The above is about Brett Kavanaugh joining the Supreme’s….
While some Conservatives would LOVE for abortion to be outlawed in America?
Americans do NOT want THAT ‘right’ to go away…..
They do NOT want to go backwards……
As President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick readies for his eventual confirmation hearing, support for the court’s landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade has hit an all-time high.
A new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal finds that 71 percent of American voters believe that the decision, which established a woman’s legal right to an abortion, should not be overturned. Just 23 percent say the ruling should be reversed.
That’s the highest level of support for the decision — and the lowest share of voters who want Roe v. Wade overturned — in the poll’s history dating back to 2005. In 1989, according to Gallup’s survey, 58 percent said they believed it should stay in place while 31 percent disagreed.
Those supporting the ruling include 88 percent of Democrats, 76 percent of independents and a majority — 52 percent — of Republicans. About four-in-ten Republicans — 39 percent — say that Roe v. Wade should be overturned…..
A majority of Republicans want to retain Roe.v. Wade?
Opposition to Roe has been one of the defining characteristics of the Republican Party for years.
What is left of Republican “principles?”
Except that they detest”libruls” ( although they apparently agree with them in this instance) and the “media,” the party seems to exist only as a cheering section for Donald Trump.
Remember the days when the Republican Party was steadfastly anti abortion, pro free trade, moralistic ,critical of Democrats for being “soft” on Russia,etc etc.
How many people these days, self-identifying as Republican, Democrat, or whatever, could even accurately define Roe v. Wade? Sadly, we shouldn’t give the American people too much credit. You would get a lot of interesting answers if this was asked on the street to people.
Generally speaking, when it comes to abortion, I think there has been evidence to suggest that a very large segment of people who call themselves “pro-choice”, when questioned further are only willing to say that should apply to the first trimester.
But a MAJORITY the right for a woman to choose….
Depends how the question is asked.
If it is regards to rape, etc, then of course As I said a lot of people will say they are pro-choice, only as it relates to very early in the pregnancy. If the question is should a woman have the right to decide that she wants to abort a fetus late in the pregnancy and the answer will be something else.
Roe v. Wade allows for any abortion, for any reason. I do not think most people realize that.