Not surprise for those who know the fact that American President’s have almost exclusive control over immigration matters that Congress lets them have…
Trump will be strutting his stuff on this, which is dark day for America and the court…
The court ruled 5-4….
The Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s most recent travel ban today in a 5-4 decision, ruling that it falls within the president’s traditional power to control immigration policy.
The big picture: The travel ban was the first big policy announcement, touching off first big policy-specific round of protests, and the first big legal challenge of the Trump administration. Now the high court has reaffirmed Trump’s authority right in the midst of yet another uproar over yet another immigration crackdown.
…in their own fiery dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said the court is deeply wrong to ignore the anti-Muslim statements from Trump and other administration officials when evaluating the travel ban.“A reasonable observer would conclude that the Proclamation was motivated by anti-Muslim animus,” they wrote, even if the executive order “masquerades behind a façade of national-security concerns.”
Though the policy before the court was the third and final version of the travel ban —significantly watered down since it was first put into place and subject to a barrage of legal challenges — the dissenting justices said the neutral policies put in place to select countries to go on the ban list did not override Trump’s original intent.
“This repackaging does little to cleanse Presidential Proclamation No. 9645 of the appearance of discrimination that the President’s words have created,” they write.
The dissenting justices also accused their conservative colleagues of hypocrisy, citing their recent ruling in the case of a Colorado baker who refused service to a gay couple. That case hinged on statements by members of Colorado Civil Rights Commission that showed animus toward the baker’s religious beliefs, which the court said tainted the Commission’s otherwise permissible ruling against the baker.
“Notably, the Court recently found less pervasive official expressions of hostility and the failure to disavow them to be constitutionally significant,” Sotomayor wrote. “It should find the same here.”
Provocatively, Ginsberg and Sotomayor also compared their colleagues’ travel ban ruling to the Supreme Court’s infamous 1944 decision upholding President Roosevelt’s Japanese-American internment camps. “As here, the Government invoked an ill-defined national security threat to justify an exclusionary policy of sweeping proportion,” they wrote….
Make no mistake….
The court just said that Donald Trump CAN stand up and say I do NOT like
Therefore I BAN all people coming form Israel from coming into the United States…
Trump’s comments as reason for his actions does NOT count for 5 judges sitting on the nations high court…
This was a BAD call….
Bad policy does not equal unconstitutional.
Yes, perhaps technically he could ban immigration from Israel. We certainly know from our history how FDR refused to receive boatloads of Jewish refugees form Nazi Europe.
These are important distinctions for people to understand about our system of government.
THAT is the point I make and 4 of the 9 justices make….
Trump’s STATED reason for the ban was ORGINALLY based on RELIGION…
The court’s 5 went out their way to disregard that…
Gorsuch has done what he was politically picked to do…..
CNN just showed a picture of McConnell shaking Gorsuch’s hand….
And Democrats are worried about comments from Rep. Waters or eateries telling Trump people go someplace else?
They watered down the original ban. What was done was constitutional, even if bad policy or even immoral. It’s up to Congress to correct it.
Yes, elections have consequences. Trump keeping his word to conservatives and nominating Gorsuch certainly validates his election in the eyes of many who see these 5-4 decisions and might otherwise dislike Trump.
Personally, I feel Trump is scum, doing immense damage to the country institutionally, and that should outweigh everything else, but the issue of the judiciary is one that he has in his favor among people who are trained to only look at their own self-interest, and with the left acted as unhinged as they have recently (Maxine Waters, etc), it is getting less likely not more that Trump can be defeated in a traditional two-way Presidential election.
I think there had been the expectation that the Court would rule maybe 7-2 or 6-3 in favor of Trump on this, but instead it was 5-4.
I disagree on vote guesses..
5-4 isn’t a surprise….
This is MUCH closer than i’d Think it was seen to have come down…
And the decent is strong….
Kennedy is almost apologetically stating his case…
I agree with most of what you have said on this CG….
So because of what Maxine Waters said yesterday there will be a viable third-party candidacy in 2020.?
If anything I think third parties might have temoorarily created in 2016 taking 6 ish peecent of the national vote. If Republicans and conservatives stick with Trump and Democrars and liberals don’t want to see a repeat if 2016 and vote more solidly Democrat where does a third party candidacy come from?
Should say temporarily crested in 2016.
That’s not what I said, but I have believed for a long time there should be a third option.
