I already did the post on the New York Atty. Gen. going HARD after the Trump foundation …..
I just wanted to remind everyone about the noise aimed at the Clinton Foundation….
Ironic, Eh?
The Clintons’ surge in wealth since they left the White House in 2001 — largely from hefty speaking fees and book advances — and their highly visible involvement in their foundation can leave the impression that they’re profiting from the organization, rather than actually engaging in charity work. This is not the case, but some Republican opponents have made it sound like it is.
“The fact is, if they’ve got about 80 percent overhead and 20 percent of the money’s actually getting into the place that it should, then it seems like the only work that the Clinton Foundation is doing is lining the pockets of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” said GOP Chair Reince Priebus.
PolitiFact rated Priebus’ claim False. It is based on a misunderstanding of how the Clinton Foundation works. In reality, about 80 to 90 percent of the organization’s expenditures go toward charitable programs.
This confusion stems primarily from the fact that “foundation” is in the name. Typically, a private foundation’s primary activity is grantmaking, giving money to charities who actually do the work. The Clinton Foundation operates as a public charity, conducting its own charitable programs.
Its in-house and affiliated programs include expanding access to low-cost AIDS medication, supporting agriculture in Malawi, providing disaster relief in Haiti, forging partnerships to combat climate change, creating business mentoring programs, drafting school food guidelines, assessing the progress of women’s rights globally, and more.
Contrary to Priebus’ assertion, Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton receive no compensation from their work on the foundation’s board of directors, according to tax documents.
However, you can make a case that they have received some indirect personal benefits. It’s possible the foundation has boosted the Clintons’ public image since Bill Clinton left office, and this has helped them command such large speaking fees and book advances, and it’s also given them extra opportunities to mingle with the global elite. But they may have had these things absent the Clinton Foundation, as their celebrity primarily comes from their track record in politics.
Defending the Clintons and their foundation, Democratic pundit Hilary Rosen said “they take no salary, they get no money from it, they take no personal benefit from it.” We rated her claim Mostly True….
Here’s the foundation’s piece…
Hillary Clinton delivers biting response to revelations ex-FBI Director James Comey used personal email for official business
“But my emails,” Clinton tweeted, riffing on the phrase Democrats have used to criticize the FBI investigation into — and Republican obsession about — her emails….