I’m perplexed with this new direction in the media….
Last week Americans expressed their displeasure with stuff the Trump Admin has been doing for the last year and half by confronting the Trump staff at places they sat down to eat….
There is a question about if this is ‘smart’?
We have a President that is attacking EVERYTHING and he don’t give a shit?
Democrats should JUST SHUT up?
Hillary Clinton should just SHUT up.?….
People….Americans that have the RIGHT TO speak their views…
And 60% or so do NOT agree with the actions of the guy who is the President…
He doesn’t care about them…
As a matter of fact he’s playing on them to energize his 40% to come out and vote to keep him and his party cohorts in power…
For Democratic politicians?
There IS a difference…
They need to focus on the differences they can offer against the Trump Doctrine in Economics Foreign Policy, Immigration and Taxes…..
They need to remind people that Trump & Co. is NOT the working man and woman’s friend…
That Trump & Co. seeks to take more and MORE from them to give to the rich…
That they care less if us commoners hurt….
Above all?
Democrats should NOT heed the word of Media pundits and suffer in silence…
THAT is stupid and harmful….
If that means showing their views to Trump employee’s?
So be it…
Despite Trump’s wishes?
It IS a ‘free country’….
I think Mona Charen said it well in her column today:
“Republicans keep mostly silent about Trump’s assaults on basic morality because they fear his popularity with their voters. It’s small and cowardly. But the Democrats have nothing to fear from modeling basic integrity, civility, and fidelity to truth. They should try it.”
“Their voters”
Says all we need to know about Republicans.
and what do the Democrats have to show us in response this time of national challenge?
None of this is about ideology or issue differences.
Is it a time to go just as low or is it a time to try to be better?
Yes and we all know that you would be so eager to help the Democrats in this “ time of national challenge.”
As we all know you will vote and support Republicans who support Trump.
All the while expressing your personal” disappointment” in their conduct.
Charens “ their voters” are your people.They will vote for the Republicans that you are “ disappointed” in and they will support Trump because they are “ scared” of them.
We really don’t need any lectures from you or Charen.
You’re both still part of this mess called the Republican Party.
I think someone needs to do right by the country.
I went through this with Scott last week ( I haven’t been posting much).
In 2016, I did not vote for any Republican who had endorsed Donald Trump. In 2018, I expect that every Republican I vote for will also not be Trump supporters. I cannot help where I live I suppose. The Republicans are not even a factor in most races here but in the high-profile state races, such as the ones for Governor and Attorney General, the Republican nominees are people who never endorsed Trump and who have vocally criticized his Administration for the events in the news last week. Their Democrat opponents are completely incapable of criticizing or offering any differences from the iron-fisted institutional corruption of Michael J. Madigan, the longest serving Speaker in American history, who has been around long before Trump and seemingly will be along well after too.
I don’t know how I am “part of the Republican Party.” My state does not have party registration. For all and intents and purposes, I left the party, which I had been quite active in for years, two years ago this summer. I have not attended one meeting or given one penny to the party since they capitulated to Trump. I have unsubscribed and gone to great lengths to be removed from all party lists which included me (I’m just stuck with my GOP license plates, probably for one more year.)
Just because I cannot become a Democrat and one day would like the Republican Party to return to the principles and values I support, so I can happily identify with them again, does not mean I am in any way a part of the Donald Trump party.
Wonk, wonk!
but if it makes jack or james or whomever better about their own side of the line in the battle, they can refuse to serve me in any restaurant they open nonetheless,
They can make them an exclusive enclave for Hillary voters and nobody else. I don’t have a Constitutional problem with that. It would just be dumb though. I’m sure I can find somewhere else to eat. The Huckabees definitely don’t miss any meals.
I would serve u CG
We have learned to live with our poltical differences and u don’t work for Trump…
Glad to know you would serve me.
I still might want to see the Health Inspector’s Report.
I my place that would be no problem….
Are you or are you not a Republican?
Simple question.
