This seems to be a signal to Hillary Clinton that a third and last try is NOT a good idea….
55% of Democratic men are also against her running…..
Now I think read that more women vote then men?
Even with that?
A Clinton 2020 try would be a steep hill to climb….
But there is a large field and ya never know?
(I waiting to see if any of the polling outfits include her in 2020 Democrats running for President now)
Clinton has remained vocal since losing to President Donald Trump. Over the weekend, she appeared at the American Federation of Teachers National Convention, where other possible Democratic 2020 contenders – Sens. Bernie Sanders (Vt.)and Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) – also spoke. Clinton has used her Twitter account to take shots at Trump on issues including his relationship with Putin and his immigration policy.
Clinton’s public presence has caused some speculation about another run. Earlier this month, New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin wrote that “Hillary Clinton is up to something.” Lanny Davis, a former special counsel to Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, has urged her not to run.
Overall, 63 percent of voters said Clinton should not run in 2020, while a quarter said she should…..
If I was to bet two years out from the Democratic Presidential nomination?
I’d say the nominee will NOT be a woman….
America STILl is not ready for a woman President….
I’d put the odds at 50%. America was and is ready for a woman president
I was pleasantly wrong about Obama
But I don’t think i’ll Be wrong about 2020
Republicans have virtually NO. Strong women politicians
And there is no strong woman Democrat in my eyes right now that pills as good as Biden or Sanders
James, If the choices in the Democratic primary came down to Warren, Gillebrand, Harris and Sanders, who would you vote for?
Hillary Clinton questioned Donald Trump’s intentions and ripped the president for failing to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin at an event Saturday in New York’s Central Park.
“It’s alarming on many, many levels,” said Clinton, discussing this week’s Helsinki summit between Trump and Putin.
“Now, the great mystery is why the president has not spoken up for our country,” Clinton told a youthful crowd at an outdoor music and cultural festival hosted by OZY Media. “And we saw that most clearly in this recent meeting with Putin.”…
Few people thought that either party would nominate an Afro-American for president so soon as in fact happened.
And, like 2008, 2016 was another sure-to-be-first moment, for had the Democrats not nominated major parties’ first female candidate they would have put forth their first major-party Jewish candidate (as Al Smith had been the first Catholic one in 1928).
For that matter, I doubt that anyone in the 1930’s would have thought it even conceivable that in 2012, the choice would have been between the first sitting black President and the first major-party candidate belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.