The ex-President has been enjoying the good life after being in the ‘bubble’ for more than eight years….
But everyday he finds the guy who he tried to give advice to when he left office ?
Trying to erase EVERYTHING he has done during his time running the country….
It has been pointed out to him that with the unexpected loss of Hillary Clinton?
The Democratic party has been kinda aimless….
Party people and others would like Obama to get back in the game and help in anyway he can….
And soon….
Democrats have turned to the party patriarch as fatigue with the Clintons has set in, a factor exacerbated in recent days by former President Clinton’s tone-deaf comments on Monica Lewinsky and the “Me Too” movement.
The desire among Democrats for Obama to take a more leading role in the midterm fight and party building in general is just getting stronger, particularly with the lack of alternatives.
“There’s f—ing no one else,” one frustrated Democratic strategist said. “Bill Clinton is toxic, [former President] Carter is too old, and there’s no one else around for miles.”
Some say Obama should get off the sidelines — and should have done so earlier.
“He’s been way too quiet,” said one longtime Obama bundler who rarely criticizes the former president. “There are a lot of people who think he’s played too little a role or almost no role in endorsing or fundraising and he’s done jack shit in getting people to donate to the party.”
The vacuum at the top of the party has been created by the fall of the Clintons; Obama’s disappearance, for the most part, from the public stage; and the fact that other Democrats with national voices are getting ready for 2020….
I’ve never felt that Obama was much into politics. He thinks it is a dirty business that he had to be involved in just for himself to get where he felt he needed to go.
Of course he would prefer Democrats to win, but unless their name is Barack Obama, the game has always been pretty secondary to him. The results since late 2008 speak for themselves.
I’ll go part way with ya…
I agree he wasn’t too happy getting involved with the grind of politics….
He DID seem to be deaf to somethings when he was in office…
Like Bill Clinton…
He had and has that ‘thing’ that Hillary Clinton will never have with people…