The seesaw continues….
While I did a post a yesterday that pointed to flat wage growth and job loss from the Congressionsl Budget Office…..
We get a more rosy picture from the Trump Labor Department today…
Oh, and Trump outted the ‘good’ news a hour early, of course, ahead of the traditional Friday morning anoucemnet…
U.S. hiring rose more than forecast in May, wages picked up and the unemployment rate matched the lowest in almost five decades, indicating the strong labor market will keep powering economic growth.
Payrolls increased 223,000 following a revised 159,000 gain, Labor Department figures showed Friday. The median estimate of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg called for 190,000 jobs. Average hourly earnings increased 2.7 percent from a year earlier, more than projected, while the jobless rate fell to 3.8 percent from 3.9 percent to match April 2000 as the lowest since 1969.
Stocks and Treasury yields rose. The report reinforced expectations for Federal Reserve policy makers to raise interest rates when they meet June 12-13, and spurred investors to increase bets on two more hikes this year after that, rather than one. Steady hiring and lower taxes will bolster consumer spending, helping to support the projected rebound in U.S. growth this quarter and continuing to trim the unemployment rate. Wage gains, while positive in the latest report, have yet to show a sustained acceleration….
This positive report has booster the markets after they dove down due to the trade war news recently…..
Oh, and interest rates are on their way up ……
Big media story about Trump giving an indication of good numbers a hour early….
Won’t change anything…
He’s the President….
He’s a guy who will ALWAYS be centrict in his life and will move to take credit for anything and EVERYTHING…
Yes – the economic recovery which first began a year or so after Obama took office – continues to have job gains, and recently some wage growth. That will typically happen anytime you have either a large tax cut or spending increase. But wage growth is not occurring everywhete, and it is certainly not growing for middle and lower middle class workers.
I am a big fan of Warren. My biggest concern is whether she can attract independent voters. If I conclude that she can, I will likely support her in the Democratic primary.
She will have problems with blacks and Hispanics ….
Biden will be the key how things go….
And of course that guy thatain’t a Democrat….
I don’t know if Warren will run or not,but why would she have “problems” with Blacks and Hispanics?
What is your basis for this statement?
It is doubtful that Warren and Sanders will both run, although I guess anything is possible.
I still think it is very unlikely that Biden runs in the end. If he does, he will have a hard time fulfilling expectations.
A Biden run would be tough
But with his old boss still having good numbers I think he’d do fine…
Affection for Obama is not likely transferable in and of itself. Michelle Obama is probably the only person who could attempt that. Plus, the party is always looking for something “new.”
The good feeling for Obama IS STILL strong out there ….
Yeah – Obama did a great job, but that doesn’t mean I am a big fan of Biden – not that Zi dislike him.
Those blocks belong to Biden right now,..
Sanders never caught on with them and suspect she won’t either…..
Seen as too far left and no chemistry there
Biden is black and/or Hispanic?
If there is an African-American or Hispanic candidate in the field, they will overtake Biden in those demographics.
By far though, the largest demographic of Democrat primary voters will be women.
Harris and Booker could very well be foils for Biden just like Obama was for Hillary ….
Harris….Another mixed race person AND a women!
Elizabeth Warren is also a mixed race person AND a woman!
James has never liked Warren for reasons he has never been able to articulate.
Here views aren’t any different really than other Democrats he supports.
Generally speaking, Warren may remind of a lot of middle-aged men of their wives, and that may not necessarily be someone they want as President.
Yeah maybe that James problem,although he often cites his wife here.
Once he said that he opposed her running for President because he wanted her to stay in the Senate.
That was sort of a unique view.BS of course.
She has been uniquely one dementional
Ranting against the financial industry
I have seen little of her views on much of anything else….
Anyone have anything else to push for her?
Being the Senate IS better than the CFPB…
With Trump she would have been out of a job
The woman angle doesn’t track on Warrrm
I supported Hillary
Would you have supported Hillary if she was not married to Bill?
I think you just like the “Royalty” aspect of politics.
He, he, he
What a silly question….
“She has been one dimensional.”
That’s funny.
You have no idea where any of the other would be candidates stand on any issues without googling them.
Yea I could have ….
But I didn’t
I used to ask you what made Hillary qualified to be President and all you were able to say was that she was married to Bill and has “seen the job up close.”
I think I gave MORE THAN THAT….
Being a Senator and Sec of Dtate
Having lived with aPresident for 8 years
I feel my view was correct in the action’s of the current resident of the American White House…
I have also mentioned promontory rhat I NEVER thought Hillary was a good campaigner and that she detested doing so…..
