No American President has made this symbolic move ….
Donald Trump is doing this is crossing a line with Palestinians…
While this is a giving him ‘props’ in Israel?
It is restarting the violence that past American President’s has sought to avoid in the region…..
The United States will delight Israel and infuriate Palestinians today at 9 a.m. ET with the dedication of an interim embassy in Jerusalem, officially marking the move from Tel Aviv.
Why it matters: President Trump’s decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem is a huge milestone in U.S.-Israeli relations. Even if Trump does nothing else until the end of his term regarding Israel, he has already gotten himself into the history books.
The post on the Trump US Embassy move in Israel is here….
Hey CG?
How many other countries recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital….
Donald Trump has probably buried ANY chance of Peace in the region….
The city is the home base for most the planets major regions…..
THAT is part of ALL of this….
This seems to be a straight ‘give’ to Israel….
Israel IS working behind the scene to make inroads to relationships with anti-Iran Arab countries……
Israel picks their capital, just like we pick ours. They are the only opinion that matters.
I am glad the United States recognizes their right to do so however, as every President, of both parties, has previously said they do.
The AmericanPresident’s of BOTH. Parties have held the teconoitin as a playing card against the Israeli’s
Trump has thumbed his finger at the Arabs in his typical ‘I don’t give a fuck’ policy
Obama spend 8 years trying to clean up after Bush II Made a shambel of things
The next Democratic President will have to do
The same …
Across the planet
You can have your opinion and others can have theirs. I do not think you have proven yourself to be an overly serious person.
If you’re looking for a forceful, or even nuanced, response to the Trump administration’s provocation, though, you won’t get it from Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.
“In a long overdue move, we have moved our embassy to Jerusalem,” Schumer said in a statement Monday morning. “Every nation should have the right to choose its capital. I sponsored legislation to do this two decades ago, and I applaud President Trump for doing it.” This is Schumer’s long-held position, though one might have expected a caveat or two on a tragic day partially sparked by an extremely controversial decision…..
Chuck Schumer is right and I doubt Trump would have acted on this unless he was prodded by his old friend Chuck Schumer to do so.
Is there still room for Chuck Schumer and those who share his beliefs in his party?