A full 75% of Americans SUPPORT efforts by outsiders to come to America to live their lives….
65% of Republicans also support the idea….
85% of Democrats….
While Donald Trump (with his trusty assistant Stephen Miller coaxing him on) fights to eliminate illegal and LEGAL immigration into this country?
Americans, even those in his party, disagree with his view of issue…..
Images of crying children longing for their parents has only served to increase the support for a sane ,uniform policy, to bring people into the country legally, and offer them a chance to become citizens….
U.S. immigration policy was a key part of Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and it has been an area of significant action because his administration has targeted both legal and illegal immigration with its policies. Since taking office, Trump has issued a travel ban for residents of a number of primarily Muslim countries, continued to press for a wall along the Southern U.S. border and sought to end the DACA program, in addition to a number of other less visible actions.
Gallup polling has shown that the public is at odds with Trump over the border wall and strongly favors allowing DACA children to remain in the U.S. and have a path to citizenship. More generally, Americans’ strong belief that immigration is a good thing for the country and that immigration levels shouldn’t be decreased present the president and Congress with some tough decisions as the midterm elections loom….
There are some Republicans who are well aware of this feeling by the American public….
There are also some that do NOT care….
New Open Thread is HERE….
“Trump’s ability to gin up fears about illegal immigration, more than perhaps any other issue, won him the White House. Headed into a midterm election that will be won by the political party that can better rally its base, Trump has remained determined to talk about immigration, even when others in his party have resisted. Indeed, Republican leaders on Capitol Hill were furious with Trump as the immigration controversy spiraled out of control this week—a time they had planned to spend celebrating the G.O.P. tax cut, along with the general strength of the economy, which they hope to make the centerpiece of their fall campaign.”
“On Monday, as the political pressure on Trump was escalating, I met with Kristen Soltis Anderson, a Republican pollster who has advised G.O.P. leaders about this fall’s elections at a couple of recent retreats. Trump, she told me, had a ‘freakishly stable’ approval rating; in such a polarized moment, people know where they stand on the President. She said that, unlike in previous midterm elections in which the incumbent President’s party has done poorly, voter enthusiasm for Trump has remained strong among Republican voters, even as a blue wave of Trump-hating Democrats has been building.”
Said Anderson: “The question is, if the blue wave is coming, have Republicans built a large enough wall to stop it?”
Perhaps Russia could pay for that GOP Wall.
No one
Katie Arrington – the woman who recently defeated Sanford was in a very serious accident and will have serious permanent injuries.
She is supposed to be out of the hospital in a few weeks
Ten percent of people have admitted That they have used thir smart phone while having sex. I find that number stunning.
Distracted procreation ?
She was in a VERY BAD accident….Link...
People can’t get away from the phone….He, he, he…
Birth Control?
Morning People….
Maybe it is contraceptive —
Distracted copulation >>>
Restricted population
Sex and Politics = Trouble…..
Listed under category of your mouth CAN get your ass in trouble….
Or unemployed…
David Bossie apologizes for ‘cotton-picking mind’ comment to black panelist
ABC News
Roseanne Barr broke down in tears during a new interview during which she continued to apologize for tweeting a racist remark by comparing a former Obama adviser to an ape. https://abcn.ws/2yDWRkd
This is probably a naive comment, but I don’t understand how having sex on the phone is even possible. Sex requires a certain amount of focus – especially for the man. And it is hard for the man to focus if the woman is multi tasking by looking at the weather report.
It’s always possible that what’s on the phone might stimulate one or both partners.
This is the new age where virtual reality is more real to many people than real reality — just as fake news is more credible than real news.
Do you mean the people could be watching porn while having sex? Let’s just say that I would call that”bad sex”
In age of Trump, evangelicals back self-styled top U.S. pimp
Tim Reid
PAHRUMP, Nev. (Reuters) – He styles himself as America’s best-known pimp, a strip-club owner who runs multiple brothels and looks set to win a seat as a Republican in the Nevada legislature with the blessing of many conservative Christian voters.
Meet Dennis Hof, whose political rise reflects fundamental changes in electoral norms that have roiled the Republican Party and upended American politics during the era of President Donald Trump.
“This really is the Trump movement,” Hof, 71, told Reuters in an interview at Moonlite BunnyRanch, his brothel near Carson City in northern Nevada that was featured on the HBO reality television series “Cathouse.”