People here in 2015 were saying that Hillary was going to cruise to the White House by being competitive in Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, etc, and that she would win over white voters who refused to vote for Obama.
Just about EVERYONE here and elsewhere got it wrong about the 2016 Presidential results
That is old….
Well Warren is regarded as the most knowledgeable persons in the Senate on banking issues, so most senators defer to her on that subject. But she was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, so she is very highly regarded – even though James and the Republicans would prefer that she was less effective.
I believe that zen Warren is highly regarded…
I’d vote for her for US Senator
I don’t know what actual effect Elizabeth Warren has had thus far, beyond being a part of driving her party further to the left.
Since you believe all Democrats are “ leftists,” that is a distinction without a difference.
However, Warren is a far less influential person in the Democratic Party than Donald Trump is in the Republican Party which in many ways is now but a caricature of the party that existed a scant few years ago to such an. extent that even a loyal party member as you can no longer even support the Republican President.
Now that’s an “effect!”
I certainly do not believe ALL Democrats are leftists, but leftists certainly represent a large portion of the party and exert the most influence at the national level.
and if Elizabeth Warren receives her party’s nomination for President, she will be on even footing with Trump in terms of “influence” within the party.
If not her, than someone who shares her views is almost certain to be nominated. The party is likely to turn to someone who speaks to the rage and despair within the party in a similar way that Trump speaks to those impulses.
Your last sentence I believe is totally incorrect CG,…
The Democratic Party shows little to see that they would turn hardc left….
In the 2018 races we have seen candites run left ….center… and to the right within the Democratic parry…..
Bernie Sanders endorsements have resulted in NO wins
Warren keeps saying she won’t run in 2020
The second tier people like Gillibrand, Harris and Booker back Sanders on stuff but
Can easily retreat to the middle where Biden, who leads in the early pools are…
Oh nice attempt at a comeback.
No,you are stuck with Trump,,a mean spirited, conspiracy minded, paranoid kook.
Your vain attempt to try to tie that kind of idiocy to the Democrats failsand falls in the area of
Mindless speculation.
I didn’t get it wrong on THAT.
At the same time, I was disagreeing with the other posters by saying that Hillary Clinton had fundamental flaws as a candidate and no real rationale, and that it was unusual for a country to endorse a virtual third term for any President, especially one who had fairly lousy approval numbers like Obama.
I said during this time period, to much scoffing from others, that she would have a very time winning absent a calamity of a Republican opponent.
Now, what I DID get wrong, is that she could not even beat the clown show. I certainly thought she would easily defeat Donald Trump, but alas I was wrong on that part. It was worse for her than even I realized.
Why, as a Democrat, won’t you vote for Gillibrand? What are the specific reasons?
jack, I am not “stuck” with Trump. Never have been. Never will be.
Those who surrendered their principles to stand with him are the ones who are stuck with him, for now.
A bunch of Berniecrats have already won primaries this cycle, some beating establishment backed candidates. We will see what develops in the other states but I have compared the Democrats in this year’s midterm to Republicans in 2010.
I think James sees some candidates are too liberal to win an election. He would prefer a candidate who takes some conservative positions.
Yes Z
You have me correct….
The Dem’s CANNOT win the Presidency with a strong leaning lefty
I said that is what YOU believe. It is not what I believe. Can Warren win the presidency? Not sure, but I think Bernie would have.
I said …’ypu have me correct’….duh?
Sorry, I honestly didn’t understand your expression “you have me correct”. The people I hang with don’t talk that way.
He, he, he
Good one CG!
I don’t think that Obama will necessarily endorse Biden. And if not, why would he do especially well with the black or Latino vote? I agree with CG that a Latino candidate is plausible – and she/he would then get the Latino vote.
I don’t think Obama would flat out of the box endorse Biden….
In deference to his fomrer running mate and VP?
I think he would hold off….
Especially when Trump is the opponent.
Which of the prominently mentioned Democratic candidates do you not believe to be a”leftist?”
For President? It’s kind of doubtful one will run. We will see. That one Congressman from Maryland, Delaney, who announced like a year ago and who everyone has already forgotten about how taken some “DLC” style positions. There are Democrat elected officials, in federal, state, and local office, and certainly voters who are not leftist though.
They are going to have to make some tough choices and decisions about their party just like Republicans have and still have to.
Deleany is actually running right now,..
He is the Leader of your party
I respect the fact that you abhor him, but the pure fact is that the vast ,vast majority of your party looks to him as the embodiment of your party.
You can call Warren whatever you want ,but a suggestion that she, or any other of the Democrats prominently mentioned ,would conduct themselves in the manner of this kook is nothing more than partisan speculation which comes off as being a vain attempt to saddle Democrats with your misery,
And they can change their minds about him as quickly as they once already did.
