And past and present President’s wives….
While the program actually started and then stopped under President Obama’s admin….
The increased use of it by the Trump admin in response to Attorney General Sessions call for illegals to handled as criminal ‘s and his narrowing of asylum reasons has made the policy a political hot potato for Trump Dept. of Homeland Security….
They seem unable to grasp the building outrage….(But will probably try to use this as a way to get a immigration bill on Trump’s desk more the conservatives liking and more money for a Trump wall project)
Trump blaming the Democrats and the DHS denying that the policy exits is scant defense against the pictures of the children around border cops with guns and the interment camps around the country….
The issue HAS to go away before the midterm voting…..
White House officials have tried to distance themselves from the policy, although the administration put it in place and could easily end it after it has led to a spike in cases of split and distraught families.
Trump tweeted Monday: “Why don’t the Democrats give us the votes to fix the world’s worst immigration laws? Where is the outcry for the killings and crime being caused by gangs and thugs, including MS-13, coming into our country illegally?”
In a guest column for the Washington Post Sunday, Mrs. Bush made some of the strongest comments yet about the policy from the Republican side of the aisle.
“I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart,” she wrote. She compared it to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, which she called “one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history.”
Underscoring the emotional tension, First Lady Melania Trump, who has tended to stay out of contentious policy debates, waded into the issue. Her spokeswoman said that Mrs. Trump believes “we need to be a country that follows all laws,” but also one “that governs with heart.”
“Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform,” spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said….
Confronted by daily images of families being traumatized at the border, Republican lawmakers plan to increase pressure on President Trump to roll back a “zero tolerance” immigration policy resulting in parents being separated from children, GOP sources tell Axios.
Be smart: We know that Trump is responsive to traumatic images (including kids being gassed in Syria), and he’s acutely attuned to how issues play in the media. So some well-wired Republicans think he may eventually find a way to change the policy announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
While Laura Bush’s comments on this issue are welcomed, not a single Republican with the power to stop Trump on this is doing a god damned thing.
For years CG has often mentioned the internment of Japanese Americans in WWII as a slam against FDR and Democrats. Well that was 75 yrs ago. This is today.
via twitter…
Jim Sciutto
Listening to DHS Sec Nielsen now, appears admin doubling down on #FamilySeparation, calls previous asylum policy a “significant pull factor” for immigrants, notes 315% increase in “illegal aliens fraudulently using children” to enter country”
Actually Republicans WILL confront Trump tomorrow at a meeting if he shows up…
This has gotten too big for Trump to just let DHS take the hit……
Trump is trying to skate on the fact that Obama did the same thing for a while….
But he gave it up when he realized that GOPer’s rolled him on their promise for some reform…
How ironic , eh?
Almost the same parallel ?
There are two votes on immigration coming this week…
I’m sure Trump and othe GOPer’s will try to roll this into the vote’s to get more of what THEY want , which is LESS illegal and LEGAL immigration…
The bottom line?
People ain’t gonna stop trying to come to this place….
Even if the people running the American government try to seperate them from their children….
The United Nations’ human rights chief is demanding that the Trump administration stop forcibly separating migrant children from their parents, calling the recently imposed policy “unconscionable” and an “abuse.”….
The list of GOPer’s actaully speaking against the seperation and interment policy grows….
Sen. Lindsey Graham said President Trump could “stop this policy with a phone call” on Friday in an interview with CNN. “I’ll go tell him. If you don’t like families being separated, you can tell DHS stop doing it.”
Sen. Ben Sasse outlined his feelings on Facebook but gave his “short version” in a tweet: “While there’s much to say about how catch-and-release policies led us here, family separation is wicked & needs to be stopped ”
Sen. Susan Collins said on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the policy is “traumatizing to the children who are innocent victims” and “contrary” to the values of the country.
Sen. Jeff Flake, along with Collins, wrote a letter to the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services with questions about the family separation policy as it applies to asylum seekers.
Rep. Mark Meadows said “families need to be unified” and that legislators need to “get to the bottom of it and make sure families stay together” in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
Rep. Will Hurd, whose district includes a long stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border, called the policy “unacceptable” and said children should not be used as a “deterrent policy” in the “home of the free and land of the brave,” in an interview with CNN.
Sen. James Lankford tweeted that he disagrees with the policy, adding that he believes “we must continue to protect the privacy of the children.”
