Trump’s wife decided to go down to Texas and check on the plight of the children down there…
Texas is almost underwater with rain…
And Melania Trump went anyways….
Now we know they made sure to show her the best they could….
But here’s the rub…..
The media has exclusively focused on the jacket she wore to get on the plane going home…
First Lady Melania Trump’s surprise visit to an immigrant children’s detention center on Thursday was just her first head-turning move of the day.
The second was her choice of outerwear.
The First Lady was photographed leaving Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland wearing a $39 Zara khaki jacket emblazoned with the words “I really don’t care, do u?” sprawled across the back.
While a spokeswoman to the First Lady downplayed speculation about the jacket’s significance, President Trump said it absolutely had meaning — and was a swipe at journalists.
“I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media,” Trump tweeted. “Melania has learned how dishonest they are and she truly no longer cares.”
He did not elaborate on which news report he was objecting to.
First Lady spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham initially said the jacket was just a jacket.
“There was no hidden message. After today’s important visit to Texas, I hope this isn’t what the media is going to choose to focus on,” Grisham said.
My best guess is that Melanua’s message was to her estranged husband.
Donald’s reply that it was a criticism of “fake news” reminds me of a comedy in the early 80s when Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” and the crowd heard “blessed are the cheesemakers” and it was interpreted as “blessed are the producers of agricultural products”.
That was from the Sermon on the Mount scene in Monty Python’s 1979 film The Life of Brian.
that was it!
It would have been easier if she had simply turned and told Donald to “go fuck himself” than wearing that jacket don’t you think?
I love that her spokesman said, “there was no hidden message in what she chose to wear.” They got that right. Who hires these people?
This “message on the jacket” thing is like the oddest thing ever. Nobody for any reason would wear that jacket with the pre-designed statement unless they wanted to be noticed. There’s no way that Mrs. Trump nor anyone around here did not expect the jacket to get a ton of notice and generate a lot of talk.
Whatever the reason, it was an incredibly immature choice of wardrobe, especially to go visit children in migrant detention centers. Had any of the Bush Daughters or Obama Daughters wore that exact jacket as teenagers, there would have been a ton of criticism for doing it.
I agree – and it is even more immature when you recognize that Melania is not a teenager.
The jacket thing COULD have been a simple poor choice by Melania and no one on her staff being smart enough to warn her…
Then it could be about a million other things..
Remember when Michelle Obama went sleeveless and FOX News went nuts?
My how things have changed.
An ugly jacket like that with a stupid saying that looks like some 14 yr old bought it at Hot Topic.
And they’re silent.
I don’t remember Fox News “going nuts” over it. Perhaps an example could be provided.