That isn’t gonna happen….
It didn’t happen the last time he said the same thing back June..
With Midterm elections around the corner?
Republicans simply will NOT back him on this….
Nor is the countries Immigration policy going to get redone to his liking…..
While he and his assistant Stephen Miller keep trying to close the country off from the rest of the world?
People KEEP showing up at border check points asking for asylum , others keep applying for Visa’s and even more others keep risking their lives to come across the border illegally….
With Democrats just months away from probably leading the House?
The Immigration issue isn’t going anywhere and the discussion is about to change….
President Trump warned on Sunday that he would be willing to “shut down” the government over border security.
“I would be willing to ‘shut down’ government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT!” he said in a morning tweet.
“We need great people coming into our Country!” he added.
The president in an earlier tweet on Sunday morning said “many” border crossers are using children for “sinister purposes.” He also blasted existing U.S. immigration laws and urged followers to vote for Republicans….
Of course Republicans are in control of both houses but Trump wants to blame the powerless Democrats for any shut down.
Is this something a ‘secret Democrat” would do?
Speaking of CG looking like a fool.
Told ya so….
President Trump has privately agreed with congressional Republicans to delay the fight over funding for his border wall until after the November midterm elections, despite his public statements expressing a willingness to shut down the government over the issue, an administration official is telling The Wall Street Journal.
“The president sees merit in having this battle after the election,” the aide said….