The same feeling those protestors had where responsible for an upset win for a high ranking Democratic House member and a ‘suggestion’ by the House that Government stop its separation of family members at the border in the spotlight….
Other protests have sprung up against offices of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)….
More mass protests are scheduled to occur around the country….
Capitol Police arrested nearly 600 people Thursday after hundreds of loudly chanting women demonstrated inside a Senate office building against President Donald Trump’s treatment of migrant families. Among them were a Washington state congresswoman, the lawmaker said on Twitter.
The protests came as demonstrations occurred around the country over the Trump administration’s policy of separating immigrant families. They offered a glimpse of what might happen on Saturday when rallies are planned coast to coast.
Amid unrelenting daily images of distraught immigrant children separated from parents and herded into fenced enclosures, women sat on the floor of the Senate Hart Office building’s 90-foot-high atrium. Seated around Alexander Calder’s black metallic “Mountain and Clouds” sculpture, they shouted slogans and cheered for a handful of fist-pumping lawmakers — all Democrats — who waded into the crowd.
“What do we want? Free families!” and “This is what democracy looks like” were among their cries. The women sat in the Hart Office Building’s 90-foot high atrium.
Many wore foil blankets similar to those given to migrants housed at U.S. detention facilities….
Dozens of federal officers descended on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in southwest Portland, arresting a least one demonstrator at gunpoint in their efforts to contain a days-long protest aimed at abolishing ICE.
Photos taken at the scene show Department of Homeland Security officers, many of them donning riot gear, surrounding the cardboard campsite that has sprung up near the building on Southwest Macadam Ave. The U.S. Attorney’s Office confirmed in a statement early Thursday that it had “initiated law enforcement action” to reopen the ICE offices around 5:30 a.m….
One of the reasons I wouldn’t vote for NY Senator Gillibrand….
The idiot wants to get rid of ICE……
The agency is only doing what it is told to do….
There IS a need for its services….
The idea of getting rid of the agency is stupid and pandering…..
Getting rid of ICE is an idea that a *whole* bunch of Democrats are running on now. Look at Ms. Cortez-Ocasio in NYC. (“No ICE. No Wall. No Borders at All.” )It’s going to be increasing. (I agree with his assessment by the way)
That will be a position though held by several 2020 Democrat Presidential candidates. If one of them wins, and cannot even get james to vote for them for that reason, it’s going to be rough waters for the Dems.
I wasn’t gonna vote for Gillibrand from the jump…..
The incoming NY House Rep isn’t in my district….
How about Cynthia Nixon for Governor who calls ICE a “terrorist organization?”
Cynthia Nixon will not be a Democratic nominee
However aoneone who is a Republican nominee and current GOP Congressman Steve King retweets neo-Nazis and refuses to apologize
Anything to say about that?
Yeah, I wouldn’t vote for King.
I assume none of you would vote for Nixon.
Nixon won’t get my vote CG…..
Shocking that you think this is bad news for the Democrats. Didn’t see that coming.
Do you think calls for the abolition of ICE and the elimination of borders in general would be a boon for Democrats?
Do you support those things?
Do you support the continuingTrump/ Republican attacks on the FBI?
No, I don’t. But I think you already knew that.
And Scott doesn’t support “the abolition of ICE and the eliminated nation of borders in general”and ,of course, you knew that.
Why don’t you quit playing these silly little dumbass games?
I even said, “I assume” he didn’t associate himself with Nixon’s remarks.
I do not know for sure he doesn’t agree with Gillibrand on ICE though. He’d have to answer for himself. He did seem to scoff at my idea that the idea would be an unpopular one for Democrats.
Well Trump aka “scum” couldn’t get a self proclaimed “Republican through and through” like you to vote for him and he won.
The Democrats may or may not win next time ,but they will likely survive without the vote of the clownish James.Heck he might vote for Trump,seeing as how he concurs with you that Trump May be a “secret Democrat.”
Why the other day, after months of proclaiming that Joe Biden would be the best nominee for the Democrats, he agreed with a post of yours that Biden had little chance at the nomination.
He says all kinds of stuff.
I don’t think james will vote for Trump, but if the Dems lose people like that, it is significant.
