Crazy shit ?
The first tax cut hasn’t been a success it was supposed to be for Republicans…
Most Americans have seen nothing like the breaks large corporation and the rich have…
Trump and Co. could be going back to take MORE money from middle and poor America?….
That, and push the country into a predicted recession even sooner?
President Trump “said he wanted to further lower the corporate tax rate, from 21% to 20%, as part of a second round of tax cuts later this year,” the Washington Post reports.
“Trump, in an interview with Fox News to mark the six-month anniversary of the $1.5 trillion tax-cut law Republicans passed last year, said other parts of the new tax plan would be tailored to the middle class.”
Said Trump: “One of the things we’re thinking about is bringing the 21 percent down to 20 and for the most part, the rest of it will go right to the middle class. It’s a great stimulus.”
Tax cuts for the wealthy is one of the guiding principles of the Republican Party and has been since Reagan and the advent of so called”supply side economics”(the long discredited theory advanced by a few offbeat radical Right Wing economists) that lowering tax rates for the wealthy will so “stimulate “ the economy that more actual revenue will be collected even with the lower rates ,thus negating any upward surge in the deficit.
Indeed, Trumps economic advisor, former economic entertainer,Larry Kudlow, announced the other day that,despite all actual evidence to the contrary,the deficit is actually going down due to the Trump/Republican tax cut.(Kudlow is taking a page from his boss’s playbook,keep telling a lie long enough and Republicans will actually believe it’s the truth and will label actual evidence as “fake news.”)
Funny that the appointee of a “secret Democrat” would want to spread the Republican lie that tax cuts for the rich reduce the deficit.
Kudlow’s meds must have effected his brain…
He also keeps talking about Free Trade while his boss talks about more tariffs