via twitter….
New from @ppppolls: @JoeManchinWV leads @MorriseyWV 49-42 in a two-candidate race, and leads Morrisey and @DonBlankenship 46-35-11. #wvsen #wvpol

Politics, News, Comments & Other Good Stuff....
By jamesb
via twitter….
New from @ppppolls: @JoeManchinWV leads @MorriseyWV 49-42 in a two-candidate race, and leads Morrisey and @DonBlankenship 46-35-11. #wvsen #wvpol
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I’m no expert at these things, but I often read that an incumbent with ex-Gov. Joe Manchin’s name recognition who has less than 50% support this far out from (or this close to) Election Day is facing very real difficulties.
Doesn’t mean he’ll lose, but this doesn’t look like particularly good shape to me.
I’m inclined to believe that Manchin will win, but I agree with Dave that those numbers aren’t comforting. I would remind Dave that while undecideds often vote against the incumbent, they also are somewhat more likely to vote against the party in power in an off year election.
He, he, he…..
Manchin ALWAYS faces a tough road in West Virginia as a endangered species….