Theoretically, the vote would come from both sides. We have seen this happen before, resulting in the elections of Governors for instance.
For now, Democrats will remain convinced that beating Trump with one of their own will be a piece of cake. That will be quite a gamble though.
So the should all vote for aRepublican ?
That’s funny.
You won’t be laughing if Trump gets reelected.
and no, needless to say, you would be voting for an “Independent.” Democrats would be a big part of the process and have a lot to gain. It’s not dissimilar to the Union ticket that elected Abraham Lincoln in 1864.
It’s a nearly 100 percent foolproof plan of defeating Trump, but I realize that defeating Trump, in and of itself, is not as important as other matters.
Who s this “independent?”
Not Kasich.
He openly proclaims himself to be a Republican.
Kasich is just one possibility and I am pretty sure he will dramatically declare himself an Independent sometime after the midterm.
You guys got any other names who might be able to get enough moderate and conservative votes to ensure that Trump loses?
I have said before your best bet would be to nominate Oprah. She might be the only Democrat that can beat him.
And Kasich has been and will continue to move to the left, which doesn’t necessarily make me happy, but I understand it is what he has to do under these circumstances.
Are we now going to be subjected to the “third option” discussion for foreseeable future. The “real” Republican’s wet dream of what could have been/and could be, if only a viable third option was available.
Even George Will says the only alternative is to vote Democratic to vote the racist scum out of office. But, let’s all have another endless discussion of how John Kasich will ride to the rescue, and in the meantime the Republicans should maintain their majority in Congress so they can all personally perform verbal fellatio on Trump daily. Yep, that will save democracy.
Can’t we all just go back to blaming Harry Reid?
For you guys, *if* Trump wins another term, he will still be disliked by many and you can still fundraise off of him and maybe have another really good midterm in 2022 but he will still be in office, still doing structural damage to the country and the world, and the tribalism will continue and be just fine for those on both sides of the war who want it to continue because a hopelessly divided country suits them just fine as long as they can look around and see their own allies.
More wishcasting on your part.
There is absolutely no evidence to support anything you are saying about Kasich.
All this,every bit of it ,is because you remain in denial about what has happened to the Republican Party.
You are ignoring all the developments about Kasich and public statements and interviews he has given, increasingly so in recent months.
I understand that very few people, outside of political junkies, engage in that kind of active observation, so I guess you would be included among them.
Every move that Kasich has made since the last election has telegraphed an Independent bid in 2020.
and jack , you used to say that you hoped Kasich would run as an Independent because it would make it easier for the Democrat to beat Trump.
I notice you don’t say that anymore because there is a real possibility that he would split enough anti-Trump votes to help Trump. That is something for people to consider too, but if the Democrats continue on the direction they are in, it won’t really be anything for us to feel bad about.
The truth is probably somewhere in between as to who he might “hurt.”
So Corey, will you vote for the Democratic Candidate for Congress in your district this November like George Will urges you to, to curb Trump’s power?
Or are you putting your Republican eggs in the Kasich basket for 2020.
It would, by your own admission, be the first time you voted for a Democrat for State or Federal office. Right?
The Democrat candidate in my district is an incumbent who already is going to win easily in a solidly Democrat district.. His opponent is an Uber driver (not that there is anything wrong with that.) Depending on what I find out about the Republican nominee’s views on Trump, I may leave that race blank, but the incumbent Congressman is too liberal for me to vote for, considering how safe he already is.
I’d have no hesitation in voting for your old associate Mr. Lipinksi if I lived in District 3 though. He and I already agree on most social and foreign policy issues.
I live just outside the borders of IL 10, where the incumbent is Democrat Brad Schneider who always has competitive races.
He is *far* more liberal than I, but since his opponent is a Trump supporter this time, I would probably vote for Schneider if I voted in that district. Despite my plethora of disagreements with Schneider, he did oppose Obama’s Iran Deal and that is a litmus test for me.
So, a lot of words to say, once again, you won’t be voting against the Trump Administration this November, because you won’t be voting for a Democrat.
Donald thanks you.
Yes, that’s his theory.
Of course, Waters comments were rightly condemned by leading Democrats.
Would that leading Republicans would do the same with their party leader ,but they’re just a bunch of cowards.Scared of the Republican rabble.
Fact is CG will take any comment he doesn’t like by any Democrat and proclaim that it is a harbinger of certain Democratic defeat.
Nothing new here,Just more of the same.