Warren (who says she was a Republican into the 1990s), represents far more of what the Democrats have stood for in recent years and is almost certain to continue to stand by.
I don’t know what you mean by “conduct themselves in the manner” but I do believe that anger and the politics of resentment are at the forefront in both major parties and that the Democrat candidate who promises to best take the fight to Trump and fight him most viciously is going to prosper in the nomination process.
The base of the Democrats wants to respond to Trump going low by going even lower (or maybe just as low) in retaliation.
Once again pure speculation.
And a “ hope” on your part.
No, I don’t buy that at all.
You think a Democrat might be able to ride the “we should love our enemies” mantra to the nomination?
I mean, just look how you guys talk on here. How could I think otherwise as to my theory?
and since it looks like Warren might possibly have the ability to get under Trump’s skin more than the others (her being a woman is a big part of that), I think that puts her in a good position if she runs.
She does seem to annoy him
And why shouldn’t Democrats be saddled with Trump “misery?”
He beat you guys just as much as he beat the people I preferred in my party. It’s even worse that it happened to you guys because that was supposed to be impossible. You aren’t even getting any morsels of conservative legislation or right-wing judges out of the deal.
Your multiple responses make my point.
You desperately want the Democrats to sink to the level of the Republican Party.
We all get it.
But sorry, no don’t see any potential Democratic candidate conducting them selves in the manner of your party’s leader.
You can always hope though.
Meantime, leatrn to live in your new Trump Party.
Are you one of those Boehner was talking know……..
Sanders COULD be the closest to Trump
But he isn’t a Democrat…
In what possible way is Sanders similar to Trump?
Populism, “system is rigged against you”, “our leaders have failed”, “we must completely dismantle the system” etc. etc.
Also, bad hair.
Believe it or not, a lot of people liked what they heard from both of them. Trump would not have been elected if not for enough Bernie Sanders primary voters supporting him in November.
Interesting. When I think of Trump, I think of lying, sexual assaults, corruption and appeals to racism. You see Trump as “system is rigged against you” (or did you mean him?) and bad hair.
His messaging and appeal have similarities to Sanders. Both are “outsiders” etc.
I wouldn’t ever vote for either of them, so I am not endorsing the concept. I am just saying what people see in them that causes them to have support.
I will agree with you that Sanders and Trump are both populists. Both can fire up people’s passions – although, unlike Trump’s, I just don’t see Sanders passion as destructive.
Sanders V Trump…
Noise level and BRIGHT SHINY object for the media….
What does noise level mean? Do they speak too loud? For that matter what does “bright shiny” mean? neither of them is attractive by any standards. If you are going to write something, you should try to make it that we understand what you mean. Both Trump and Sanders got large crowds if that is what you mean “for the media”?
jack, I think you are not as aware of what is going on in your party nationally as you may think. (Just like how I was wrong about Trump being a successful candidate in my party in 2016.)
I do know that you completely underestimated the Bernie Sanders movement last time. At a time you were saying that no candidate who would challenge Hillary could win even a single contest. Then you backed off on that a bit and said that it would still be a romp against them and that no other Democrat would have any signification number of delegates. Instead, what happened was that among actual primary voters, Clinton and Sanders finished in pretty much a tie.
I’m not napping. I’m wide awake looking around wondering what happened to all these sleeping bastards.
I don’t see Sanders duplicating his performance in 2020. If he does, he will somehow have to win more support from the Hillary wing. Hillary supporters won’t blame her for just about anything, but they will blame Sanders for her loss. And isn’t Sanders already too old? I think Democrats can do better.
It will be a much larger field in 2020 to say the last and thus you don’t need as much to move to the front.
My hunch is that he will not run and Elizabeth Warren will.
My best guess is that both will run – although it is hard to imagine that both could be strong candidates for the nomination simultaneously.
The large Democratic field will NOT be as large come next year….
This happens every time….
The money people can only deal with so many
The fields of out-party candidates for open Presidential seats have been huge recently: the Democrats in 2008 and the GOP in 2016 & 2000. So big that the initial getting-acquainted get-togethers barely have enough room on stage or time to divide among them all.
The difference this time will be that I expect a wide field of out-party Democrats at the end of Trump’s first term rather than at the end of his second.
From skimming the headlines, I gather that former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is unlikely to do well in next Tuesday’s California all-party gubernatorial primary, which would put a severe dent in his prospects of being a significant 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.
The jungle primary thing is NOT the way to go….
This thread about the unemployment numbers has become a de facto open thread, with 75 comments so far.
It may be time to open a new open thread.
I hear ya DSD….
Coming Up….