The Republicans losing people like me under Trump should have been significant. The Democrats should have easily won, but alas, you guys blew it, and the events of this past week show that you are on a horrifically bad path towards being able to win again.
I think I might understand the point james was making if he said that Biden is the best person to be President in his view, but he probably can’t get nominated.
That’s how I felt about Jeb Bush the last time.
You’re looking for logical c from James?
That’s hilarious.
He’s not totally incapable of it at all times. If you thought he was a complete invalid, you wouldn’t bother to try to convince him of your views as often as you do.
No I think he is an illogical person who simply sits around banging away at a keyboard.His “beliefs” are whatever strikes him at the moment in time he is typing it.
I’m not trying to convince him of anything.Im just pointing out his continuing contradictions.
I don’t regard him as a serious person at all and have consciously cut down on my communications with him.
Like I say he seems to be the only person here that agrees with you about Trump.
The thousands of people who visit the site daily but are afraid to post might agree with me too.
Ah yes,
The “thousands.”
Newt Gingrich agrees with me.
I saw a quote of him saying that Trump is not a conservative but he is the most “effective fighter of liberalism” (or something to that effect) in his lifetime, and to Newt, that’s what matters most.
He may have a point. Trump, as has been bragged about by his allies, brings out the worst in his enemies and then uses that to defeat them. Everyone who is anti-Trump needs to get smarter.
You got things wrong on Biden Jack….
I DO believe that Joe Biden IS the BEST hope for Democrats and that his chances of getting the nomination are pretty darn good….
I have ALSO repeated over and OVER that ole Joe Biden is and has been leading the early polling for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nom nomination….
In addition?
Biden currently BEATS Trump among Democrats by a wider margin that any other Democrat and that interloper Sanders….
I got nothing “wrong.”
Under the post “Rep. Crowley loss in NYC Is gonna be the media story…”June 26
CG@10:50 pm,”…This is also another sign that someone like Joe Biden stands very little chance of surviving a primary process in today’s Democrat Party ,if he were to run.”
You@11:55,”Darn CG…You’re on a roll,…I agree with your 10:50 pm.
We all know of your problem with reading comprehension but how you couldn’t understand CGs point is beyond me.
The only other explanation is that ,as I said earlier,your comments are illogical and meaningless and only reflect your thoughts at the moment you were punching your keyboard and are subject to total contradiction at any given time.
I really don’t care much about your silliness but please refrain from declaring me “wrong” when you have been nailed by your own words.
My comments are NOT inconsistent
I have said repeatedly that Biden WOULD BE the BEST choice for the party and country
I still believe THAT….
Will he have a hard time ?
You betcha
The media keeps pushing for the party to move to the hard left and keep Trump and GOPer’s in office
I posted a twitter comment that points to the fact that hard lefties seldom win primaries and elections
But for the Hundredth time!
Ole’ Joe Biden LEADS the polling for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination
I have stated why
But u usually skip over what u don’t want see….
It’s fine
It’s part of the way things go here
Four years ago Chris Christie and Marco Rubio were at the top of the polls.
For Biden, it’s name recognition. If he were to actually run, which is a big if, he is going to have a lot working against him in a crowded field.
Saying that he could theoretically be toughest for Trump to beat is an entirely different matter. I am sure it is one his supporters would push.
I just posted a poll that HAS Biden beating Trump by the BIGGEST margin of all the people on Democratic side now….
It’s no guarantee…..
But right NOW…
He’s the ACTUAL front runner….
I keep repeating…
The media wants a hard Democratic lefty….
I believe than will NOT get them back the White House…
Oh and Trump didn’t have name recognitition?
Nobody should be considered a “front-runner” this early, especially when it is far from clear he has any intention of running.
I have him as #1….
My choice….
(Also the polls)
If Sanders led the poll’s the media would be going batshit crazy…
Of course he’s the front runner….
Gillebrand says that ICE provides some valuable devices, but it should be redesigned under a different agency. I don’t see why you find that offensive.
It’s a Republican talking point.
I do not know what specifically Gillibrand has said on this, but in the past week, a significant number of Democrats, including current House members have called for the outright abolishment of ICE. It is certainly the policy proposed by the political star of the week from NYC.