This from Red State….
A move to put an ‘Open Borders’ tag on Democrats…
I don’t want to pretend that every single person on the left is so insanely stupid that they’d welcome actual terrorists into the country…at least on purpose.
That said, the end result that Democrat leadership is pushing for — from politicians to mainstream media sources — is open borders in America. While many are focused on the fact that families looking for economic asylum would be able to come across the border unhindered and then just so happen to vote Democrat, what they aren’t considering is the fact that open borders would also open up the U.S. for major criminal activity.
We’re talking a sex slave trade, hard drug sales, murder, and destruction brought on by terrorists such as ISIS or MS-13. As good as your intentions might be, they’re a miles long section of that proverbial paved road to hell, with groups like the aforementioned two walking merrily on it…..
Note …
Erick Erickson no longer is with Red State…
Erick Erickson has no affiliation with Red State and has not for some time.
Democrats will have to clarify what exactly their views are on border issues and enforcement of the borders. When Bill Clinton was President, he publicly spoke about this in a way that would easily make him sound like a right-wing Republican today. I do not think any Democrats would attempt to sound like that currently.
My Bad …..
Yea, he’s Resurgent
Thanks for the correction which has been made in the post….
One other thing I noticed is that you cited something over the weekend as a “Chicago Tribune Editorial” when it was just a presentation of the much talked about syndicated George Will column saying people should vote for Democrats.
The Tribune is unlikely to completely abandon Republicans.
Link please?
This is what CG was talking about…
This same op-ed appeared on the editorial page of the historically Republican (anti-Semitic) Chicago Tribune to my amazement.
The man who prepped Ronald Reagan for his debate with Carter advises America to vote for the Democrats in November.
Something our friend Corey adamantly refuses to do!
There isn’t a competitive federal race for me to vote for a Democrat, even if I wanted to.
The state races would of course be considered different by many, and a vote for Democrats would be a vote for the status quo and corruption.
Of course, Keith has never voted for a Republican for federal office since I was old enough to vote, so we are in the same boat.
There WILL be swing and yes Republicans voting Democrat in the elections coming up as Trump moves to do what he thinks is reality and therefore fucks over those in his base….
I don’t see many Republicans voting Democratic in the midterms.
There is certainly no evidence of such in any of the polling to date.
Then again, evidence matters not here.
I don’t know many Jack. More likely some may stay home, the moral ones at least.
But, that’s just it. The point of the Will editorial is that Americans, of all political strips, should take a moral stand and vote for the Democrats to repudiate Trump.
He’s right of course. Doesn’t matter where they live or what the political make-up of the district. George says vote Democratic.
Does Keith’s prior “endorsement” of Massachusetts Republican Governor Charlie Baker no longer hold?
I’m voting for the Democrats who are running for Federal office to represent me in Washington Corey, are you?
Once again, this is a deflection. Especially since my friend, Charlie Baker, opposes almost all of Trump’s proposals and actions, and has a Trumpster challenging him in his primary this year. And, I don’t live in Massachusetts, so I won’t have the same moral dilemma you will this November, now will I Corey?.
I actually saw the Governor last Wednesday night when he visited our dinner table in Boston when I was having dinner with some of his staff members (past and present). He appeared to be in great form.
I always found it laughable when a blogger “endorsed” a candidate, especially in a district or state where they didn’t live. Because unless that “endorsement” brought votes or money, they are meaningless right?
I hope you didn’t ask him about his son.
There’s only one Democrat running to represent me for federal office. He doesn’t need my vote as the election is in the bag. The fact that I am not committed to voting for (and not doing anything to campaign for) the sacrificial Republican lamb says all that needs to be said.
But morally speaking, it is incredibly important to vote against JB Pritzker, which you acknowledge, as “different” even if I am likely going to be in the minority on that.
Silly deflection.
This is a moral statement George Will, and by extension the Chicago Tribune, is asking us all to make this November.
If you oppose Donald Trump, vote for the Democrats.
No amount of “whataboutism” can change that.
