This poll is another warning to Democrats to drop any idea that they should campaign on completely STOPPING America ( even if the idea IS popular in some places for Democrats) from having cops humanly enforce immigration laws….
A vast majority of American support the ability of people form other countries to immigrate here….
Democrats need to carefully calibrate their message on this issue…
A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows that most voters oppose eliminating Immigration and Customs Enforcement — the homeland security agency some liberal Democrats have called for abolishing.
Only 1 in 4 voters in the poll, 25 percent, believe the federal government should get rid of ICE. The majority, 54 percent, think the government should keep ICE. Twenty-one percent of voters are undecided.
But a plurality of Democratic voters do support abolishing ICE, the poll shows. Among Democrats, 43 percent say the government should get rid of ICE, while only 34 percent say it should keep ICE. Majorities of Republicans (79 percent) and independents (54 percent) want the government to keep ICE.
Calls to abolish ICE have been amplified over the past two weeks — since Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a liberal challenger, defeated House Democratic Caucus Chair Joe Crowley in a Democratic primary for Crowley’s New York City-based seat. Ocasio-Cortez campaigned on the issue, and has said that ICE represents “the draconian enforcement that has happened since 2003 that routinely violates our civil rights, because, frankly, it was designed with that structure in mind.”
A handful of liberal figures — including some potential 2020 presidential candidates, like Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) — have also called for eliminating or replacing ICE, as have other Democratic primary challengers, like Cynthia Nixon, who is running against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
President Donald Trump has, in turn, attacked Democrats for advocating the elimination of the agency….
If someone of prominance was calling for the elimination of ICE without replacement, then this would be news. But that is just GOP propaganda that the Republicans and James are spreading.
Did anyone of “prominence” in the Republican Party embrace the Birther Movement?
Nobody really did, except for Donald Trump, who was not in that position at the time. That did not stop you guys from claiming it was a Republican position.
Now, I happen to think that a sitting Congressman who is the #2 official at the DNC and who is likely to be his party’s nominee for Attorney General is somewhat “prominent.” The young woman who just won that big primary in NYC has become pretty prominent.
The grassroots of the left is very much in favor of eliminating ICE and the concept of borders or immigration laws in general. That will be a fight in your party, but these sort of movements in both parties tend to be very loud. There will certainly be “prominent” Democrats who will run for President saying that ICE must be eliminated and that maybe the replacement details can be worked out in the future once it’s gone.
I don’t blame you folks for wanting to shut those people up. It’s how I came to feel about the Birthers (after having first laughed them off.)
It’s pretty remarkable that according to this poll, only 34% of Democrats think there should be an ICE.
Two-thirds of Democrats do not. Who will the Democrats find themselves trying to appeal to as they seek the White House?
Ocasio-Cortez is so prominent that not only did she defeat Joe Crowley in one NYC district, she also beat Jose Serrano as a write-in for a party’s nomination in a different district.
Birther Donald Trump is “so prominent Republicans nominated and elected him President Of the United States
Yes, even though Trump took it back during the campaign. Nonetheless, it shows that an abolish ICE person stands a very good chance of being nominated for President by the Democrats, especially since 2/3 of Democrats do not support keeping ICE.
I have posted warnings on the ICE issue
And I have also pointed out that the agency plays differently in different districts just like the lefty stuff plays good in SOME districts …..
It HAS be pointed out that very few Oascio -Coertez lefties have won Democratic primaries….
The media is working the Democrats should turn left thing….
Maxine Waters corrects the record: she doesn’t want to abolish ICE