Media madness!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new bright shiny object….
He win against Democratic House member Joe Crowley has propelled her to heights of Donald Trump!
A few days ago, few people outside of Queens and the Bronx knew who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was.
Now she’s being asked about running for president.
The 28-year-old Democrat appeared on the ABC program “The View” Friday to talk about her upset victory in a primary over a 10-term New York congressman.
On the show she was asked whether it was true that she’d aspired since she was a teenager to be president someday.
The candidate graciously sidestepped the subject on the daytime talk show.
She said it was “exhausting just running in the Bronx and Queens” and she can’t imagine how national candidates do it.
The former Bernie Sanders organizer defeated House Democrat Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s primary…..
Although childhood dreams of becoming President are a perfectly normal topic to discuss, the new 28-year-old Representative wouldn’t even be eligible to become President for another 7 years, i.e. 2024 at the earliest. If there’s any good luck at all for the Republic, that should be four years into another Democrat’s presidency.
So this kind of speculation (although perhaps comforting for old socialists like me dreaming of the first American Democratic Socialist in the White House — if not Debs, if not Thomas, if not Sanders, then who ?) is pretty pointless.
It was an appropriate question, especially for a young woman of color in today’s political environment.
It remains to be seen as to how much of a “Socialist” she will be in the House since she will surely be elected in November.
The media is trying to make this into some type of crisis within the Democratic Party, and I just don’t see that. The Party is a big tent and there’s room for all sorts of opinions, as opposed to the GOP who must walk in lock step with Trump.
No crises at all. It is helpful to have these voices in Congress – especially if she ultimately votes for what is possible instead of what is ideal.
I agree with ya Keith and have the same point here about the Ocasio-Cortez win….
I don’t see any value in James trying to tear down this woman. So who cares that someone on the View asked her if she would like to be president someday? It seems like an appropriate question, and she apparently answered appropriately.
I suspect there will be many times I agree with her and other times that I don’t. But what she accomplished is pretty amazing and she deserves her time in the sun.
I’m NOT tearing her down
I would shake her hand
She outcampigned Crowley
But the idea that her points to win apply
Across the whole party is ridiculous
The media is selling THAT
What Democrats need is plain hustle like she did
Crowley should be ashamed of himself
You are imagining that the “the media is selling that”.
Actually i’m not….
And now this lady are ALL looked at as the lefties
And like Trump ?
They are different from the status quo and THAT gets media attention
Crowley did NOT campign enough at home
His district changed in 20 years
These are the lessons to applied across the board
A hard left turn which would lock out Dem’s in Red or Purple districts
If Democrats ate going to win in 2020, you might want to put the axe down and promote the Democratic candidates you like instead of attacking the ones you don’t. Ultimately the party will haves to unite and Hillary was unable to unite the party at least partly because of people like you. While we all have our favorites, the reality is that all of the possible Democrats being discussed are an acceptable alternative to Trump. There are reasons why Corey Booker is not my favorite, but any relatively minor issues I have with him are magnified 20x by Trump, so why should I attack Booker? Your attacks on “lefties” come across to me as mean-spirited and actually cause a reflexive response from at least me to defend these people.
And Gillebrand is not considered part of the progressive wing of the party by anyone but you.
I HAVE promoted the party here and maned who I think should be the nominee and next President
I will continue to caution against those who I think should be taken serious and who I think would be a mistake to nominate
As long as you recognize that despite your efforts to replace Trump, you are likely helping him. If you are truly a Democrat, why waste your time doing stuff that ultimately hurts the Democrats chances? You never really answered that question.
Recall how when CG brought his possy from HHR to this site awhile back and one of those guests pretended to be a Democrat making unfair or outrageous attacks on the Republicans. That is what you do too – except not only on Republicans, but on people you deride as “lefties”. Your criticisms of Trump (for example) are so extreme at times that it is hard to imagine that you could possibly think you are being effective. For example, while some of us might generally agree with the comment “Everything Trump does turns to shit”, it is nothing but an inflammatory comment that will convince absolutely no one. There is zero chance that a comment like that will change anyone’s mind. It just makes it easier for a person to defend Trump, and I am not sure why you are trying to do that.
If I didn’t know better, one might speculate that you might really be a “secret Republican”,
He, he, he
Very Funny
Jack’s secret Democrat thing!
I’m just gonna keep on callin them like I see’m
Do you think I am joking? Because if you do, I’m not.
I don’t think you are a secret Republican. I just think that the way you communicate helps Republicans.
Think of it this way. If someone says to you, “Everything Hillary says is a lie”, how much does that influence you? And how much credibility to you give to what that person says next?
If we cannot point to problems or issues with our own?
We are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over
All day we here complain about the GOPer’s
Being mute
Yet again you missed the point. Maybe you are not capable of understanding it?
“My” secret Democrat thing?
That’s funny…
It’s you and CG insist ,despite all evidence to the contrary ,that Trump is some kind of Democrat.
Often,however,when I call you on your absurd remarks(even directly quoted you yesterday), your retort is to somehow blame what you say here on me.
As I’ve said I don’t regard you as a serious poster.You simply bang out something on your keyboard which you may contradict days ,hours ,or even minutes later.
As has been noted you are quite obsessed with me ,although I would once again,as I have on several occasions request that you refrain from accusing me of things I’ve never said or ,as in the case, merely quoted you.
Trump WAS a registered Democrat several times
In the beginning of his admin he indicated several points of view that where more in tune with Democrats than Republicans
He HAS given tons of money to Democratic candidates
Is he a “secret Democrat’ like you have tagged him here
I haven’t said that
I HAVE said more than once that he HAS had
Vestiges of his life as a Democrat
I’m not gonna revisit this with u again anytime soon…
The fact that Trump was once a Democrat is totally meaningless ,as anyone who understands politics knows.
Such applies to lots of politicians ,including Ronald Reagan, patron saint of the Republican Party.
The fact that Trump ,at various times ,has said things that some Democrats have is indicative of absolutely nothing.Even Barack Obama at various times agreed with some Republicans.So?This whole line of “reasoning”once again indicates one who has little grasp of politics,but is instead intent as you have been since Trump became the Republican nominee of desperately trying to “prove” that he isn’t a Republican,for reasons unknown.
Indeed, except here, I never read or hear any discussion on this topic.And ,really why should there be any,as Donald Trump is now second only to Reagan as the most popular President among self described Republicans of recent history.
Who are the likes of you to tell Republicans that he isn’t “really “ one of them?
As with most of your ignorant sounding ,barely decIpherable commentary here…pure horse manure.
And yea
The media HAS an under cover agenda
Push the non-routine
Make ad dollars with circulation
Oh , and there is also ‘herd journalism’
Trump makes the exact same accusations as you, although you might be more critical of the media.
Obama complained about the media as has just about EVERY politician ….
It Trump’s case?
He plays them like a drum