verdict….
Manafort has another trial awaiting….
I’ll have a post later …
A win for Mueller..
But not as strong as straight flush….
I long ago gave up guessing what ajury will do.
As a Prosecutor, I have won many cases I was sure that I had lost and vice verse.
Oftentimes ,I will talk with jurors after the trial in cases where a”not guilty” verdict was delivered and I am surprised the emphasis they attached to an issue which I had given little thought to.
In my view ,the next trial in DC where the money laundering charges are up is the more serious matter facing Manafort.
No matter what?
Manafort is in deep shit and will be incarcerated for a Long time unless he turns on Trump…
America fallen to this…
Daniel Dale on twitter…
ICE arrested a California man on Wednesday when he stopped for gas while driving his wife to the hospital for her C-section. She ended up driving herself the rest of the way, giving birth alone.
Former UN Sec Kofi Annan has passed away…
New word for ya Jack….
The ‘forgotten Republicans’..
There are lots of Republicans I would like to “forget.”
In your case however I presume this is another one of your Republican apologies where you try to convince that Republicans “really” don’t support Trump.
So go ahead and name all these people.
Morning People…..
Ah, a morning where the temperature is actually below 70 degrees!
I NEVER said Republicans do NOT support Trump, their party leader….
I HAVE continued to point out that there ARE layers of support for him strong and weak…
I have reminded those who come here that their IS a percentage of Republicans and Conservatives who do NOT support their parties leader…
Some of them have gone so far to say out loud that they would vote Democratic in the upcoming November election to help Democrats get win’s in the House and Senate to gain majorities that would cap some of Trump’s Presidential power….
Most of these people will REMAIN Republicans….
Most of these people will be able to say in the future that THEY held on tom their political beliefs even as others in the party sucommed to Trump’s centric push on the party…
Shades of grey there Jack….
Very few things in life are 100% anything….
But then you know that….
You’ve been around long enough….
Your turn …
Name them James. What issue do they disagree with him on?
Show us the grey please.
Simply saying it exists is so Donald Trump.
If you take the time Keith you can check the posts here …..
I do NOT have the time to keep repeating the same thing over and over….
Translation?He has no idea as to the answer to Keith’s question.
He doesn’t know.
Name them James.
There are basically five out of approximately 290 on the Hill.
After that we have John Kasich.
Same five that have been there for 18 months.
And Ms. Lindsay seems to have gone over to the enemy. The Russians must have pictures.
Where is that grey?
Sure there are some Republicans who oppose Trump.
Are they large in number?No.
Do they exercise any power in the party at present?No.
This whole thing grew out of a Poll I posted earlier on Republican views of Trump on racial issues whereby 83% said they did.Note this figure was the one used by the pollster himself,not me.After seeing the poll you insisted that since 44% “strongly” supported him ,that indicated that the remainder of the 83% only “somewhat “ supported him and that somehow that translated into some kind of possible “opposition.”
Note also this wasn’t overall approval of his job performance just this one issue.No matter ,to one like you ,who is obsessed with”proving” that there is widespread opposition to Trump within the Republican Party ,which there isn’t, you desperately have tried to extrapolate from this something that isn’t there.
There are always “layers” of support for any candidate.How about Joe Biden?You almost daily pump him up as the leading Democratic candidate and publish his numbers.Like every other type survey there are strong supporters and “somewhat “ supporters .Of course you rightly post his total support without a breakdown .That is an accepted method in polling ,as everyone knows.
But you detest Trump so,in his case only, you want to claim that “somewhat” supporters aren’t “really” supporters, an absurd formulation.We are all used to this type of crap from you though.
The bottom line?Republicns Overwhelmingly support Trump.Are there some that don’t?Sure,Are they large in number?No?Do Trump supporters support him at varying levels?Sure,just like with every other candidate.Is that indicative of a lot?Not really.
Are these “somewhat” supporters likely to vote for him over any Democrat?Undoudtedly.And that’s the whole issue isn’t it?
According ,and as usual, this whole “issue” you’ve raised is in the final analysis,of little import.
And,oh yes, so much for your “ grays.”