The Chicago Tribune, as all newspapers, regularly print a variety of opinion pieces. They certainly printed enough of your poison pen Letters to the Editor back in the ’80s, which were highly talked about at the time. The George Will column was not their own editorial statement.
There is no legitimate reason for me to vote for a Democrat with which I agree on basically nothing (although I am sure he is a nice guy) in a completely non-competitive U.S. House race. I have already said I may not even vote for the Republican either in the race. I gave examples, including that of the contest in a neighboring district, were I might be more inclined to the concept of voting for a Democrat as a protest.
Neighboring districts really don’t count now do they? Moral stands usually mean something when they accompany action.
George Will, a lifelong Republican and close confidant to Ronald Reagan, wrote an opinion piece that appeared on the editorial page of one of the most Republican and right wing papers in America telling everyone to take a moral stand against Trump by voting Democratic. Because, of course, contrary to some of the silly theories here, that’s the only way we, as a Nation, can stop him. The Tribune, like most of the Murdock papers, would never give ink to this type of opinion if they weren’t sympathetic.
And, Corey refuses to do so. So much for his anti-Trumpism and his moral stand against the Great Leader.
If George Will and none of you people cannot even get the Political Dog Himself to vote for his incumbent Democrat U.S. Senator, what hope do you have of swaying me?
Get him on the record in saying he will vote for Gillibrand and maybe I will change my mind..
Zreebs has also not committed to casting a vote for his incumbent corrupt Democrat Senator, (though I suspect he will eventually vote for him) but for now, I seem to be in fine company.
Scott has all but said he would vote for me, as a vocal anti-Trump Republican, in a theoretical race against Claire McCaskill,
I suspect George Will would come down to campaign for his fellow Cubs fan as well.
This fall, when the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board endorses candidates for federal office (and other elections), they will endorse at least a few Republicans for U.S. Congress.
So, will the left-wing labor union owned Chicago Sun-Times as well.
All of the above are deflections, and poor ones at that.
The James made me do it excuse is particularly humorous.
George Will is right, those who claim to oppose Trump should vote for Democrats this fall. I know, for a fact, Zreebs and James will be voting for Democrats for Federal office.
Will you Corey?
Never mind, I know the answer and I have to go. My trainer and errands are waiting for me.
Have a good work day everyone.
They have two races to choose from, so they can pick and choose which Democrat to not vote for. I’m jealous.
George Will has certainly on a few occasions written about his support of Bruce Rauner (not a lot of national conservatives like Rauner), so I can be on the right side of George Will in that race.
Which Democrat will you be voting for in the Senate race?
My caveat was you would have to win the GOP Senate primary in Missouri running as an anti Trump Republican.
Well, that’s why it’s theoretical.
I’d have to attack Hawley for being (slightly) too young for the job.
So you admit an anti Trump Repiblican even winning a GOP primary is outlandish.
Depends on the locale and depends on the opposition. Lots of factors to consider.
A left-wing anti-Trump Republican is unlikely to win any nominations. A conservative like Mitt Romney had no problem in Utah and I suspect that even if he was more vocally anti-Trump in the campaign, it wouldn’t have hurt him much.
I don’t think Ben Sasse in Nebraska is hugely vulnerable to a primary challenge, although some may run against him on the issue of Trump support.
I don’t regard Sasse as an avowed anti Trumper myself.
Yeah he’s,made some statements that may be construed that way,particularly in the early days of the Trump presidency.
Lately,he’s been much more circumspect about his comments.
I’m interested.
Does anyone know of an avowed anti Trumper winning a Republican primary for Senate or the House this year?
Yes, in some heavily Democrat House districts, some have won (names none of us would know off-hand). (Lots of others have won ignoring Trump over opponents who actively campaigned as “pro-Trump”) such as Young Kim in Orange County in a competitive district.
I would point to incumbent Adam Kinzinger who easily won a primary in Downstate Illinois. The GOP Senate nominee in NJ has places on his website where he openly points out differences with the Trump Admin.