How does one define a Republican? We have been through this before. You are just being McCarthyesque again. For two years, I have not actively done anything to identify myself with any kind of Republican Party interest or function (and as a result have lost professional relationships and friendships with many people)… all because of my complete and utter stubbornness when it comes to all things Donald Trump.
I have identified with Republicans in the past, and as you know am profoundly disappointed with where the party is today. I do not find the Democrats to be an acceptable alternative. So, since the two party system is typically the vehicle we have had throughout our history, I feel like the options are better for the Republican Party reforming itself one day than the Democrats shaping themselves to welcome someone like me.
My unhappiness with the Republican Party aside, I also do not think that Trump or his acolytes should get to define what makes a Republican.
I was a Republican long before he came into the party, and felt like I was a pretty good one at that, so two years is definitely not enough time to declare the Civil War in the party over and give up.
One can call themselves a “Republican” and also be anti-Trump. One can also be anti-Trump and anti-Democrat at the same time, for both different reasons and the same reasons.
The hoops one jumps through.
This is absolutely dizzying.
That might be lingering sea-sickness now that you are on dry land.
I saw Mona Charen on Morning Joe and she’s one wacky self loathing woman. She actually pushed her theory that the “women’s movement” created an environment that permitted men to sexually harass them. As if women were so safe and secure when “they were barefoot and pregnant” in the kitchen in the 1950s?! She continued to push her idea that women should marry first and then worry about a career.
The woman is self righteous and nuts. Why would the Democrats take advice from her?
I actually saw the same segment and that’s not at all what she said.
I am sure transcripts and videos are available to show that Keith is just saying things to say them.
Of course that’s what this Phyllis Schlafly reincarnate said.
She said the woman’s movement brought about the treatment of women in the workforce today.
Talk about blaming the victim.
I sense some residual butt hurt from the conversation with Jack yesterday.
No, she praised the womens’ movement. Said that it was a good thing that women who do not want to have children no longer have to feel obligated to have them.
She said that there have been excesses of the “Sexual Revolution” (different form the womens’ movement) that have led to a lack of respect of women and have caused abuse, including in the workplace. We know how you laughed off the Al Franken behavior so you perpetuate the abusive patriarchal mindset. She was blaming men, such as you, and I do not think she is off-base.
She also bemoaned the “hookup culture” which some might think of as “old fashioned” but she is hardly the only one to express concerns about the implications of such things.
People can Google either the transcript or video of her segment on “Morning Joe” (which I almost never see) and judge for themselves.
There is not one thing “mccarthyesque” in asking ones party affiliation.
This silly obfuscation of yours is very old and tiring.
Yeah, yeah you’re not a Republican.
Yes there is when your tone and intent is considered. You have been vociferously opposed to Republicans for over 50 years. Donald Trump has no bearing on your opposition or view of Republicans, where he has most everything to do with mine.
You have known my views for 14 years or so, so there’s no surprises there. You have known me as a mainstream, Big Tent Republican. One can still think of themselves as a Republican, as I do, without actively being a part of the party, or in anyway being in concert with Donald Trump.
Again, it is factually inaccurate to say that I have or intend to personally vote for any candidate who “supports” Donald Trump.
I have been no more “vociferously “opposed Republicans than you have been “vociferously “opposed to Democrats.
You’ve been at it a lot longer than I have, by virtue of age, and in my view have tended to be nastier and more personal as it relates to all Republicans.
But yes, I have been opposed to Democrats on principle and would be honest about it. If a Trump like figure in your party comes to power, I won’t try to confuse my past opposition with some new found outrage in order to try to hound or belittle the honest, honorable Democrats who oppose what happened in their party.
My “tone?”
That’s a good one.
So now you are a Republican?(One can still think of themselves as a Republican as I Do)
So the answer to my original question ,after several intervening posts intended to obfuscate the obvious, is…Yes.
And so concludes another chapter in the continuing saga of CG ,a lonely Republican , twists and turns.
Tune in again tomorrow!
Then why even ask something you think you know the answer to? What is the point of that? Only one answer is acceptable in your 50 Shades of Black or White Mind.