Maine Governor
Maine U.S. Senate
Mike Levine…
In other huge news, Republican congressman Duncan Hunter and his wife have been indicted by DOJ for allegedly using $250,000 in campaign money for their own personal expenses, including trips to Italy and Hawaii, and dental work..
The first two members of Congress to endorse President Donald Trump – New York’s Chris Collins and California’s Duncan Hunter – are both under indictment….
Kevin Roberlatd
Ryan…..Duncan Hunter to be removed from all his committee assignments….
Maryland Governor:
Morning People….
Heck of a news day yesterday…..
Maybe Zreebs is right on Menedez having issues in NJ….
Larry Sabato….
Dems have a new problem on the Senate front. Sen. Bob Menendez (D) has a slim 43%-37% over Bob Hugin (R). (Q poll) Corruption issue for Menendez + Hugin is wealthy. Not just 1 poll. Ds have been quietly worried about Menendez for some time. Major rescue effort coming?
I still think he keeps his seat
But it looks like Democrats are gonna have to help him out
Maryland U.S. Senate
The most interesting thing on this site anymore are CGs commentaries on the various races around the country.
Although differing with some of the analysis,overall a good job.
I will keep plugging away…..
And I will continue to show counter views that will generate discussions here….
Yeah I’ve been enjoying CG’s race of the day segment.
I completely forgot that Chelsea Manning primaried Cardin this year.
I guess everyone else did too.
Chelsea Manning is exactly the sort of person to whom Putin and the sycophantic Russian Orthodox hierarchy would give an extraordinarily rough time — but I’m sure he would publicly describe her as the victim of the false, hypocritical supposèd civil liberties of the West.
Good Morning All….
Z was passed about this…
But Silver IS hedging his calls….
For the record, we are expecting to win some and lose some. The model’s systematic approach has a lot of advantages when looking at the House as a whole, but it can miss district-specific idiosyncrasies that the handicappers are smart about incorporating.
Humorous sight of the day…
Congressman Duncan Hunter(InTheCult-Calif.) entering the federal courthouse to be arraigned to chants of,what else in the Trump era?
“Lock Him Up!”
He will not fight Ryan’s taking him off committee’s ….
One of the dumbest Members of Congress, and, if possible, the most arrogant.
BTW, he cannot “fight” being temporarily removed from his Committee assignment. That power resides solely with Party leadership.
True That Keith
Somebody must have took him aside and explained how things work where he works….
Massachusetts Governor
Thank you to the people who said nice things about these. I have been too busy during the day to comment, but might have some more time, at least for a while, coming up towards the end of the month.
Good Morning….
So much for the Trump North Korea initiative…
AP Politics
BREAKING: Trump directs Pompeo to delay North Korea trip, saying ‘we are not making sufficient progress’ on denuclearization
Good Morning….
Morning people…..
Trump @ disappve 51%…Approve 46%
With MOR?
There is no movement in his numbers…
His legal issues do not affect his numbers much at all.,..
A majority of Americans donNOT Approve of his being in office….
Senator John McCain is discontinuing medical treatment. I hope his final days are peaceful and that he is aware of the gratitude America holds him in.
post coming right now….
Michigan Governor
Morning People…..
Odell Beckham signs for $20M a year for FIVE years….
NY Giants owner Mara sticks to his word…
Now they have to perform!
This place is deader than Paul Manafort’s suit closet.
That’s fine ..
It’s the end of the summer…
Please are busy…
Me included…
I’m gonna keep Adding content ….
I’d prefer a dead suit closet, quite frankly, to one with a live $16,000 python jacket.
That would remind me too much of the Sherlock Holmes’, Adventure of the Speekled Band
Good Morning…..
Arizona, Florida and Oklahoma have primaries today…
FiveThirtyEight on todays primaries …….
It’s the Spring Training Primary! Six months after pitchers and catchers first reported to pre-season MLB training camps in Arizona and Florida, local fans report to their polling places on Tuesday to decide some of the most crackerjack primaries of the year. In addition, several Oklahoma primaries that went into extra innings after June 26 will be decided in runoffs. It’s the last big primary night of the year; play ball!….
What to watch in today’s primaries….