I don’t know where I said anything about “certain” defeat or even likely defeat.
But Waters’ comments and other instances like it will be used by Trump to his team’s advantage and you all completely realize that.
And Trumps daily tirades spewing unvarnished hate,venom and lies will be used against him.
You completely realize that.
However, daily, after your obligatory blast at Trump( today he is “ scum”. ), is then followed by a mishmash of off the wall “ reasoning” of how anything Democrats do or say only “ helps” him.
If your point is that the Republican Party has sunk so low that all they have left is their hatred of Democrats and ,thus ,they are now reduced to supporting “scum” as you call it?
Well I can agree with that.
Everyone has tried to use that stuff against him for over three years now.
I thought Republicans would beat him. I thought Democrats would easily beat him. I thought his approval number would be less than 30 percent now.
It isn’t happening. His people are loyal. He continues to define the debate on his terms. He continues to get the best out of anyone who challenges him politically. It sucks for all of us but it is what it is.
Putting one’s head in the sand and assuming that Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris or whomever are going to just swat him away with no problem doesn’t seem to make much sense.
“His people” are of course,primarily Republican ,among whom his approval rating is approaching 90%.
Your continuing effort to act as if Trump is leader some broad based coalition is pure wishcasting on your part and part and parcel of your being in denial that you are part of the Trump Party while personally disdain of its present leader.
Trump won the first time and if he wins again, it will be because of voters in swing states who voted Democrat for President before he came along.
His approval ratings among long-term Republicans as they feel they have to stand by him for the “team” is a secondary matter, but yes, Trump is *more* popular with Republicans than he was on Election Day 2016 and would get more of their votes, maybe a lot more, the second time.
Those who wish to deny Trump another electoral win cannot afford to write off potential allies.
His support goes far beyond traditional Republicans, but yes, people do not think character matters. They think the economy matters and “beating” the other side matters. It was like that in the 90s too but the polarization has gotten even worse.
No,not “far.”
His base remains firmly entrenched within the Republican Party.
I would really like to see some statistical evidence of this claim. Jack is right, he has 90% approval within the Republican electorate. And, I would suspect many of those approving “Independents” are Republicans too ashamed to tell the pollster of their true party affiliation. His approval among Democrats is 7%.
He owns the Republican Party, and with today’s Supreme Court ruling and his anti-immigration actions, he will own them until he leaves office.
Trump is the new Reagan.
If Trump is truly the “new Reagan” you guys are in for a rude awakening in the next Presidential election, and probably the one after that too.
Be careful what you proclaim.
So are you.
There goes “your” Republican Party.It will be fully “Trumpized.”
You can either leave it or join the “scum.”
In regards to the theory that “Democrats need to win to be a check on Trump”, I actually think Democrats winning will only help him politically.
As much pleasure as I would get out of him being removed from office by Constitutional methods, we can all agree that the votes in the Senate minus some absolutely dramatic development, will never be there.
So, if the Democrats take control of the House, they will impeach Trump, it will be a huge story, he will win overwhelmingly in the Senate, and the Democrats will look like fools, and he only gets more powerful and stronger for 2020.
I suppose it is also possible that he could move significantly to the left if the Democrats win Congress, in order to “cut deals” with Chuck and Nancy (or whomever replaces Nancy) and I wouldn’t like that either. He is already too far to the left on some issues.
Trump STILL has to get past Mueller’s throwdown which as I thought is gonna take a while….
Those who think he will come out unscathed I believe are wrong.
If he is still in office for the 2020 primaries and bloodied politically ther could be primary challenges …
I do NOT believe Trump is immune to any challange just because to schemed out an Electoral victory that even he didn’t think possible….
Like blood in water?
If Trump is wounded by Mueller?
His supporters may be for him on the shore
But he might not make it anyways
When james persists in not voting for Kirsten Gillibrand in his state this November, you can include him among those who are in cahoots with Trump.
Focus on him first.
I will NOT vote for Gillibrand like I haven’t before
I will not vote a Republican against hete
THAT has nothing to do with Trump….
I need to get going, and Jack may not see this since he may be gone for the day too.
But, I want to share a conversation that I had with my great uncle, now residing in a nursing home outside of Paris at 100 plus years. He’s the one my older brother and I had to retrieve from his home in Crimea when Putin marched in, and he’s the one that provided me with an oral history of our family (especially the German side that was wiped out by the Nazis).
He reminded me of how the Jewish leadership thought they could appease Hitler when he was coming to power and that they should act respectfully even in the face of daily insults and threats. They warned the leaders of the community to be quiet in the face of outrageous lies and hostile acts (like we see in America today).
Our recent trip to Europe made it clear that our allies there are concerned by the rise in totalitarianism here in this country, and John’s older cousins in England say Trump sounds just like Hitler.
Their perspective is enlightening and scary. So, Maxine Waters says we should speak out when we see a Trumper from the Administration. And, that of course, is supposed to be bad for the Democratic Party. I say bullshit.
If I had worked at the Red Hen Restaurant I would have gladly invited Sarah to have dinner. Then I would have pissed in her soup.
Since the Republicans are not speaking up, and putting their Party before their Country, it is incumbent on the average citizen to show outrage.
If the Jews, gypsies, and gays of Germany had fought back, more would have survived. Or at least they would have gone down trying.
Unfortunately, the Republican brand sickness runs deep with some people.
and this is why Keith is not a decent person, but we already knew that.
Nazi comparisons of course cheapen the legitimate opposition to what might be going on today, but Keith called Mitt Romney and George W. Bush Nazis too, so that is par for the course.
Maxine Waters’ suggestion of accosting people at gas stations in mob formations is not a path for victory for any party and sure not a way to be a good citizen of any country.
God Bless him
Democrats need to fight with EVERY bit of their voices
No violence
But it is MOT enough For some to let Trump’s lies and view of world go unchallenged
Candidates can address where Democrats should be going
But people need to express their distate with Trump & Co.
So yesterday after I left for dinner, when does Corey ever find time to work, our friend referred to me as “not a decent man.”
I shall wear that description as a badge of honor!
If not being decent means opposing Trump, not simply making snarky remarks about him, but then supporting his Administration’s right wing policies — then yes, I accept that label. Gladly.
Because I believe that it’s time we all worked in any way we can to fight back against this Administration. These are not normal times, and they require us all to do things outside of our comfort zone. Things that might include confronting folks that work for this Administration and telling them what we think of their policies.
Corey and his Republicans think that civility is a one way street, but their complaints about folks like Maxine Waters are really a hypocritical farce and more than just a little bit racist.
Civility isn’t a one way street, only leading to the Democrat’s door — especially a black woman Democrat. We have never had such an uncivil President in the White House since Andrew Jackson resided there.
No, this Republican President began his political career impugning the citizenship of our first black President. Even though he knew what he was saying was a lie.
He has mocked reporters, making fun of a disabled male reporter and the menstrual cycles of a women reporter, and attacked our First Amendment rights.
He lies almost every morning on his twitter feed, and not just little white lies, but big provable lies that usually involve personal attack.
He has encouraged violence against demonstrators any number of times.
He’s has ignored the plight of people of color in Puerto Rico and Flint (some of our most disenfranchised citizens). But speaks highly of dictator strong men from Russia, the Philippines, and North Korea (who have all played him for a fool).
But somehow, Maxine Waters needs to be civil in her response to these outrages (the National Review told me so).
Yes Maxine needs to shut up, while Sarah Sanders is free to stuff her fat face wherever she chooses without protest, and the Nazi sympathizers that work in the White House are free to spew a little more of their hate without complaint or contradiction.
Nope, those Democrats need to fight this all with one hand tied behind their backs. Because it would be uncivil to do anything less. Why, because Corey and the Republicans say so.
I used the word Nazi yesterday and that was met with the usual accusation of hyperbole on my part. But let’s examine that shall we?
The Anne Frank Center has outlined many parallels between Hitler’s Nazi regime and our Republican Administration. They fear Trump is escalating oppression and his recent “rally” with victims of immigrant crime is reminiscent of the Nazi rallies with the victims of Jewish crime in Germany is a clear example of this escalation. And, the Nationwide rise of both anti-Semitic and racist acts is another.
“There are many fine people on both sides,” that was Donald Trump’s response when a young Republican killed a woman in Virginia with his car in the aftermath of a Nazi rally. And he never could bring himself to denounce those self-identified Nazis by name now could he, and neither could anyone in his Administration.
And all of this is enabled by our Republican Congress. They continue to turn a blind eye even as this Administration separates small children from their parents. An act one of the head Nazis at the White House Steven Miller said was planned to essentially send a message to people of color not to come to this Country. Tear down the Statute of Liberty now please. And, yes I know Steven Miller has Jewish ancestry, something he obviously forgot long ago, so the label Nazi is very appropriate.
Has the term Nazi been overused, of course it has. But, it might be a good topic of discussion for everyone to examine the similarities of what Trump is now doing and how he speaks, to what went on in Germany in the 1930s.
And, for the record, I never called George W. Bush or Mitt Romney Nazis. I said, that George Bush was an affable moron who started the wrong war in the wrong place, killing thousands and creating a terrorist organization; and I said Mitt Romney ran a dog whistle racist campaign that anyone who had any knowledge of politics should recognize and not support.
And therein lies the difference. Trump simply put the dog whistle down and picked up a bull horn. And the Republicans say nothing. Party over Country.
Amen Keith….
Democrats DO need to fight fire with FIRE…
Being quiet will get them a line on the back page of the local newspaper….
Anybody who advocates pissing in someone’s soup (not even Pea Soup) as Keith has or rounding up a mob to harass people at gas stations as Maxine Waters suggested is as much of a part of the problem facing America today as Donald Trump and deserves to lose as much as he does.
Waters HAS the RIGHT to express her displeasure with whoever she wants just like Trump….
God Bless her
And she should keep speaking out like her President
Republicans look to Test down ANY. Democratic woman who speaks up
I’m sure the Texan feels the same way about you as Waters does about Trump.
Since you do not seem to care that she is way over the top in what she advocates in terms of decorum or legality, I suppose the Texan should be allowed to continue protesting you however he sees fit.
Elections HAVE consequences…..
Trump has already shown fairly clearly that he’s apparently incapable of cutting a real deal that doesn’t give him at least 90% of what he wants plus bragging rights.
This, of course, presents the other side with the choice of either total rejection of the proposed deal (which allows Trump to blame them rather than his own intransigence) or near-total surrender tempered by a few nominal concessions (even Robert E. Lee was able to get Grant to allow his cavalry troopers to take their horses back to the farm; even the Japanese got to keep their Emperor).
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schmer (or their successors) are perfectly capable of cutting a genuine deal, but not the kind that Trump finds acceptable.
See the story by Peter Baker — who’s written Days of Fire, a master history of the Bush-Cheney presidency — in The New York Times:
President Trump, Deal Maker? Not So Fast
By Peter Baker
June 22, 2018
WASHINGTON — President Trump likes nothing more than presenting himself as the ultimate deal maker, the master negotiator who can translate his success in business into the worlds of politics, policy and diplomacy. “That’s what I do, is deals,” he said one day last month.
Except that so far he has not. As he threw in the towel on immigration legislation on Friday, saying that Republicans should give up even trying until after the fall midterm elections, Mr. Trump once again fell short of his promise to make “beautiful” deals that no other president could make.
His 17 months in office have in fact been an exercise in futility for the art-of-the-deal president. No deal on immigration. No deal on health care. No deal on gun control. No deal on spending cuts. No deal on Nafta. No deal on China trade. No deal on steel and aluminum imports. No deal on Middle East peace. No deal on the Qatar blockade. No deal on Syria. No deal on Russia. No deal on Iran. No deal on climate change. No deal on Pacific trade.
Even routine deals sometimes elude Mr. Trump, or he chooses to blow them up. After a Group of 7 summit meeting this month with the world’s leading economic powers, Mr. Trump, expressing pique at Canada’s prime minister, refused to sign the carefully negotiated communiqué that his own team had agreed to. It was the sort of boilerplate agreement that every previous president had made over four decades….
He seemingly gave Kim Jong Un a deal for nothing in return. He just wants the photo-op.
Good get DSD….
As in the past?
Most of the things Trump touches turn to shit….
New polls out of Arizona show Democrat Kristin Sinema with double digit leads over both McSally and Ward.
I wonder if she should realize Democrats can’t win and get behind an “independent” candidate who doesn’t yet exist because Democrats can’t beat Trump Republicans in a two way race?
You already know the fallacy of that.
Sinema would have a very good chance of beating Arpaio or Ward. Against McSally, probably not as great. We all know Democrats have an abysmal record in Arizona Senate races over the past generation plus, so they will need something different to happen.
Actually Sinema lleads McSally by the same amount she leads Ward. Of course she blows Arpaio out of the water. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see him win the primary.
The same poll showed him at 21% in the GOP primary while McSally and Ward are at 30 and 28% respectively.