“People will set aside for a moment their moral beliefs, their religious beliefs, to get somebody that is honest in office,” he said. “Trump is the trailblazer, he is the Christopher Columbus of honest politics.”
When news broke that Hof had won the nominating contest for a state Assembly seat on June 12, evangelical pastor Victor Fuentes said he closed his eyes and prayed.
He did not ask God to deliver Nevada and the Republican Party from Hof, the thrice-divorced author of “The Art of the Pimp” who campaigned as the “Trump of Pahrump.” Although Christian groups have long rallied against the state’s legal brothel industry, Fuentes was willing to overlook Hof’s history as a champion of the flesh trade and gave thanks for his victory.
“People want to know how an evangelical can support a self-proclaimed pimp,” Fuentes said in an interview at his home in Pahrump, an unincorporated town of 36,000 people that is the largest community in the sprawling, rural district where Hof is favored to win in November’s general election.
He said the reason was simple. “We have politicians, they might speak good words, not sleep with prostitutes, be a good neighbor. But by their decisions, they have evil in their heart. Dennis Hof is not like that.”
The pastor said he felt Hof would protect religious rights, among other things….
I would expect nothing less. Protect religious rights is a code word for what?
Protecting religious minorities like Muslims? Treating all people fairly and equally? Or allow people and companies to discriminate against LGBT people?
Correction to my earlier….
In Nevada?
Sex + Politics = Support?
Kim Jong Un now has a higher favorability rating among Republicans than Nancy Pelosi. North Korea might have the most repressive regime in the world; it tortures its people for minor offenses; it causes the US to have a huge military in South Korea to balance it; it threatens to nuke the US, but Nancy Pelosi – isn’t she that liberal from SF?
I don’t think that 35,000 Americans (alongside countless allies) have died fighting Nancy Pelosi’s aggression.
Pelosi is nearly the latest Democratic woman to be demonized by Republicans….
You should notice that there are few if any women in the hierarchy of the Trump admin and leadership of the majority House and Senate….
The party simply does NOT think highly of them it appears…
Trump brainwashing at work….
They’re “good people.”
“Concerned” about their country.
Good Morning All….
And welcome back JACK…..
I just reviewed the Gallup poll results on immigration. I was surprised that support for immigration is at a high for this century.
Not sure how I would have answered the poll. Some immigration to a country is a good thing – The most motivated people emigrate; Some highly technical skills are hard to find; A country that forbids immigration gets bad PR. But immigration can strain social services and bring down wages, and perhaps take away jobs of the poorest members of society. I guess I would say that immigration is a good thing, but I would even more intensely argue that open borders is a bad thing.
In fact Z?
Immigration has been a GOOD thing for America since the first people got off the boats here…
EVERYBODY here has family that came from somewhere else….
It IS the natural way this place works…
A large MAJORITY of American know this and that feeling is captured in the polling….
On this issue Donald Trump listens to his flunky Stephen Miller who thinks he has a issue that will keep Trump’s base worried enough to come out and vote against what could be a juiced up Democratic base in 4 months….
One must ALWAYS remember…
Trump is a MINORITY based President….
He lost the popular vote which has NEVER risen above 44%….
He ONLY plays to the dedicated 40% or so of America….
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) “told constituents over the weekend that she’d suffered a cracked rib after a colleague saved her from choking at a Democratic caucus luncheon — an injury that took that colleague, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), by surprise,” the Washington Post reports.
Said McCaskill: “I’m really grateful to Joe – a little bit of a sore rib for a couple of weeks is no big deal.”
Off the wall?
WTF can’t something be done in Honduras to stop people from leaving at such large numbers?
Good Morning All…..
Morning People….
No Justice Kennedy retirement
Hangin there guy
2 more years and Schumer will be Senate majority leader for sure….
Who will be the President in two years? (There should not be any Supreme Court confirmation during the 2020 election year.)
And it’s quite a feat to assume definite results more than one cycle away.
Any Court retirement announcements would probably come on a Friday.
Clarence Thomas was recently in the Oval Office, as there is a photo of him with Trump. That seems a bit unusual. Was he breaking some news of his own?
Nothing is usual with Trump
The House just voted DOWN a compromise Immigration bill…..thus continuing Congress’sinability to address immigration reform….