I guess it also depends how you define “avowed anti-Trumper.” Does that mean someone has to pledge to vote against what the Administration wants on anything, for any reason?
I think by most standards, Mitt Romney should count,
I was thinking more of a candidate who openly questions whether Trump is a Republican and/or opposes him on the basis that he is doing great harm to the party.
A candidate expressing views like Kristol or the late Charles Krauthammer.
After the nomination/election Krauthammer (whom I have great respect for) shifted his tone on Trump as well.
He openly opposed him and openly said he wouldn’t vote for him.
Mitt Romney has never done that despite your strenuous effort to paint him as an anti Trumper he remains very noncommittal .
In the end?
Romney and even Collins will vote for Trump
They do NOT Have to agree with their party leader
Do Not have to like the guy
But they will have to answer in public for not supporting him when it gets critical
And do NOT seem to have the ball’s to withstand a Trump throwdown
My feeling is that Trump is going continue to fuck up and his adopted party members are gonna let it go on….
But some of them COULD suffer for his chaos and loose grip on reality…
Romney was very open about not having voted for Trump. Spoke out against him more strongly than anyone else did. To this day, he is saying he will not commit to voting for Trump.
Krauthammer, after having once called Trump a “rodeo clown” did also say that he felt he needed to give Trump a “chance.”
I would define “anti-Trump” as someone who openly stated before the 2016 general election that they would not vote for Donald Trump (and did not waiver) and who has not expressed any regret for doing so and has not said they will now vote for him.
The term should not mean that the person has to now oppose standard conservative policies that were around long before Trump or actively root for failure domestically or abroad.
While he is not in elected office, I continue to be amazed at how brazenly anti-Trump Kellyanne Conway’s husband continues to be on Twitter.
If those walls could talk..
Until we hear otherwise, I am pretty certain that Mitt Romney and Susan Collins will once again not cast ballots for Donald Trump to be POTUS.
“Not committing to voting for Trump” just illustrates Romney’s ambivalence as regards him.
Hell he interviewed with Trump for the Secretary of State job .
This is nothing more than a case of you “want” him to be anti Trump.
At best he is somewhere on the fence but actively anti Trump?
No he’s not.
I think Romney is biding his time and working on a longer strategy. (Trump is on the record calling him a “straight shooter.”)
Then again, I do think he tends to be too polite, to a fault, towards people who do not deserve it.
My not voting for Gillibrand is not part of this debate
She’s a Democrat
I will not vote for her for reasons stated before
I have stated here that my local county receiver of the taxes is a Republican and go out of my way to vote for him
I have addressed this before here
The media tends to nationalize all elections which is earlier for them and often has NOTHING to do with the reality of things on the ground….
The idea that any of us eouldn’t Use or brains to make our own choice on the ballot is stupid….
Regardless of Jack’s role here to challenge us all
I KNOW everyone here is smart enough to be able to vote for who THEY want irregardless of party affiliation …
This is of course simple
But I DO tend to repeat things that I feel DOES NEED to be restated 😱
Oh, Well?
So clearly, james can agree that his decision to note vote for Gillibrand is the same as my decision to not vote for Krishnamoorthi,
Just to make my position clear?
I don’t give a damn who either of you(or anybody else here) votes for.
I didn’t think you did. Keith is on a lonely, quixotic, campaign once again.
I want to know though if he is going to be voting for or against Dianne Feinstein.
Interesting Jack that our friend Corey can recall your voting patterns all the way back to the 70s, and who can ever forget his interest in how you cast your ballot for Governor. It went on for days.
Come on, we all have played ballot gotcha from time-to-time.
But, unlike Corey, you and I Jack, and most likely everyone else on this blog, have crossed over and voted for the other party of Federal or state office. Everyone except one.
Now Corey might think that George Will is on some sort of Don Quixote quest asking life long Republicans to vote for the only viable alternative to the scourge now facing our Nation. But, I don’t and I don’t expect you do either.
