In a ‘rant’ in front of media people yesterday Trump laid bare his fear of immigrants coming to America….Trump was playing to law enforcement people who support his efforts….There are those who do not want to go as far as Trump…
He has displayed this feelings about this for a while in his constant push for a ‘wall’ to close out some….
In a ban to stop others….
His focus has been on gang members and those who have commit violent crimes, disregarding the millions that have actually been helpful to the American economy and yes…The American way of life…
Added to all o0f this is reports of the Trump admin crack down on means of getting LEGAL immigration entry into this country also…
New reports are that he is shopping around for a new Homeland Security head because the one he has isn’t stopping enough people from coming here….
America has ALWAYS been a place where immigrants could come here to start a new future…..
While the laws and legal rules should be followed by all….
Criminalizing efforts to come here have been accelerated by a Trump admin that seems more cared then the nation was right after 9-11….
As he has in numerous private meetings with his advisers at the White House, Mr. Trump used the session to vent about the nation’s immigration laws, calling them “the dumbest laws on immigration in the world.” He exhorted his administration to “do much better” in keeping out undesirable people, including members of transnational gangs like MS-13.
“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — we’re stopping a lot of them,” Mr. Trump said in the Cabinet Room during an hourlong meeting that reporters were allowed to document. “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.”
Mr. Trump’s heated remarks on immigration, both private and public, appear to have resonated with his advisers, who have been moving to put in place ever-stricter policies in line with the president’s vision. Mr. Sessions said the Department of Justice would be adding immigration judges and prosecuting twice as many immigration cases this year.
“The president has made clear to all of us that we have to do better,” he said. “We are going to do better.”
The attorney general, a former senator who helped to derail previous attempts at revamping immigration laws, also expressed hope that a legislative overhaul could be enacted this year, although Republicans on Capitol Hill have shown little appetite for undertaking one….
Playing in the background is an effort by an increasing group of Republican House members to vote on a bill to lock the DACA program into a law that moves away from Residential control….The GOP Speaker of the House is against the move…But there could be enough votes to override him….There is a thought that a full House vote would see the bill pass and it would certainly pass in the Senate…Trump has in the pass supported the program, but it is anyone’s guess what he might do now if a bill supporting the Dreamer lands on his desk for his signature…More….
Reaction and pushback to Trump’s comments was swift….
President Barack Obama’s former White House photographer Pete Souza on Wednesday shared a photo of zebras on his Instagram page, which has 1.9 million followers, with the caption: “Dear sir: THESE are animals.” Though he did not refer to Trump by name, Souza has in the past criticized the president on Instagram, critiquing his statements and administration.
Trump’s “animals” comment comes about two months after the president reportedly complained about immigrants coming from “shithole countries” during a discussion with lawmakers about a bipartisan immigration deal, which never came into fruition. The comment was directed toward immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries.
The president referred to Mexicans as “rapists,“ “killers” and “murderers” during the 2016 presidential campaign cycle.
Donald Trump Jr. came to his father’s defense Wednesday, saying the president was talking about undocumented immigrants who were part of the gang MS-13….
Clearly, here, his comments, in context, are referring specifically to members of the MS-13 gang and not generally to “immigrants.”
So, as Trump lies and exaggerates, his political enemies lie and exaggerate as well. It’s hard for me to have sympathy for him, since he did in his Presidential announcement refer to illegal (a distinction that can be made from all immigrants again) immigrants from Mexico as “rapists, murderers”, etc (while also allowing that “some I suppose are good people.)
He has himself to blame, but those who wish to oppose Trump on the moral high ground do themselves no favors by deliberately distorting what he said and thus acting in a way that he acts. Dirty hands all around. What a shame for America.
People seem forced to counter him CG….
You simply cannot let him go on stage without coming back at him….
They should do so honestly and on the merits.
But yeah I suppose we can look at what happened to Jeb Bush and others in the Republican field in 2016 who assumed that enough Americans were fair and logical.
In reading the question that Trump responded to, Trump probably was talking about MS-13, but since Trump didn’t use that word or the word “gangs” in his response, and since he made similar unflattering comments in the past about immigrants, it was easy to unintionally take that comment out of context. That doesn’t mean that people who musinterpreted Trump’s comment were lying or exaggerating. they probably just made an unintentional mistake – which is something all of us in innluding you have done on occasion in the past.
Trump HAS made similar remarks about immigrants in response to violent acts done by others found to be illegally in the country…
He has also made disparaging remarks based on the religious background of others…
The comments are pure Trump…
The effort to play them off is ridiculous…
He has said unflattering things about Obama, McCain, Cruz and just about everyone else…
I give him no room on this neither should anyone else….