Supreme Court justice Kennedy retiring
Trump will pick a new judge
Court could turn HARD RIGHT
Sorry guys. This truly is a horrific week for the Democrats and the Left. (Trump had a very bad one last week, which has resulted in lower poll numbers), but considering everything in the news this week, the Democrats are getting it right between the eyes this week. I fully expect jack and the others to be snarly as hell when they log in here later and to direct their anger at me. That’s ok, I can take it.
Why do you think Trump will pick a hard right winger CG. He s a “secret Democrat” right?
He might appoint a liberal to the Court!
Trump will do one of two things, either of which will make me happy-
1. He will do the only damn thing he is good for as President and keep his word and nominate a conservative to the Court, via a recommendation from others, which will result in a positive legacy for America long after Trump is gone.
2. He will break his promise and do something goofy which will wreck his standing with a ton of conservatives.
It’s probably going to be option 1. Trump may not be a conservative himself, but he knows he is nothing politically without them now.
Trump will do something to make you happy because he is a right wing Republican and so are you.
It’s not complicated
Trump isn’t a right-wing Republican.. he just plays one on tv… sometimes.
Nonetheless, if he does what I now expect, I will be pleased and will give him the minimal credit for doing so. After all, this was a campaign promise.
Trump is and always will be “scum” but these nominations are basically the only good things he can do as President.
The last Presidential election sucked for me, but elections do have consequences, so I am going to take any positive benefit I can get.
The question could be will a rightwingnuts pick earn Corker and Flakes votes for free?
Do they hold out for something?
What about McCain?
I know this important for the GOPer’s
But does the guys hold out for something from Trump?
Yeah and you’ll jizz your pants over whatever right wing winger President “Scum” appiibts because he will be anti-choice, anti LGBT, anti voting rights and anti rights of anyone not already filthy rich.
That you think he is “Scum” while you cheer him on doesn’t mean a god damn thing to me.
Deep breaths… deep breaths..
I don’t need a deep breath. Just pointing out how little consequence your “moral opposition” to the Trump Republican Party means when you all stand for the exact same things.
That doesn’t add up.
I am opposed to the Trump Administration, but on the one thing he can do right (which really has nothing to do with him personally), I will be pleased with the result.
I was willing to throw it all away and let Hillary have this power, but she blew it. Oh well. Elections have consequences.
This is CGs vain attemp to be dismissive Scott.
The “ deep breath” routine takes it place along with the “ bad day “ routine and other such tripe.He uses it when his little “ a pox on both their houses” deceit is shown for the sham it is .( except for the clownish James ,no one here ever has bought this foolishness ).
And his partisan Republican self is exposed.
A bad week for the Democrats?Every week is a “ bad week” for the Democrats if one is a partisan Republican like he is.
So now he’s “ happy” with “ scum.?”
Why wouldn’t he be happy? As I have maintained during this entire charade, he supports Trump on almost every issue of substance anyway,so what is surprising here?
As you truthfully said,Trump is a Right Wing Republican and so is CG and no,it’s not complicated.
Imagine… a young fawn is grazing through a peaceful meadow…
CG says
June 27, 2018 at 3:51 pm
Imagine… a young fawn is grazing through a peaceful meadow…
The sun on the meadow is summery warm
The stag in the forest runs free
But gathered together to greet the storm
Tomorrow belongs to me
The branch on the linden is leafy and green
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea (Gold to the sea)
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen
Tomorrow belongs to me…
Democrats need to have their dawn back
And fight the guys trying to drag the country backwards
Actually I agree that elections have consequences.
Trump has the right to nominate who he wants for the Supreme Court.Unlike you, I have long said ,as everyone here knows ,that judicial nominations shouldn’t be decided on ideological grounds but on whether the nominee is qualified .
I have stated ,on many occasions ,that if a Senator, I would have voted to confirm every Supreme Court nominee over the past fifty years except for G Harrold Carswell, even, including George W Bushes withdrawn nominee Harriet Miers.
So why you would have claimed that I would be “snarly” about Trumps prospective nominee would only be attributed to your trying to project upon me the same reaction as you would have to a prospective nominee by a Democratic President sinceyou Do regard Supreme Court nominees as ideological fights which you of course wallow in, your supposed abhorrence of “tribalism”notwithstanding.
I probably would have voted to confirm them all too, although maybe a bit iffy on Sotomayor.
