The Trump admin has border crossing a crime….
They have now siad the bible supports them taking children from their ‘criminal’ parents….
America now holds those seeking the American dream in interment camps for however long….
The child in the image below does NOT deserve this from our America….
The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border — taking children from their parents, arresting the parents, and taking the kids into custody — sounds almost too cruel to be real. But the separations are, in fact, real, and new data reported by the Associated Press shows just how many children have been separated from their parents.
The AP acquired internal Department of Homeland Security data on the program, covering the period of April 19 to May 31. Over that time span, 1,995 children were taken from their migrant parents at the border. That’s an average of roughly 48 kids separated from their families per day, often sent into foster homes or held in detention centers.
This might actually be an undercount. On a call with reporters Friday, DHS officials said this number reflects only the families that have been separated when parents were sent into criminal custody to be prosecuted for illegal entry. Some families presented themselves for asylum legally by coming to a port of entry — an official border crossing — and were then separated; they weren’t included in the AP figures.
If you want to understand the technical hows and the whys of this policy, I recommend my colleague Dara Lind’s excellent explainer. But what I can’t really wrap my head around is the cruelty of it all….
President Donald Trump is refusing to take ownership of an immigration policy that is separating children from parents who are arrested for illegally crossing the border. His supporters in Congress are helping him with that evasion.
Trump has repeatedly tried to pin blame on Democrats, saying they passed a law that is forcing the families apart. No such law exists….
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan said Thursday he opposes the new Trump administration “zero-tolerance” policy of forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.
Ryan said Congress should address the issue with legislation, and a draft of a compromise immigration bill that circulated on Capitol Hill late Thursday would end the practice of dividing families detained at the border.
But Ryan offered no guarantees that the House will pass a bill that ends a policy that has drawn widespread criticism from lawmakers, human rights groups and U.S. Catholic bishops.
“We don’t want kids to be separated from their parents,” Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told reporters….
image…John Moore /Getty
White House adviser Stephen Miller was the driving force behind President Trump’s decision to enforce the family separation policy at U.S. borders, the New York Times reports.
Unlike Trump, who has claimed to hate the practice, Miller said it was a “simple decision.”
Saim Miller: “No nation can have the policy that whole classes of people are immune from immigration law or enforcement… The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law.”…
via twitter….
Jim Sciutto
“Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores..These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II” Laura Bush in @WaPo on policy of #FamilySeparation