People KNOW this is him…
STOP trying to justify the guy…
He’s just fucked up…..
“Awful lot of reporters screwed up re: Trump’s “animals” remark. It’s the result of a media climate that feeds on outrage and speed and re-tweets. But it’s also the result of Trump’s own history of using racially-charged language and the total erosion of any benefit of the doubt.”
– Tweet from Tim Alberta, correspondent for The Politico
Yea the media does overact
But yea Trump says what HE FEELS OUT LOUD
Real politicians don’t..This saving themselves having to ‘explian’ whT they said SHOULD mean…
sounds like you are praising Trump.
NYC is now also defending the concept that Robert Mueller is Hitler.
It gets worst?
Mueller does have a FBI protective detail…
They are realy scared on the right, eh?
In what way is Muehler like Hitler?
How is Mueller like Hitler?
I mean Trump seems to not matter that he’s all souped up to dance with leaders that DO have something in common with Hitler…
In the President’s entirely egocentric universe, the Special Counsel’s investigation qualified as
“The Greatest Witch Hunt in American History”,
so maybe that qualifies the former FBI Director as Der Fuehrer.
Some of us living in a different universe can see many better candidates for Greatest Witch Hunt in American History, ranging from the Alien & Sedition Acts and the Anti-Masonic Party to the Palmer Raids, McCarthyism and post-9/11 Islamophobia. But our universe(s) are not the President’s.
This was NYC’s comment to me in defense of another poster repeatedly referring to Mueller as “Fuhrer”
He is using the police tools of THE STATE to go after a sitting President for the crime of WINNING……you know……what JEB!2016 COULD NOT DO.”
I am sure in some quarters that 20 years ago, Ken Starr at least made it to Goebbels status.
Some of us do NOT look at things the same way as NYCmike….
Some of us look at the Mueller probe as a sheriff going after a possible bad guy who somehow got the towns people to let him run the place….
As the sheriff keeps unturning more bad undre the rocks?
The bad guy keeps squirming and even trying to get rid of the lawman on his tail….
In other countries around the world leaders found guilty of crimes are releaved of their duties…Some put in jail…Some worst consequences….
That America should a view that a leader , who is found to be a crook like a common man, can’t be taken out of office is ludicrous….
There are those in the Government of the United States that are working to derail a crominal investigation of the nations leader that may have collided with the Russians to win the Presidency ….
While some people are bored of this….
Some of us look at this as SERIOUS stuff….
Some of us don’t give a shit if they wake up one morning and Donald Trump is turning over the country to Putin…
The most prominent Witch Hunt in American history was the process that cast Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched.
Or maybe Donald J Trump’s efforts to eradicate any NON American citizen from entering this country?
It looks like the “Democrat” from TX snuck in.
I trust people here understand my position on that ‘someone’ who shall NOT return to posting here again…
The guy just is who he is….
….Trump sparked a furor last week after declaring in a meeting on immigration that some people being deported “aren’t people – they’re animals.” The comment came in response to a comment about MS-13, but it was unclear whether Trump was specifically referencing gang members or undocumented immigrants more broadly.
“It’s just something between the White House and the media,” said Rick Tyler, the former communications director for Sen. Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign and an administration critic. “And their base loves it. They love sticking it to the media.”….
In this case, it was clear that he was referring to. MS-13 gang members.
Democrats seem intent on trying to score points against Trump by defending the humanity of the MS-13 gangbangers, and I do not know if that is a winning political battle for them.
As I said last week, I have no sympathy for Trump who is a chronic user of loose language and deceptive tactics, but believe me, his supporters have made notice of the way the media deliberately misrepresented (at first) what he said and it just only fuels their fires about “fake media” and a vendetta against him, and that makes it tougher for any legitimate and more important criticism of Trump to permeate their bubble.
Please refer back to PREVOUS Trump name calling CG…..
What’s the point?
If someone is to be quoted, they should be quoted accurately and not deliberately misrepresented. People can bring up past things he said, but by claiming his specific remarks about MS-13 were about all immigrants, only gives him a political win via the reaction.
After the Fact CG….
Trump thrives on disparaging people CG
It’s what he does
And it has dropped down to his staff now….
So, you are fine with your side lying about him as payback?
MY SIDE?????
Obama birth shit
Cruz’s dad
Going after the Judge in the Trump Univ case
Denying paying Cohen for Daniels payoff
WTF is a LIAR CG????
So, you are going to emulate him as retaliation. When he goes low, you will go lower.
Who is likely to win that kind of tussle politically?
I have seen the effect of NOT answering Trump’s throw downs….
The media keeps playing his shit, which people then begin to believe ….
The media ‘s continual questioning Trump serves to check his version of reality…For some of us at least