We can take it to the bank that all but maybe 1 or 2 Democrats will vote against this next nominee, even if qualified, and maybe not even 1 or 2 Democrats at that. The party will insist that a filibuster should be an option, which Democrats have done or attempted to do for every Republican High Court nominee going back over 30 years, although that option is off the table after it was wasted on Gorsuch.
As would the Republicans if a Democratic President was doing the nominating.
The Republicans wouldn’t even give Merrick a hearing.I don’t recall any outrage from you about that.
The hearing would have been a waste of everyone’s time, including his. (I wasn’t allowed to post here during that, but I think you were reading my weekly blog commentaries, since you frequently mentioned them here.)
We all know that the Democrats would have done exactly the same thing if the roles were reversed and insisted we wait until after the Presidential election in that election year (“The Biden Rule”) You can say here that you would have disagreed with those Democrats, and that’s fine, you might actually even believe that, but if you were a Senator, and your fundraising was under attack or you were threatened with a primary challenge, I bet you would have fallen in line with the party.
CG applauded the mistreatment of Merrick – who truly was a political moderate. Glad he believes in “Elections have consequences” – although I’m sure he will ditch that belief and come up with some self-serving nonsense that will enable him to change his mind and justify what he wants to believe when the Democrats assume the presidency.
Of course he did. It was the standard Republican reaction to ignoring the results of the 2012 election.
And he is a standard Republican. His “Trump is Scum” and 2 bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
I completely agree that a Supreme Court nomination should not be considered during a Presidential election year, especially if the vacancy occurs because of an unexpected, and sudden death.
If a Justice in 2020 announces their voluntary retirement, I do not believe a vote should be held until after the 2020 Presidential election. The American people should have the right to consider this when they vote.
In 2016, the people did and to those who cited this as an important issue, they went heavily for Trump. (and remember, Clinton refused to say she would support moving forward with Garland if elected herself)
Well it’s an election year and 1/3 of Senators who must confirm an appointment are up for election.
So do you think no nominee should be considered until the people have a chance to vote?
It’s not a Presidential year. Don’t play dumb. The concept is the President nominates the Justice.
But sure, the voters should consider this in states that have Senate elections. As I said, it might put Democrats in a worse spot if the vote was delayed , but instead, McCaskill (and the others) will have to vote first and then the voters can act accordingly.
So Scott, do you think McCaskill should vote no, no matter what, or should she vote yes, if the person is qualified?
What do you think she will do if the person is qualified?
I’m consistent. The President should be able to appoint a nominee no matter the year in his or her term.
It would be wrong to block a Trump nominee in 2018 as it was wrong to block Garland in 2016.
You are sumituatiibal because currently drawing a distinction between federal election years helps your party and your President.
Just be a man and admit it
I am consistent and maybe you are trying to be consistent too, but the consistency would involve the Presidential year. This would of course have you disagreeing with the “Biden Rule.”
But whatever you or jack say here would be your standard, you know darn well that the Democrats controlling the Senate would not allow a vote for a Republican nominated Justice during a Presidential election year.
We all know that, so the best thing to do is win the election. Beating Trump should have been easy for a Democrat. That’s about all I can say.
Let’s also understand that in 2018, the Democrats would block the Trump nominee if they could as well.
However, they can’t.
Welcome to politics.
I seem to remember Scott approving of the filibuster attempt against Gorsuch. If he says he didn’t, I will have to consider that maybe I remembered wrong. I also think he supported Obama, and all the others who during the Bush Administration tried to filibuster Alito.
Anybody think McConnell Is gonna honor his same feeling for not voting on Garland going into election time .
I suggest the rules for Democrats are DIFFERNT than GOP rules….
The comparison between 2016, a Presidential year, and 2018, a midterm, is not comparing apples and oranges, it’s comparing apples and potatoes.
Kennedy is leaving on his own free will. He *wants* Trump to pick his replacement. Scalia died, suddenly. The last thing he would have wanted was for Obama to pick his replacement. (Obviously, after the next Presidential election, that should not have mattered)
But whatever, the Democrats do not have a Senate majority. That is sort of an important component. If they did, they would be trying to stop it all the same, and I assume Scott and jack would be here saying they were wrong and ashamed of their party.
No, many, many Republicans voted yes on Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan. No attempts to filibuster.
