Just about EVERYBODY has cautioned him to stay in the deal Sec of State John Kerry made in the President Obama admin…..
Congress made it so the American President had to certify that the Iranians where sticking to the terms of the nuclear limitation agreement every 90 days….They expected Hillary Clinton, a Democrat to be President….
That did NOT happen….
Trump has called the deal all sorts of names and promised NOT to continue it….
This is typical Trump …..
Attack a past deal in his effort to get a new one he can call his own…..
We’ll see later today what he does….
The Iranians have warned Trump to NOT break the deal…..
My guess is the guy figures out a way to keep it but make it seem like he isn’t…..
Trump’s announcement is due at 2:00 PM but word is leaking he will keep sanctions but not sign off….
This is what I expected…
It essentially a deal move that looks one way but does little to change things….
We’ll see at 2 PM
President Trump told President Emmanuel Macron of France on Tuesday morning that he plans to announce the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, according to a person briefed on the conversation who spoke with The New York Times.
Trump’s decision unravels the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, isolating the US among its allies and leaving it at even greater odds with its adversaries in dealing with the Iranians.
The US is preparing to reinstate all sanctions it had waived as part of the nuclear accord and impose additional economic penalties, the person said.
To read the full story, visit: https://www.BostonGlobe.com.
I want to see what happens to Boeing’s multi billion dollar deal to sell keys to Iran…
Will their workers get screwed like the Carrier and Ford ones that Trump promised would have jobs?
Maybe they will be able to join the farmers that go broke from Trump’s tariff adventure?
Let Trump & Co keep screwing ya!
I need to clarify my comment
He will bring back sanctions….
They should take a bit to kick in
Congress can change this up…
But it will take some balls I do NOT THINK THEY HAVE….
They gave rhe 90 day certify bs..
So they CAN change the terms
This IS Trump wanting to say he got a better deal than Obama
We’ll see what the Iranians do
Bear in mind ?
The EU and China are NOT giving in on trade fee’s
TPP has been signed with Trump
NAFTA seems to be going nowhere
And American companies like Carrier and Ford are STILL sending jobs to Mexico
Trump’s biggest ‘deal’ is the tax giveaway to his rich buddies that his fellow GOP lawmakers ain’t even mentioning these days…
We’ll see how much North Korea wants that Trump will be able give
The guy sucks at deal making…
Trump announces exactly what I thought
Now we’ll see how Iran responds
What do you want Iran to do?
Do you want them to say bad things about Trump so anti-Trump Americans can cheer them on? It’s a little bit more serious than that.
This deal struck by Obama was one of the worst things to ever happen. It was horrible beyond belief and nobody should shy away from pointing that out. At this point though, with the “damage already done”, I really do not know what the U.S. can most appropriate and most effectively do to deal with the underlying concern that Iran not be able to build a nuclear weapon.
The time to stop this was before Trump was President, not now. At this point, America has to be prepared for all options if as most expect, Iran will cheat and continue it’s nuclear program.
CG admits that he sees no other way to stop Iran’s nuclear weapons development. If he thinks the JCPOA is so unimaginably awful, he has to propose something sure of a massive regional war whose first, chief and most-decisive losers would be the people of Israel and Palestine.
Were I a patriotic Iranian of any political persuasion, no matter how democratic, liberty-loving, pacific and internationalist, I can’t see how I would NOT want the protection of either a nuclear weapon or iron-clad security guarantees, Look where Iran lies, between the already-nuclear armies or navies of Israel, Pakistan, India, China, Russia and the United States.
And of course, Prime Minister Rouhani and the relatively (if only relatively) moderate Iranian leaders have been fatally weakened in the face of the Revolutionary Guard, the die-hard theocratic reactionaries and the Ayatollah Khamenei. What can they show, even for their best efforts? —: a delay in protecting their country and essentially no relief from sanctions or improvement in the lives of everyday Iranian people.
¶ Unfortunately, our worst fears of a Trump era are now being realized, now that Trump ha unleashed himself. Tearing up the beneficial parts of NAFTA with little effect on its harmful ones; massive redistribution of wealth, income and benefits upwards; the beginning of a wholesale tearing-up of the post-1932 welfare state and social compact; the reinforcement of the Mass Incarceration strategy against drug abuse; a savage, vindictive war against immigrants and those who need asylum; tolerance of the worst abuses of George W. Bush’s post 9/11 National Security State; giving free rein to the reckless bankers and brokers who destroyed the economy ten years ago; and (beginning with withdrawing from the Paris agreement and proceeding to Pruitt’s EPA and Zinke’s Interior Dept) a wholesale rape of the environment and destruction of workers’ rights and safety.
Though I don’t fully subscribe to others’ equation of DJT=GOP=DJT, almost all of the above is the policy pursued by the Republican Party since the Gingrich Revolution of 1994.
No, I have said I do not know what the answers are now, but I no what Obama did was wrong.
Trump is President now and it is easy to be anti-Trump and say anything he will do is totally wrong and it is easy to be pro-Trump and say anything he will do will be totally right. I cannot say either. I just will hope the world is spared from the horrors that Iran, under its current leadership, would introduce if given a chance.
Ooops!! I meant to write
he has to propose something short of a massive regional war
rather than
he has to propose something sure of a massive regional war
One can never proof-read one’s own work too often or too closely, especially when sleepy.
What I propose is if there is ever evidence they lied and developed the weapons, that the U.S. military take those weapons out. I guess the world will have no choice to be on our side then if the lying by Iran is verified. I hope it never comes to that though.