That’s story in a piece from Chris Cillizza,, who now hangs his hat over at CNN….
The US is now leveling large import fee’s on good coming to this country from China…
I do NOT know how this works…
But if the American importers get bills of BILLIONS from their Government to pay?
They are will surely pass the costs on in the products they sell…
THAT will drop sales on those products, a lot which are simply NOT made in this country…
They will be job loses sooner or later…
And some American companies maybe able to increase sales…
But the American economy IS gonna feel this…
Some economists feel that’s ok, because the American economy is so big…
I hope they are right…
Because the American Congress…
Led by Republicans?
Seem afraid to confront a guy who has the money to get thru this without problems us regular common people …
At midnight Thursday, the United States officially entered into a trade war with China. The US slapped a 25% tariff on more than 800 Chinese products, with an estimated cost of $34 billion. China immediately responded with a series of tariffs of its own, insisting that President Donald Trump had started “the biggest trade war in economic history.” Trump has promised to impose $16 billion in further China tariffs later this summer and has openly speculated about tariffs totaling hundreds of millions of dollars before all is said and done.
James, Your analysis is essentially correct. You might want to add the if one country imposed tariffs, the other country often retaliates. But if it didn’t, the exchange rate would be impacted, so that the currency of the country that is having its goods Taxed will become s little less expensive – essentially partially offsetting the tariff.
Oh, and The vast majority of economists are for free trade.
Like Kudlow?
Kudlow used to support free trade. I assume he still does, but I have ‘t been following him lately.
A good case can be made that it is not inconsistent for a free trader to support tariffs on countries such as China that don’t practice free trade themselves, and to only remove those tariffs when those countries remove thir own pritectionist tariffs. I actually support that concept in principle.
Larry does what he boss wants
The American Congress sits on its hands while Trump goes from roughly 80 things to 10,000 slapped with import fee’s coming from China to the US….
“President Trump is remaking the global trade order without significant political resistance or penalty, unchecked by a largely compliant Congress and bolstered by the loyalty of his supporters — even those likely to be hurt by his burgeoning global trade war,” the Washington Post reports.
“Congress’s passivity in the face of Trump’s escalating trade conflict is one of several factors that have made it easier for the president to push on. Others have included markets that haven’t melted down, business leaders who have done little beyond using rhetoric to criticize the trade spat, and Republican voters who have stood by their president. In each of these cases, critics of his trade policy had hoped Trump would find reason to be dissuaded.”…