Had Hillary won, which I expected, and as am I am constantly reminded I did “nothing to do stop” by virtue of refusing to vote for her major party opponent, she would have every right to pick a new Justice, and that Justice would have to get an up or down vote, and that if qualified, the yes vote should be bipartisan. That is what has happened in all the non Presidential election year nominations under Clinton and Obama (h/t Biden Rule)
I respect your position on SC picks Jack
But do not agree with it
The court like everything in Washington IS
Political Animal…..
We define justices in political terms…
With this fact?
It should be recognized that judges for the highest court have and will be questioned and viewed in political terms…
If I was a US Senator?
A rightwingnuts that could go after Roe or Brown is NOT getting my consenting vote
Brown vs. Board of Ed is at risk?
We learn something new every day.
ANY Supreme Court case COULD be at risk
A narrow judge could be shoe horned in to nullify a prior ruling…
And Bernie Sanders might become a Republican.
If he were to pick a liberal for the High Court, I doubt you guys are going to say “vote no” or not be happy about it. You would be doing celebratory dances.
That’s not likely to happen this time, but we are in the same boat on this. We all want things out of our government that have nothing to do with Donald J. Trump. We wanted them before Trump and we will want them after Trump.
Because of his “base” he is likely to do a good thing from my perspective on this specific matter, but I’m not going to thank him or give him any sort of significant credit for what is a slam dunk. That will anger his acolytes who will be mystified that I do not for one second regret voting against Trump.
You people just want to re-litigate political battles that have been going in America for decades or disagreements you might have had online with me going back years. People like jack are praying that one day I will come out and suddenly embrace DJT, so you can feel better about wishing to piss in my soup, as Keith recommends. It’s not going to happen.
Had Hillary won, Kennedy probably wouldn’t be retiring (but Ginsburg would), and thus the overall result would have been fairly status quo. Either way, I think we can agree that Antonin Scalia would have preferred to live.
No one here believes Donald Trump,who,despite your and James goofy babble about him being a “ secret “ Democrat ,he will nominate anyone but a staunch Right winger.Why wouldn’t he?He is a Right Winger.
I don’t care whom you” embrace” or don’t embrace CG.As far as I’m concerned you’re just another Republican and Donald Trump is a Republican and you will continue, as you have ,to support most of his legislative initiatives and appointments.
I would expect nothing less.
But hey,you’re giving up the license plate!Wow!
As predicted, Schumer (and maybe this is where Scott is getting it from via PoliticalWire), Schumer is calling on McConnell to abide by the “Biden Rule.”
Any idiot knows the Biden Rule was specifically about Presidential election years. You can read Biden’s speech from the time when he makes that distinction clear.
Schumer ought to consider that McConnell is doing him a favor. If they wanted to wait for the vote to be held in January, that makes it far more likely that a heavy conservative turn out materializes in the Red States that have Democrat Senators.
Democrats should accept this Kennedy replacement battle is already lost (barring some horrible nominee who can be exploited successfully) and just pray that RBG remains in good health and they can win the White House back.
I’m not “getting it” from anywhere. I don’t care about the Biden rule. I thought conservatives were all about “the Constitution”. Nothing in the Constitution stares that a President cannot nominate a Justice in a Presidential election year.
Right, and nothing in the Constitution says the Senate cannot stop them.
One third of all Supreme Court Justices have been appointed in the last year of a Presidential term and six lame duck Presidents have made appointments.
But, Mitch McConnell with the active support of then Candidate Trump decided to hold the “black boys” nomination until he was out of office because of this bullshit line we are reading here today. McConnell loves to tweet out pictures of himself and the man who stole Merritt Garland’s nomination. It is one of his proudest moments, other than marrying the lovely Elaine and all her money.
The Republicans are all about power, and will do anything to hold on to it. They really, given the inaction of this Congress don’t care too terribly much about governing. But, hey this new Supreme Court will be there to support any crazy thing our Great Leader decides to do (and that has been, of course, ruled against by a lower court). The legacy of this Nazi sympathizer in the White House will extend far beyond this Scrotum’s death.
I am sure this turn of events gave our friend Corey a chubby this afternoon. It might even make him keep his license plate. Easier for the Maxine Waters accolades to identify him.
Speaking of Maxine. I see she has become Public Enemy Number One as far as the crazy right is concerned. Well she is black after all, and they love to pick on black women. They need to be careful when they mess with her. One afternoon we should compare comment for comment the offensive remarks Maxine and Donald have made, it will be very enlightening. Nothing Maxine said welcomed violence, although Trump has done that repeatedly, and nothing she has said compares in any way to Trump’s offenses overall. But, Republicans gotta hate and they gotta complain about civility
I did notice that both Mitch McConnell and his lovely wife Elaine were verbally accosted the other evening and Elaine went into protection mode. I have known her since her early days of the Bush Administration, and found her to be nice but lacking. She is, however, a cut above Bush’s last Transportation Secretary Mary Peters. She was an empty Armani Suit.
But, I digress, the American public is well within their rights to give their elected and appointed representatives a piece of their mind, and to even be angry about it. Mitch McConnell is an obnoxious asshole who has perverted the rules of the Senate to meet his right wing agenda. That’s just a fact. So, of course, people need to let him know how they think.
Civility only works for Democrats. Republicans, especially since Newt Gingrich, have always taken no prisoners. I could go on all night with examples. So, why now, as our democracy teeters on the brink, shouldn’t good patriotic Americans tells these Russian colluding asshole Republicans what we think of them?
I am looking forward to who I might run into on our next trip to DC.
We should follow the McConnell rule and wait until after the election that will decide the control of the Senate. It only makes sense.
Conservatives claim they value law, But there is no law for holding up a nomination because it is an election year, especially one in which the seat will be vacant for over year. So if a Democrat rightly points out it is an election year (and by the way one in which the primaries are over instead of just starting) suddenly it doesn’t matter that it is an election year (which is a stupid excuse to begin with), it is now the wrong kind of election year. So the decision to confirm in this case is left to the Senators who are leaving and not the new ones.
Republicans don’t respect the law. They make all sorts of weird justifications to satisfy their desire to impose unauthorized power. the bottom line is that CD knows that Trump wants someone who will share his values (and CD doesn’t like to admit that people like Trump do share his values on most things), it is another blatant example of party over country.
Yes Z…..
The GOPer’s will do just about ANYTHING to get their way while Democrats try an follow the ‘rules’…..
Good Morning All….
There has been a mass shooting incident at a Annopolis , Maryland newspaper office,,,.
Via twitter
Bloomberg Politics
DEVELOPING: Multiple people shot at newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, with witness saying a single gunman fired into the newsroom bloom.bg/2KfD7bP
FOX News is blaming Maxine Waters.
is Maxine Waters a gun nut?
Feed no trolls.
New Open Thread is Here.….
An election is coming up, so Trump will meet Putin in Helsinki. What could possibly go wrong.?
And Trump will praise the dictator, mentioning what a strong leader he is or whatever. Republicans will cheer and CG will criticize Trump by comparing Trump’s actions to something Hillary and/or Obama did. I mean, CG just wants to be fair! It is a shame Trump has to deal with partisans.
Trump just came back from meeting with Kim…
He got NOTHONG….
My guess is that like Bush and Obama he will get NOTHING from Purim
Unlike those two?
Trump has a vested interest in meeting Putin
He has Mueller sitting on info on those interests
And he’s working overtime to beat down those who would try to out those interests and hold him to the standards we common people are held to…
If that’s what happens, I will criticize Trump to a larger extent, as I have been.
That does not mean that Obama (especially) or Hillary were good with Russia. They were not.
There is nothing wrong with Trump going to meet with Putin….
They ALL did…..
As I point out?
Trump has a vested interest in ‘dealing’ with Trump…..
That interest is personal….
To what extent?
Only Mueller and Trump know….
And Putin did NOT want Hillary Clinton as the leader of America
Well, he didn’t want Mitt Romney either.
He, he
Neither did Repupublins
Based on what?
Romney fared much better in the primaries than Trump did and received a higher percentage of Republican votes in the general election than Trump did.
Democrats were the ones who stood with Obama in 2012 in large numbers and then enough of them went for Trump four years later.
Plus, Romney received a larger percent of the vote in November overall than Trump did.
The 2016 Republican Presidential nomination choice was Donald Trump
Not mittt Romney….
Hillary got More votes than Trump and he’s President….
Not where it counts most she didn’t.
Who is more popular with Republicans today–Romney or Trump?
Romney would be more popular among all American is my guess. The way it should be.
Not what I asked.
That is an interesting category
Yes. CG is correct that Romney is more popular among Dems.