What am I supposed to do to make you satisfied? Declare myself a Democrat so you and your buddies here can dramatically tell me I am not welcome there and to take a hike? Well, I don’t want to be a Democrat and I am not going to be one.
Hysterical Jack, reads like you had a great vacation.
I did.
Hit the Bahamas ,Virgin Islands and St.Kitts.
Met up with an old lawyer friend down in VI and told old war stories.
Was on the Harmony of the Seas ,the largest cruiseship in the world ,with 6000 or so other souls.Lost a few bucks gambling but had a great time doing it.Ate a Little too much …
And went off the grid for a week.
Might go again later In the year.
I have a suggestion on how you you might combine you love of history with a cruise and a trip to the old country. I will ask James to send you my email if you want to discuss at some point.
I have no problem with you being a Republican.You should be one.Donald Trump and his party certainly fit your views better than the Democratic Party.
My problem is with your sanctimonious attitude ,pretending you are some kind of non partisan and as you did earlier pretending that if the Democrats would present some ideas to meet this “national challenge” as you defined it,you would find that commendable.
The fact is that no matter what the Democrats do or say you are going to oppose it.
And that’s what we should expect,,,
Because, of course, you are a Republican.
“The fact is that no matter what the Democrats do or say you are going to oppose it.”
Completely incorrect. I would applaud it. I have praised Democrats before when I felt it appropriate.
You are confusing yourself with me, since you apparently would not do the reverse, but no, I have never been THAT partisan.
You are highly partisan always have been, and everybody here knows it.
Your distaste for the Democratic Party is well known .Indeed, aside from an occasional snarky remark about Trump,almost all your time here is spent attacking Democrats.
Everyone here knows it.
I think you take it much further.
No, he’s spot on.
Jack is partisan – and he admits it, but CG is even more partisan. He just doesn’t like the Trump brand and what almost all GOP Congressmen and Senators really stand for. How a person can say they are nonpartisan without ever voting for someone with a D next to their name is just incredible. And the funny thing is that I believe CG genuinely believes he is nonpartisan.
I never said I was “nonpartisan.” What I said I was that I was not “THAT” partisan in regards to his theory that I would not support Democrats doing something that was right for the country or that I would be incapable of praising one for anything. I would just point to the praise I gave Obama for his speech in Tuscon, or even the one he gave at the last Democrat convention as uplifting for America, etc.
Nonetheless, not voting for a Presidential nominee of my party is something that not any of you can claim (I know Scott voted for Nader but it was before he considered himself a Democrat)
jack has also been pretty vicious rhetorically in the way he describes all Republicans or me personally over the years to a level far greater than I would ever describe Democrats in general or him personally, but I suspect much of that is just the pro-wrestling fan in jack putting on a “show.”
I was for John Anderson in 1980. I even had an Anderson bumper sticker on my car. But I voted for Carter because Anderson couldn’t win. I believe that I have voted for a Republican for every other office.
Well, there you go. You still voted for Carter. But as we have discussed before, you have been unable to actually name a single Republican candidate you have voted for since I have been old enough to vote.
You can change that if you vote for the Republican against Menendez in New Jersey, but I will be pretty shocked if you do not vote for Menendez.
Well I am not remembering the names of too many tecent Democrats that I voted for either other than the more obvious names. If I researched the past election results I could give you the names of some Republicans that I voted for. I don’t follow local elections closely until like the week before the election when I do some research. But I believe I voted for a Republican in every general election since I have started voting.
You “never” said you are nonpartisan?
No. I have always praised the virtue of partisanship. Still though, I think the concept of country or national unity should go first and that it something I always would have said.
Over the past two years, as I have for all intents and purposes, “left” the Republican Party, at least for the time being, I feel even more strongly about it.
i certainly don’t believe I place party over country either. Am I biased? Of course, but I try not to be.
Well Zreebs, this is Corey’s twelve step program. He cannot admit the man he claims to loath, Donald Trump, now controls the Republican Party because they crated Donald Trump.
Can he ever kick his habit?
As usual, David French explains this better than most anyone else could: