The North Korean media is fronting the below picture which does seem to show an American President saluting a high ranking North Korean military person….
North Korean state media early Tuesday broadcast its first video of President Trump‘s historic summit with Kim Jong Un, including footage of Trump saluting a North Korean officer.
In parts of the lengthy, 42-minute long video from North Korea’s KCTV news channel, Kim can be seen shaking Trump’s hand before the president turns to shake the hand of a North Korean officer standing next to Kim. The officer, confused, salutes Trump instead, prompting the president to salute back.
U.S. presidents generally salute U.S. service members, but do not salute members of other nation’s militaries…
NOT a good look Mr. President….
I doubt he would be the only President to make that mistake, if someone in uniform saluted him first, just out of reflex.
The North Korean soldier did NOT salute Trump – even after Trump saluted him.
I am wrong – I just watched the video again
If u like or humor Trump?
U got him
The video shows the North Korean general saluted Trump first. This was likely done on purpose in order to get Trump to return the gesture, so that North Korean media can use it for propaganda purposes.
Trump shouldn’t have done it but it can be chalked up as an honest mistake that many other people would have also done. The bigger issue is how he is willing to bend over backwards to excuse North Korea now for anything.
It looks like shit CG…..
Military guys should be annoyed
This salute thing is the least thing we should be worried about. Obama would have almost certainly done the exact same thing and right-wingers would be as unfair about it as you are now.
Attacking Trump for this only detracts from the far more legitimate things there are to criticize.
I’m sure FOX News will be all over thos like they were with Obama reflexively bowing.
Presidents do not typically bow, so it that might have been more obvious of a faux pas than this, but no, it was not a sign of anything “sinister” regarding Obama.
Yep, the GOP/FOX News response.