Former First Lady Laura Bush jumped into the fray yesterday, stating that the policy “breaks her heart” and comparing it to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. First Lady Melania Trump also issued a statement via her spokeswoman yesterday, saying that the United States needs “to be a country that follows all laws, but also a country that governs with heart.”
A new Ipsos/Daily Beast poll finds 27% of Americans agree with President Trump’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents, while 56% disagree.
Yet, Republicans leaned slightly more in favor, with 46% agreeing and 32% disagreeing. Meanwhile, just 14% of Democrats surveyed supported it and only 29% of Independents were in favor….
Add to the list House GOP Speaker Ryan and even some media like the NY Post….
The list keeps growing…..
Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Monday said President Trump should “reverse course” on his administration’s “zero tolerance” policy that separates families at the U.S.-Mexico border….
Just to be on the record?
I think the chance of an actual
Immigration bill are scant to none….
Immigration is a tough thing to get done by the American government no
Matter what party governs…
The child separation policy is actually just from the President
Not Congress…..
DHS Sec Nielsen is asked if the separation of children ‘ child abuse?’
She is being thrown into the wolves cage
While Trump and Sessions stand on the sidelines
Just remember
This is a Trump policy
Illegally crossing the border is a not a felony.
The judicial system must be fair, and this punishment is clearly NOT fair nor appropriate for the crime. The practice of taking children away from their parent for this crime is evil.
I agree Z….
The troll is back
Never left DSD…..
A far more ethical way and potentially a more effective to cut illegal immigration is to go after employers who hire undocumented workers. Frankly, this is something we should be doing anyway. Why isn’t trump doing that?
In fact they say they ARE doing that…
But Trump, with Miller and Bannon on his back has turned their fear’s into a policy that is NOW seemingly back firing on them….
We’ll see….
In a way Trump IS correct…
Congress can take this out of his hands….
But they do NOT have the balls…
Employers, especially small business-owners who form part of Trump’s base, generally hate the paperwork involved in filling out and then filing 1-9’s and similar forms. How can, as unpaid non-expert non-officials, they tell whether a particular document proferred by a prospective employee is indeed genuine? And, both ethically and legally, they don’t want to fall into the opposite pit of appearing to reject someone out of prejudice. They’re being given this extra responsibility without compensation and without the authority of being a government employee.
So, I suspect that some of DHS’s and DoL’s reluctance to increase enforcement (apart from whatever extra legislative authority they might feel they need) might come from their own bosses’ reluctance to upset one part of the Republican and Trump base (pro-business) to appease another (anti-immigration).
When I had my business I made SURE I did my I-9’s
I only had one person that had to be let go when she couldn’t produce one….
And that was 15 years ago….
The woman was NOT a Latino BTW….
The politics plays better with going after the individual undocumented and sometime documented….
We’re talking about a Republican business orientated government….
Some employers clearly pay undocumented workers under the table. Prosecute those employers that do so.
More people pay regular American’s people off the books
Prosecute them too
Never gonna happen….
AS u know the underground economy is BILLIONS……
Never Trumper Republican Steve Schmidt announces he will vote for Democrats from now on
That’s the way to really stand up to Trump. Unlike our friend in Illinois who denounces him but still votes for Republicans who support and enable the inhumane policies of this administration.
Let’s check the facts on this.
In 2016, the Republicans I voted for in major races explicitly did not endorse Donald Trump. As far as I know, none of the Republicans I voted for in the more local races endorsed him either.
In 2018, I do not expect to vote for any Republican who is supportive of Trump or his child separation policy. The nominees for Governor and Attorney General in my state have both forcefully called for the policy to end.
So, Scott’s indictment of me is not accurate.
Schmidt directly mentions “exceptions” in the Republican Party.
While I share his views on this specific matter, I disagree with him on this:
“This Independent voter will be aligned with the only party left in America that stands for what is right and decent and remains fidelitous to our Republic, objective truth, the rule of law and our Allies.”
I do not believe that either party today, stands for what is right and decent, or the rest. Shame on them both.
DHS head Nielsen is drafting an order to cease family separations in spite of Sessions zero-torrence policy….
It is unknown if Trump will approve the move….
The word is Trump WILL sign off on ending the family separation policy
Unknown if zero tolerance is also being recended…..
Post coming when announcement made
Good get Scott post coming right up…