George Will asked that everyone vote for the Democrats this Fall as a counter to Trump, and our friend Corey refuses to do so. That’s his right of course, and we got the usual “I live in a blue district” excuse. But, as Will would say, this is a moral imperative. The numbers will count this time like never before
So, it isn’t so much of who one would or wouldn’t vote for, or what hypothetical candidate would be best. This is about someone who finds Trump morally objectionable, but won’t cast the most logical and direct vote against this moral blight on out country.
Not only is his logic flawed, but he is, in essence, supporting Donald Trump.
My question is whey
This must have been on his mind the whole “run.”
Very few people here, including Keith, can say they have voted for a Republican federal candidate in the time I have been a voter. Some cannot even name one Republican for any office in that time.
All irrelevant though. People should vote for the person they think is the best candidate.
For you Democrats, that will be Democrats. For me, that will be a Republican in almost every scenario.
I will never vote for Trump though. It’s up to you guys to find a candidate that can actually beat him though. Right now, I have serious doubts you will be able to.
If I don’t vote for Khrisnamoorthi
james doesn’t vote for Gilibrand
Zreebs doesn’t vote for Menendez(?)
Keith doesn’t vote for Feinstein
DSD doesn’t vote …
Not much of a “blue wave” I suppose.
He, he, he
Come on CG!
Blue Wave does not mean we vote solid DEM
IT MEANS MORE DEMOCRATS come out a vote for the Democrat of their choice
Accent is on
Oh I’ve voted for lots of Republicans over the years ,despite your hyperbolic suggestion that I “ detest” all Republicans and have for Fifty years.
Further, as I’ve stated I have lots of Republican friends.
Whether you “ believe” me or not carries as much concern for me as to who wins the national badminton championship. ( who is playing?)
I don’t know if the Democrats will win in 2020 or not,
However you should hope they do as much ,if not more than me.
Eight years of Trump will radically remake your party(much more than it already has).
Indeed, the way things are going you might not even be welcomed in aRepublican meeting in six years if Trump is re-elected.
I hoping that just four years will be enough Trump time to hurt the GOP enough….
I know that you have voted for Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham, mostly because the Democrats were not acceptable.
But you didn’t vote for DeMint over Alvin Greene.
I was talking about some other people here though..
Right now I am planning on voting for Republicans in two statewide races and two local races.
I may not even be alive 8 year from now, and I certainly do not want Trump to win, but I can’t root for the Democrats to win either. They are that bad.
And I do of course prefer conservatives on the courts, etc, for those who will be around.
In 2020, I will vote for the best person to be President. Likely, there will be an acceptable choice on my ballot, but I will write in someone if I have to. The EV of my state will not be close, and thus my vote will largely be irrelevant.
Which statewide races do you plan to vote Republican? If you wish to speak of it.
I notice there are no Democrat candidates for Comptroller and Ag Commissioner. : )
I will vote for incumbents Mark Hammond for Secretary of State and Molly Spearman for Superintendent Of Education.
I will also be voting for Republicans in two local races,Probate Judge and Register of Deeds.
Hammond and Spearman are not openly pro-Trump?
If they are, you go further than I would in who I could vote for personally.
Happy Independence Day everyone. America is and always has been Great! (Hopefully one day soon it can be better than today)
America is and Has been Great….
Knuckleheads like Donald Trump take advantage of its greatness
No matter how he tries to mess things up?
It will shake things off and march on …..
In serveral basic things Trump makes good points
But HIS arrogance , deceitfulness, miss placed trust and ego centric nature make his efforts to do just about ANYTHING FUCKED UP….
HE wasn’t a good businessman
He isn’t any better as President
I’ve never heard either of them mention Trump.
Actually I regard both offices as technical offices which probably should be on partisan.
As to your alleged aversion to supporting pro Trumpers?You have on many occasions,defended Trump supporters in Congress.Everyone here has seen you do so,notoriously Paul Ryan.So you effort to act as if you wouldn’t ever vote for a pro Trump candidate rings hollow,
Further if you aren’t supporting pro Trump Republicans?Such means that you at least passively oppose almost every Republican member of the House and Senate, a ludicrous idea.