What to watch: The GOP primary for Senate in Arizona, where two Trump-loving Republicans are facing Rep. Martha McSally, who didn’t endorse him in 2016. She’s the likely frontrunner, but hasn’t secured the coveted Trump endorsement yet.
One candidate who’s not sweating the elections tonight is Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, who’s running unopposed in Arizona’s Democratic primary for Senate.
Real Clear Politics shows her leading McSally by five points.
The Florida Senate race will be a closely watched competition between incumbent Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott. Both are running unopposed in their primaries….
NYS Gov Andrew Cuomo debates Cynthia Nixon the actress for the governor Dem nomoination tonight at Hofstra University ….
Only speaking for myself,I find that I grow tired of the same old arguments.
Maybe Age is catching up with me!I don’t know.
Anyway, I post a few times a day.Zreebs took a sabbatical after James engaged him in some weird argument( are James’s arguments anything but weird?) .
There is always HHR.
Well, if anyone wants to go to HHR, you will get some “new arguments” there (and a whole lot of bats*&t crazy)
Going to HHR will only be going to the right learners singing together i’m Sure…
They wouldn’t be able to stay here
To much to the left for their liking i’d Assume…
I seriously doubt anybody left-leaning who posts here is going to start posting at HHR. Don’t worry about losing your base that way.
He, he, he
Ok I won’t
They have an open invitation though to drop in here
Would be interesting seeing the back and forth….
James challaged Z like he challenges everyone here….
James gave his view like everyone here
If your view is DIFFERNT?
If you need to take time off because you don’t like to hear DIFFERNT views?
Then Jack is correct
You can try someplace else like the number of GOPer’s Jack named….
This place is about expressing different points of view….
That is something Jack and I do and i’m Fine with that….
I have already stated my view as to Supreme Court appointments.
There is something humorous though when Donald Trumps lapdog, Mike Pence, is longing for a “more respectful time” in voting on such nominations.
Trump? “ Respectful time?”
Has this dunce ever heard of a contradiction in terms?
If the FL Dem Governor primary holds up the way that online pundits and numbers crunchers say it will, with the nomination of Andrew Gilum, that is an unbelievably astonishing lucky break for Republicans.
There was a guy back at the Politics1 days who called himself “Sunlover” and who loved Bob Graham, and his entire family, who must be having a really tough time right about now.
Wow, Bernie Sanders can gloat as much as Donald Trump on this one…
Gilum happens to be under FBI investigation as well.
I am not happy about the idea that the two nominees for Governor of Florida are both younger (very slightly) than me,
Well CG?
AP Politics
BREAKING: Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum upsets a crowded field to win Florida’s Democratic primary for governor. He could become the state’s first black governor. #Election2018
I have no doubt he is a good campaigner and will generate a lot of attention, but he is probably too far to the left to win and has some ethical questions. DeSantis would be a hard sell against almost any other Democrat. Too bad there is not a credible Independent option.
This primary result for Democrats is at least in the conversation of the Christine O’Donnell and Richard Mourdock primary wins.
AP Politics
BREAKING: After an easy GOP primary victory, #Florida Gov. Rick Scott heads to a showdown against incumbent U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson in a race that could determine control of the Senate. #Election2018
AP Politics
BREAKING: Ron DeSantis wins Republican nomination for governor in Florida primary election. #APracecall at 8:01 p.m. EDT. #Election2018 #FLprimary
AP Politics
BREAKING: In an uncontested race, Bill Nelson wins Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in Florida primary election. #APracecall at 8:00 p.m. EDT. #Election2018 #FLprimary
AP Politics
BREAKING: In an uncontested race, Debbie Wasserman Schultz wins Democratic nomination for U.S. House in Florida’s 23rd congressional district. #APracecall at 8:00 p.m. EDT. #Election2018 #FLprimary
AP Politics
BREAKING: In an uncontested race, Charlie Crist wins Democratic nomination for U.S. House in Florida’s 13th congressional district. #APracecall at 8:00 p.m. EDT. #Election2018 #FLprimary
AP Politics link for results tonight…
We don’t need to hear about the uncontested races!
Just take the rest of the night off. It’s ok…
New Open Thread is HERE...