Less than 12 hours after Donald Trump gave what North Korean leader Kim Jung Un wanted….
A Photo op with an American President….
We find out that in typical Donald Trump fashion?
He has offered to give away the store so that HE can say he got what he wanted….
It isn’t gonna work that way….
An American President offered to North Korea, a place where America fought a war when Trump was child….
No more war games in the region….
Economic prosperity….
A withdrawl of American troops from South Korea….
We find that this morning several of Trump’s offers are gone from the table….
The removal of American troops form the area….
Trump own Sec of Defense and several Republicans in Congress have already balked at the idea…
We now also know that while Trump probabaly did NOT know this when he tried his deal making skills with Kim?
And ‘agreement’ would have to be in the form of a treaty that would have to be approved by the US Senate….
THAT would mean that sveral of Trump’s promises would have to meet Congress, South Korea and probabaly China’s approval….
THAT will mean something that is gonna take years to try to get done…
Any potential treaty is likely a long way off. Trump’s planned summit with Kim on June 12 in Singapore isn’t expected to produce much more than a road map for future talks. Trump himself has said the meeting with Kim will only be a chance for the two leaders to get to know each other. And most North Korea experts say Kim’s regime will never surrender all of its nuclear capabilities.
Separately, in an interview with National Public Radio on Thursday, Republican Senator James Risch of Idaho, who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, said Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Pompeo assured him the U.S. wanted to make a treaty of any deal it reaches….
Former officials who have spoken to North Korean leaders say they are acutely aware of the difference between a presidential commitment and a formal treaty, and would likely demand the latter.
“I know people say, ‘Well, North Korea doesn’t care about Iran,”’ Robert Gallucci, a former chief North Korea negotiator in the Clinton administration, said at a briefing this week. North Korean leaders are “very keenly aware of the differences in commitments, and they will be, and still are,” he said….
Any agreement over North Korea’s nuclear program would likely take far longer given the need to pin down details of dismantlement and verification. And making it a treaty would raise a whole host of other complicating factors, among them the questions of whether the Senate would agree or whether South Korea would be a party to it and how it would be viewed by allies including Japan….
DNa Bash over at CNN
points out that if a Democratic president offered military concessions Trump just did?
They’d be up for impeachment by GOPer’s,…
Dana Bash us right. For all their talk on “toughness” and “America First” this deal is weak on enforcement and not at all in the US best interests.
The ‘deal maker?’